Xu Changsheng's comprehensive combat power now stands at the top of the world.

He no longer worries that anyone will harm him because of his talent.

Even if there is someone, they are just here to die!

Moreover, his talent [Eye of the World] is not a talent that enhances instant combat power, but a talent similar to accelerated development.

【The Eye of the World can detect the best evolutionary route for all beasts!


Not just the beasts contracted by Xu Changsheng himself!

What does this mean?

It means that Xu Changsheng can completely improve the talent and qualifications of beasts in the Huaxia Federation and even the whole world by more than one level by his own strength.

Talent represents potential, and it also symbolizes combat power.

Beasts with high-level talents not only have higher development space, but they also completely crush low-talented beasts of the same realm in combat power.

For example, Xu Changsheng’s current terrifying combat power is not because his beasts are all talented at Haoyue or even Yaori?

This huge gap in talent can even fill the gap in realm.

After all, all roads lead to Rome.

But some people and some beasts were born in Rome!

As soon as they were born, they stood at the top that other beasts could not reach.

But now, with the help of Xu Changsheng, every beast has the possibility of evolving again!

"You mean, you can make all the beasts evolve again?!"

After hearing Xu Changsheng's explanation of his talent, Shen Wuyan said with a trembling voice.

He wanted to pick up the teacup on the table and drink some water.

But his hands were shaking, and he couldn't hold the cup steadily, and even spilled it on his crotch!

The fact that a strong man like Shen Wuyan was so excited showed how abnormal Xu Changsheng's talent was!

Each beast had its own characteristics, and different individuals of the same race had slight differences in blood.

This also led to the fact that it was extremely difficult to evolve one's own beast.

In other words, it was impossible to do it alone!

Unless you choose those beasts that have already figured out the evolutionary routes.

And these evolutionary routes that have been circulated in the world were found out by beast theorists generation after generation, through hardships and sufferings.

Even if it took tens of millions of years, only thousands of stable evolutionary routes could be found.

As for the known evolutionary route of beasts.

Who can... I thought of the poisonous dart frog, which had always been a poisonous attribute.

At the platinum level, as long as it stayed around the volcano for three years and provided it with a large amount of poisonous energy, it could evolve into a poisonous and fire dual-attribute beast!

If it weren't for a beast theorist who had to stay in the volcano for an experiment.

And his beast happened to be a poisonous dart frog.

Then no matter how wildly imaginative one was, he would never have thought of this novel evolutionary route.

The evolutionary routes of beasts are often so strange and unique that it is extremely difficult to find a pattern.

It's like the genetic restrictions imposed on beasts by God.

Moreover, most of these evolutionary routes stop at platinum, and only a very few can evolve stably to the diamond level.

And these beasts with stable evolutionary routes are all sky-high.

They are simply not something that ordinary people can own!

What's more, there are more than tens of thousands of beasts in the world of beasts.

"No, you misunderstood!"

Xu Changsheng immediately corrected:

"Not once, at least three times!"

If the beast can only evolve once, then is the [Eye of the World] still worthy of the SSS-level evaluation?

No matter how rubbish and cheap the beast is.

As long as Xu Changsheng activates the [Eye of the World], he can discover the potential hidden deep in his blood.

""What?!! Three times! Oh my God!"

Shen Wuyan exclaimed, with an irrepressible smile on his face.

The wrinkles on his face suddenly disappeared.

What does it mean to be able to evolve a beast three times?

The most useless black iron-level beast, which almost no one wants, can reach the gold level, allowing the beastmaster to enter the intermediate level and gain a qualitative change in strength.

Not to mention other higher-level beasts.

Shen Wuyan could even imagine.

With the help of Xu Changsheng, how prosperous the Huaxia Federation would be.

Perhaps, it won't be long before this world is no longer called the Beastmaster World, but the Huaxia World!

"It's just that you have to work hard!"

Shen Wuyan was happy for a while, then looked at Xu Changsheng, stood up and bowed solemnly.

In his opinion, the contribution made by himself as a nominal ruler and the contribution made by Xu Changsheng to China and even to mankind were not worth mentioning at all.

"Principal Shen, there is no need to do this."

Xu Changsheng quickly stood up, holding Shen Wuyan with both hands and said:

"You will always be the elder I respect the most."

Hearing this, Shen Wuyan's mood obviously improved. He waved his hand:

"Don't worry, the country will not treat you unfairly!"

As he said this, he took out a communication conch from his space ring and informed all the powerful people in China about Xu Changsheng's talent.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

""Open the door! Open the door quickly!"

After a moment, there was a violent knock on the door.

Countless excited voices came from outside the door.

After hearing the news, these people rushed over almost as fast as they could.

As for what they were busy with before?

Please, what could be more important than a genius with SSS-level talent in their country!

Moreover, the talent of this genius can also enhance the strength of the entire country.

Soon, the originally spacious office was suddenly crowded with people.

These people all looked at Xu Changsheng eagerly.

That look was like a big man who had been in prison for ten years and met a peerless beauty as soon as he went out.

And the beauty looked charming and ready to be picked, and even shouted:

"Come and play, sir!"

Xu Changsheng got goosebumps all over his body when he was almost stripped naked by the sight.

The age of this group of people must be at least several thousand years old.

Why are their sights so......Like a wolf or a tiger.

Fortunately, Shen Wuyan spoke in time, diverting everyone's attention slightly:

"Everyone, Changsheng has made great contributions to China. How should China repay him?���

Silence, still silence!

Everyone in the room was in a high position.

If they wanted something, they only needed to look at it and someone would deliver it. But now, they couldn't think of anything. What could they give as a reward for Xu Changsheng's extraordinary talent?

"cough cough......"

Seeing that no one spoke, Yan Hua, the highest governor of China, coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention:

"I think it’s better to let Changsheng speak for himself. As long as China has it, I will be satisfied! If China doesn’t have it, I will get it for him even if I risk my life!"

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