Shen Wuyan picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip silently, and patiently waited for Xu Changsheng's next words.

The fragrance of the tea refreshed him, and the frown on his brows also relaxed slightly.

"I saw the Beast God!"


After hearing Xu Changsheng's first words, Shen Wuyan spat out the boiling tea that had just entered his mouth.

At this moment, Shen Wuyan didn't care about his image at all, and jumped up from his seat, looking at Xu Changsheng in disbelief and said:

"What? Beast God! Are you sure it's the Beast God?"

"How is it possible! If it was the Beast God, how could you still be alive!"

As soon as the words came out, Shen Wuyan knew that he had said something wrong. He coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment:

"cough cough......I'm not cursing you, I'm just too surprised!"

Xu Changsheng nodded, showing his understanding:

"So I reminded you in advance, don't panic."

His voice was steady and powerful, with a unique charm that made people feel at ease.

The shock and anxiety in Shen Wuyan's heart faded a little, and he sat back in his seat.

At this time, he no longer sat upright as usual, but sank deeply into the soft backrest of the chair.

As if doing so would give him a sense of security.

No wonder Shen Wuyan was so shocked.

As the strongest man in China, and even in the world, the mission of sealing the Beast God fell on his shoulders without any shirking.

He regarded the Beast God as the biggest enemy in his life.

At the same time, he was afraid that his mission would fail and bring unimaginable disasters to the world.

This kind of pressure even made Shen Wuyan breathless for a while.

At the same time, it was also the driving force that spurred him to keep moving forward.

After all, in his opinion, he still had a full ten years!

He might succeed!

But now, his most proud student told him.

He has seen the Beast God!

Could it be that He has escaped?!

Once this speculation appeared in his mind, it spread uncontrollably.

Helpless , confusion, fear, a series of negative emotions entangled his heart like vines.

His eyes, which used to be bright and sharp, lost their focus for a moment and looked forward helplessly.

Until, a soft green light surrounded him.

The cool feeling permeated Shen Wuyan's soul.

But in a moment, his eyes regained their former spirit.

All the negative emotions faded like a tide. Even if the Beast God revived, it would not matter. We will fight back when the enemy comes and cover the water with earth.

As the saying goes, there are tall people to hold up the sky when it falls.

And he, Shen Wuyan, is one of the pillars of China.

Thinking in his heart, Shen Wuyan cast a grateful look at Xu Changsheng.

He naturally knew that the green light was the work of Xu Changsheng, and it was he who pulled himself out of that negative emotion.

Xu Changsheng's face was solemn.

Just when he uttered the word Beast God.

A strange energy wave penetrated from the space and attacked Shen Wuyan directly.

Then, this man who had been in charge of China for many years fell into a state that he should never be in.

Fear and terror.

Just like an ordinary person who saw a ferocious beast for the first time

"Is He already that strong?"

���Changsheng was amazed.

It was clear that this situation had not happened before when the Beast God was mentioned!

What on earth contributed to His power?

Xu Changsheng could not help but have this doubt in his mind.

The current Beast God has almost reached the legendary realm of"not to be mentioned, not to be thought of, not to be thought of".

Even if His name is just mentioned.

Even if He is far away in the beast world, He will feel it and can even influence others!

There is too little information known now, which is not enough for Xu Changsheng to make a specific analysis.

However, Xu Changsheng is not the kind of person who is obsessed with trivial matters.

If you can't figure out a problem, then don't think about it.

Now, it is most important to tell Shen Wuyan and the Huaxia Federation all the information he knows.

After all, he alone can never fight against something as terrifying as an evil spirit.

Seeing that Shen Wuyan's condition has improved, Xu Changsheng spoke:

"He didn't mean to kill me, but helped me a lot."

Hearing this, Shen Wuyan frowned, but still did not interrupt Xu Changsheng's words, waiting patiently for his narration.

Soon, Xu Changsheng told him everything that the Beast God had told him.

Including his contribution to mankind and the existence of evil spirits.

And, most importantly, the one-year period.

At the end, Xu Changsheng added:

"This is his one-sided statement, and those images were also forced into my mind by him, so I don't know whether they are true or false."

After all, with the realm of the Beast God, it is very easy to forge some memories.

After hearing this, Shen Wuyan fell into deep thought.

The wrinkles between his eyebrows had already become a mess, like a ball of wool woven randomly.

After a long time, he spoke in a hoarse voice:

"According to what you said, maybe those Sun-level beast masters didn't go to seal Him, but to become His food! After all, those strong men have never appeared again!"

The two of them tacitly did not mention the word"Beast God", but used"Him" instead.

With Shen Wuyan's experience and intelligence, he also found out that something was wrong with the situation just now.

And he found out where the problem was in time.

The two looked at each other, and they saw deep sadness and desolation in each other's eyes.

It turned out that the heroes and strong men who were recorded in history books.

In the end, they were just poor people who didn't know the truth and died automatically.

And Shen Wuyan and Xu Changsheng will eventually become one of the poor people.

"There are also evil spirits......"

Shen Wuyan rubbed his brows, trying to smooth out the wrinkles on his face:

"That is an existence that even He cannot solve. How should we deal with it?"

Shen Wuyan sighed.

A strong sense of powerlessness appeared in his heart. This was the first time he felt powerless since he was born.

However, Xu Changsheng came to Shen Wuyan not to undermine his self-confidence.

Naturally, he had his own solution.

He said seriously:

"Everything has a glimmer of hope. Do you know why I can become stronger at such a fast speed?"

When he said this, Shen Wuyan immediately became interested. He was eagerly waiting for Xu Changsheng's next words.

This was also something he had always been curious about.

Yes, in the official records, Xu Changsheng was only an A-level talent. How could he have such a strong strength in such a short time! In fact

, in less than half a year, he was enough to be on par with him, Shen Wuyan!

He is an S-level talent, and in some aspects, he is not inferior to the SS-level talent recorded in history books!

Even so, it took him four years to reach the diamond level!

And then because of the limitations of the world, he wasted seven or eight years at the diamond level before he made a breakthrough!

But now, Xu Changsheng has only been half a year, and he has the strength comparable to the broken star level!

Shen Wuyan has always been very curious.

However, if Xu Changsheng doesn't say it, he, as an elder, will naturally not ask too much.

After all, everyone has their own secrets.

"Because my talent is SSS level!"

Xu Changsheng's words were powerful.

He finally revealed his biggest secret!

Every word was like a sharp arrow, piercing Shen Wuyan's heart.

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