The evil spirits that were originally fighting with Xu Changsheng's beasts suddenly lost the idea of fighting.

They turned and rushed towards the crack, and the bone wings behind them vibrated wildly, providing them with faster speed.

No matter how many attacks the beasts attacked them, these evil spirits had no desire to resist.

Therefore, in just a moment, seventy or eighty evil spirits lost their lives in an instant.

And the three red figures, like lightning, were the first to pass through the crack.

At this speed, even with Xu Changsheng's eyesight, he could only catch a faint shadow.

There was no time to stop them!

The rest of the evil spirits came out in a line, and their figures disappeared completely after passing through the crack.

Xu Changsheng looked at this scene, gritted his teeth, and ordered a pursuit.

He led the beasts through the crack.

Perhaps it was because of the experience of experiencing a crack.

This time, Xu Changsheng didn't even feel the slightest discomfort.

It was just a flash in front of his eyes, and the next second he came to the outside of the crack.

At this moment, those evil spirits were madly fleeing to the beast world!

Especially the three red figures in the front were particularly conspicuous.

Although the location of Xieyuan is between the Beast Realm and the Beast Control World, it is just outside the Beast Realm and far away from the Beast Control World.

This is why only the Beast Realm has been invaded by evil spirits for so many years.

But it is better to be safe than sorry.

What if a few evil spirits have a brain twitch and insist on going far away to invade the Beast Control World?

Xu Changsheng did not dare to bet on this probability.

After all, there are tens of thousands of evil spirits this time. Even if the probability is small, it will become very large when placed in a group of tens of thousands.

This is why he is so desperate.

Now, seeing that all the evil spirits are heading straight for the Beast Realm, he is also slightly relieved: there is the Beast God in charge.

Even if He is injured and needs to suppress the strongest evil spirit, it is definitely not something these low-level evil spirits can provoke.

At most, it will be a little troublesome.

Xu Changsheng was about to use Dijiang's ability to transmit himself back to the Beast Realm and inform the Beast God of the situation in advance so that he can be prepared.

Suddenly, his eyes condensed, and his heart, which had just been put down, suddenly lifted up.

Hundreds of evil spirits suddenly split into two groups.

One group, led by three red evil spirits, headed straight for the beast world, accounting for the majority of the number.

The other group, although only one or two hundred evil spirits, and without a strong leader, was heading in the direction of the beast world where Xu Changsheng was born!

"How could it be!"

Xu Changsheng exclaimed.

Looking at the actions of the evil spirits, this was definitely not a coincidence.

It was a purposeful and planned invasion.

His heart tightened, and he didn't even bother to put on his clothes.

He commanded the beastman to take him to catch up with the evil spirit team.

Xu Changsheng didn't even dare to teleport back to the imperial capital directly.

Because no one knew where the evil spirits would land after passing through the space barrier outside the beastman world.

If Xu Changsheng was a step late, it would probably be the death of at least millions of people!

If Xu Changsheng didn't know about this, it would be fine.

But he knew that he had the ability to stop this from happening.

Then the conscience and morality in his heart would not allow him to allow such a human tragedy to happen in the beastman world.

After all, the place where the evil spirits landed might be some uninhabited desert.

It could also be a foreign country like the United States and Japan..

But it is also possible that it will descend on China.

Even descend on the imperial capital, Changnan City, where there are people who helped him grow, he will never allow these people to die for no reason under the erosion of evil spirits.

Xu Changsheng stood on the back of Zhulong and shuttled through the space between the two realms with difficulty.

The environment here is different from ordinary places and is extremely unstable.

Fierce black lightning explodes every moment, which is a vision caused by the collapse and reconstruction of miniature secret realms.

Moreover, the space here is as sticky and stagnant as glue.

Every step forward by Xu Changsheng and his beasts requires hundreds of times the usual physical strength.

If it weren't for the fact that Dijiang was emitting spatial fluctuations all the time to escort Xu Changsheng's team.

I'm afraid their speed would be much slower!

However, the speed of those evil spirits only slowed down a little.

The black mucus secreted from their bodies can actually prevent them from being greatly affected in this environment!

This kind of creature seems to be born to invade other worlds.

It is hard to imagine that this is a naturally occurring creature.

After all, all natural creatures must have defects of one kind or another.

But the evil spirits do not.

Every organ and every tissue in their bodies has its own function, and they are as efficient as machines.

The beasts under Xu Changsheng felt the anxiety in their master's heart, so they worked extra hard.

However, in this environment, they can only barely follow the evil spirit team, and sometimes the distance between the two will even widen!

These evil spirits have no feeling of tiredness at all, and their speed is always constant!

After an unknown amount of time, the flying beasts under Xu Changsheng changed from Zhulong to Bifang, and then from Bifang. Fang changed to Zhulong.

After repeating this several times, both beasts had time to rest, so as not to be overly tired and lose their fighting ability.

Finally, a dazzling white light flashed in front of Xu Changsheng's eyes. A white barrier appeared in Xu Changsheng's eyes.

He clearly saw a perfect semicircle covered by a white barrier.

This semicircle was the beast world he had lived in for many years!

And this barrier was also the companion barrier of the beast world, preventing external things from entering it.

However, the barrier was as fragile as paper in front of the evil spirit.

Those black mucus were fatally corrosive to it.

As soon as it came into contact, the scorching white gas rose, and the barrier was burned with big holes one after another, and the evil spirit easily entered!

Xu Changsheng was also lucky enough to pass through the burned big hole.

Suddenly, the terrifying squeezing feeling in the space around him disappeared.

Xu Changsheng felt relaxed all over, as if he had unloaded a thousand pounds of burden.

The sound of wind whistled in his ears, and he was now following the direction of the evil spirit and falling quickly.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Changsheng also quickly put on his clothes.

But in a moment, the ground scene that was originally as small as a grain of rice was clearly visible.

The tall and magnificent city wall fell into Xu Changsheng's eyes, and the familiar Chinese characters came into view.

After seeing the specific words,

Xu Changsheng felt a little scared.

The first place where the evil spirit landed was Changnan City!

This small city where he had lived for 18 years carried countless memories of him.

If he hadn't followed like this today.

I'm afraid that when Xu Changsheng arrived in Changnan City, everyone here would have been slaughtered by the evil spirit!

But now, this kind of thing.

Xu Changsheng naturally wouldn't let it happen!

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