Xu Changsheng's eyes lit up, and he strode towards the pure white beast egg.

Then his consciousness transformed into a sharp long knife and cut his wrist.

The bright red blood immediately soaked the beast egg completely.

The strange fluctuations began to spread from the beast egg to the surroundings, and then completely enveloped Xu Changsheng.

In a trance, Xu Changsheng seemed to see his past and present lives.

In the previous life, he was an ordinary person in the workplace, doing nothing.

In this life, he is a genius beast master, looking down on the world and having a great reputation.

One after another, a trace of enlightenment emerged in Xu Changsheng's heart and then disappeared.

I don't know how long it took for him to get out of that mysterious state.

Xu Changsheng was surprised to find that his soul was much purer than before.

If Xu Changsheng's soul was like a snowball rolling down the mountain before, huge but full of various impurities.

Then Xu Changsheng's soul now is a piece of fine steel that has been hammered and forged, pure, perfect and powerful.

Although the size of the soul has not changed much.

But the quality has not only improved several times.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng had a realization: with his current soul strength, he could definitely contract a new beast!

What a terrifying improvement.

You know, every beast that Xu Changsheng contracts now has the qualifications of Haoyue level and the strength of the gold level.

It can be said that these newly contracted beasts can play their own unique role in every battle of Xu Changsheng.

Before, Xu Changsheng used the soul stone to strengthen his soul, so he had one more qualification to contract a beast than people of the same level.

Now, there is one more!

He is only at the platinum level, but the number of contracted beasts can directly catch up with the strongest people at the broken star level.

Moreover, after Xu Changsheng became stronger, he also tried to find soul stones again to strengthen his soul.

But taking soul stones again has little effect on his enhancement. It is difficult to play an important role at all.

He originally thought that his soul was just like this.

Unexpectedly, when he contracted a new beast, he got another surprise.

"It is indeed a beastmaster with the power of destiny."

Xu Changsheng was amazed and looked down at the beastmaster egg that was still hatching. The pure white beastmaster egg was dyed red by Xu Changsheng's blood, with a different kind of weirdness. The beastmaster egg was covered with spider web-like cracks.

The cracks trembled, and life was nurtured in them.

The blood flowed through the cracks and seeped into the beastmaster egg, and the amplitude of the trembling became larger and larger.

""Crack, crack~"

A subtle breaking sound came from under his feet.

Xu Changsheng's eyes were filled with joy, and he waited for the birth of a new life without blinking.

A pure white front leg poked out from the egg of the beast.

Not long after, the appearance of the life-seeking beast was completely revealed in Xu Changsheng's eyes.

It was pure white, with soft and flowing hair. A pair of horns like deer antlers grew on its forehead, adding a bit of spirituality to it.

As soon as it was born, the life-seeking beast quickly ran towards Xu Changsheng, and then pounced and fell into Xu Changsheng's arms.

It made a sweet and innocent cry, which was extremely cute.

""So cute."

Xu Changsheng stroked the body of the life-seeking beast.

The extremely smooth touch made him reluctant to let it go.

According to convention, Xu Changsheng named the life-seeking beast Bai Ze.


Xu Changsheng held Bai Ze and walked towards the mythical blood pool step by step.

Then he gently put Bai Ze into the mythical blood pool.

To his surprise,

Bai Ze climbed out of the pool by himself not long after being put into the mythical blood pool.

The time before and after was not even more than a minute.

If it weren't for the fact that its aura and even appearance had changed a lot.

Xu Changsheng even doubted whether his mythical blood pool would not work on the fate-based beast.

At this time, Bai Ze's hair was longer than before, almost the same length as the hair of a ragdoll cat in his previous life.

Moreover, the hair on its four paws was no longer pure white, but red like fire.

From a distance, Bai Ze seemed to be walking towards Xu Changsheng with his feet on flames.

This change made Bai Ze lose his previous immaturity and aura, and replaced it with an indescribable majesty.

At the same time, Bai Ze's specific information also appeared in Xu Changsheng's eyes.

【Race: Life-slayer (fate attribute)】

【Qualification: Haoyue High School】

【Rank: Gold 1st rank】

【Talented skills: Change fate against the will of heaven (legend), Separate fate (legend), Cut life (invincible)】

【Change your fortune: The beast can influence others' fortune in a short period of time, the shortest lasting half an hour and the longest lasting one month.】

【Note: Duration is inversely proportional to the strength of the change in fortune.】

【Note: This ability can be used only once a day】

【Fate Separation: The beastmaster can temporarily conceal the fate of a friendly unit. If this is done, the unit whose fate is concealed will disappear from the memory of the world. In addition, all evidence of the existence of the friendly unit will also be temporarily concealed.】

【Note: This ability can last up to twelve hours】

【Note: This ability can be used only once a day】

【Death: Under this attack, the enemy will be forcibly wiped out】

【Note: With this ability, the enemy's existence and all evidence of its existence in the world will be completely destroyed. At the same time, the enemy's memory will also be erased.】

【Note: This ability can only be used on one enemy at a time.】

【Note: To kill someone, you must first kill yourself. Every time the beast uses this ability, its life span will be cut by at least 1%, depending on the enemy's strength.】

【Note: This ability is invalid for the mythical realm. 】


Xu Changsheng can only say that Bai Ze's ability is against the will of heaven.

Bai Ze's ability is completely unreasonable and there is no way to counter it.

Let's take the first skill [God-defying and Fortune-changing].

Bai Ze can directly make you extremely unlucky within half a day.

Note that this kind of bad luck is not just falling down on a flat road and losing some money.���It's not that simple.

If you're not careful, you may lose your life!

For example, when walking on the road, you were killed by a powerful beast that was out of control.

For another example, when you contract a beast, the soul fluctuates, causing the new beast to die and the soul of the beastmaster to be severely damaged.

Although this example is rare, it is by no means absent.

And with the blessing of extreme bad luck, the probability of this small probability time occurring is greatly increased.

Moreover, this ability is not only usable against enemies.

Bai Ze can also let Xu Changsheng get absolute good luck.

For example, during the exploration of the secret realm, he can avoid all dangerous places as if with the help of God and find the resources he wants.

This is a very practical skill for the exploration of the extremely dangerous beast world.

It can be said that with the skill of [Reverse the Heaven and Change the Fortune].

The danger of Xu Changsheng's journey to explore the beast world has been greatly reduced.

And the ability of [Destiny Isolation] is also unsolvable.

Directly erase the fate of Xu Changsheng and even other beasts!

Let everyone forget Xu Changsheng.

Even if Xu Changsheng was right in front of them, these people would treat him as air.

This ability was extremely helpful whether it was used for assassination, treasure hunting, or even escape.

And the last ability [Life Slash] was the ultimate interpretation of the unsolvable.

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