Bai Ze can kill the enemy from the perspective of fate.

Directly erase the enemy's existence and all evidence and relationship of its existence.

Ignore any defense.

Ignore any means.

Even if you are an extremely powerful Sun-level beast, you will never survive the attack of [Slash].

Imagine that you were originally a powerful leader of a country.

Suddenly one day, your existence was completely erased from the world by Xu Changsheng.

Your parents, your relatives, your wife all forgot your existence and all evidence of your existence was erased.

What a horrible thing this would be.

Just thinking about it makes people tremble.

This ability is almost the same as a miracle.

However, as a gold-level beastmaster, Bai Ze has this extremely terrifying ability, which is naturally subject to various restrictions.

First of all, it cannot work on mythical beastmasters.

There is nothing to say about this.

If you, a gold-level beastmaster, can directly kill the beast god that dominates the two worlds, it would be too unreasonable.

It is impossible.

Secondly, every time Bai Ze uses [Life Slash], he will lose a part of his life.

At least one percent.

In other words, Bai Ze can only use [Life Slash] a hundred times at most in his life.

If he forcibly uses this skill on a Sun-level beast

, he may be killed by fate while cutting off its existence.

People always say that peeping into fate will damage one's life span.

Now, it is reasonable that life slashing will also damage one's own life. Xu Changsheng will naturally not let Bai Ze use this ability that hurts others and himself easily.

At least if he can't beat him, can't he use [Fate Separation] to run away?

In short, with the existence of Bai Ze,

Xu Changsheng has made amazing improvements in both offensive and survivability.

Moreover, he believes that as Bai Ze's realm improves, his ability will continue to rise.

One day, even a mythical beast will not be able to escape Bai Ze's fate slash!

Xu Changsheng's consciousness detached from the beast control space, and then summoned Bai Ze out of the beast control space.

In an instant, Bai Ze's outstanding, cute yet domineering appearance attracted the attention of all the beast masters.

For a time, as the youngest of the many beast masters, Bai Ze became the object of everyone's favor.

Xu Changsheng allowed these beast masters to play and kiss each other.

After all, they are all partners who have been through life and death together.

Naturally, they have to cultivate good feelings for each other.

And he untied the Dark Bird from the back of Zhulong alone.

Xu Changsheng took out a dagger from the space ring.

He shook his wrist, and the dagger accurately inserted into the heart of the Dark Bird.

Then Xu Changsheng raised the tip of the knife, and a heart the size of an adult's palm fell into his left hand.

At the same time, a shrill scream came from the mouth of the black bird. The severe pain made it conscious for a short time.

The drastic loss of vitality made it want to exchange its life for his.

The black dust gathered again, and the terrifying power emanated from the black bird.


Suddenly, a wolf claw stretched out, easily dispersing the black dust that the black bird had gathered with great difficulty.

Then the wolf claw turned.

The sharp cold light flashed in front of Xu Changsheng.

The black bird in front of him was immediately killed by the blood shadow.

At the same time, the blood shadow stood in front of the black bird's body and absorbed the blood ball.

Unfortunately, even the diamond-top black bird could not allow the current blood shadow to directly upgrade one level.

With the rapid improvement of the blood shadow's strength.

Every time it upgrades a level, the energy required is extremely huge.

However, now is obviously not the time to care about this.

Xu Changsheng returned his gaze to the still beating heart in his hand.

Unlike the blood red of normal animals.

This heart is pitch black, covered with hideous protruding blood vessels and meridians.

Xu Changsheng had an illusion.

As if What he held in his hand was not a heart, but a key.

A key to the gate of hell.

However, if what he wanted was in hell.

Then even if he had to punch through hell.

Xu Changsheng would still hold what he wanted in his hand.

He stabbed the dagger in his right hand, inserted it into the heart and stirred it slowly.

After a moment, a liquid as thick as ink flowed out of the wound, mixed with an extremely fishy smell.

Xu Changsheng placed the Night Spirit Pearl under the heart, perfectly catching all the dripping blood.

The heart blood of the Night Divine Bird was quickly absorbed as it came into contact with the Night Spirit Pearl.

The deep and solemn color of the spirit pearl, like the night, slowly faded as the blood was absorbed, and was replaced by an unparalleled brilliance.

Even the most perfect night pearl in the world.

Cannot compare to the brilliance of the Night Spirit Pearl at this moment.

The brilliance shines brightly. The sky was full of stars, forming a glittering gate in front of Xu Changsheng.

Countless rare animal heads were carved on the gate as decorations.

A murderous aura was overwhelming.

After using the communication conch to tell Shen Wuyan where he was going,

Xu Changsheng walked into the gate without any hesitation.

Various colors flashed through Xu Changsheng's eyes like a barrage of bullets.

The violent shaking and strong dizziness made him feel like vomiting.

After an unknown amount of time, this annoying feeling finally disappeared.

Xu Changsheng endured the discomfort of his body and summoned all his beasts from the beast control space.

The beast world is dangerous, and he can't be arrogant!

Seeing a familiar figure appear beside him, Xu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to look around.

The first thing that caught his eye was a black-red blood sun.

It was supposed to give people... The sun that brings warmth and sunshine, now seems to be swallowed by an unknown existence.

Most of it is swallowed by pure darkness, and the remaining small part is also flashing with blood-red light, giving people a strong sense of uneasiness. The weak blood-red sunlight sprinkled on the earth, making the whole world almost as dark as the night in the real world.

Fortunately, with Xu Changsheng's current physical fitness, it is not a problem to see things in the dark.

Otherwise, this kind of darkness alone would be a bit tricky.

Xu Changsheng looked around, and suddenly, his body stiffened, and a rare fear appeared in his pupils.

I saw pairs of dark eyes with green light flashing out from the jungle around him.

At least hundreds of eyes, showing greed and desire, staring at Xu Changsheng and other beasts around him.

And these beasts are all broken star rank!

Xu Changsheng was surrounded by hundreds of broken star rank beasts!

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