The city wall in Xu Changsheng's sight became clearer and clearer.

Many evil spirits also passed through the atmosphere and quickly approached the city wall.

Their target was obviously not outside the city wall, but the tens of millions of ordinary people and low- and middle-level beastmasters inside the city wall.

For the evil spirits, these are all rare treasures!

As they approached, the soldiers who were originally guarding the city finally found something wrong.

In the sky, a large number of strange-looking"ferocious beasts" were rushing towards Changnan City frantically. The frantically flapping bone wings emitted a piercing sonic boom.

The black mucus dripping from the sky fell to the ground and corroded a large hole in an instant.

The eerie white smoke told everyone:

These"ferocious beasts" are by no means good people.


Captain Chen Ying of the city defense team shouted immediately.

""Shua, shua, shua!"

Instantly, the giant crossbows that had been quietly on the city wall turned their heads.

The giant crossbow arrows with cold light attacked the evil spirit.

The speed of the crossbow arrows was so fast that they even made a series of piercing sonic booms in the air.

"Ding, ding, ding~"

However, the giant crossbow that had been invincible before was completely ineffective at this moment!

The sharp crossbow arrows fell on the evil spirits, just like a child's trick, without any effect, and even failed to leave a trace of wound on the evil spirits.

"How......How is it possible!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Ying's eyes showed deep disbelief.

This is a giant crossbow that is powerful enough to kill high-level platinum beasts!

How could it not even break the defense of these"ferocious beasts"!

What realm are these strange-looking monsters in?!

For a moment, deep despair rose in Chen Ying's heart.

He knew that with the strength of Changnan City, it would never be able to survive the attack of such a terrifying creature.

Not only him, but countless ordinary soldiers and even residents saw this scene that horrified them.

In an instant, an atmosphere of fear spread throughout Changnan City.

Some citizens even collapsed to the ground with their legs softened, and could not even stand up.

Crying and noise appeared in every corner of Changnan City.

And these roars also pulled Chen Ying out of fear.

He swept through the chaos in the crowd, his eyes firm, and waved his hand and said:

"Load your crossbows! Keep shooting! The rest of you, summon your own beasts and get ready for battle!"

"We are the soldiers of Changnan! Even if we die, we will die first!"

"If any soldier flees, he will be executed immediately!"

Chen Ying's sonorous and powerful voice stabilized everyone's emotions.

Everyone seemed to have found their backbone and began to play their roles.

One by one, the cold crossbow arrows were loaded again.

However, the speed of the evil spirits exceeded the imagination of any of them.

Before the second round of crossbow arrows was fired, the evil spirits had already approached the wall of Changnan City!

The fishy smell mixed with the cold wind whistled towards their cheeks.


At this moment, a black giant wolf fell to the top of the city like a meteorite, setting off a roar.

On the giant wolf, Xu Changsheng stood straight with his back straight, proudly standing, with a cold light in his eyes.

Just one step away, these evil spirits almost destroyed Changnan!

Fortunately, Xu Changsheng got there before the evil spirits!

Blood Shadow's figure directly blocked the first wave of the evil spirits' charge.

Eight spider-like thick long legs fell on Blood Shadow like a rainstorm.

At the end of these evil spirits' long legs, there were countless There were several barbs on the Blood Shadow.

Each strike could tear off a small piece of Blood Shadow's flesh.

This wave of attacks directly covered it with various hideous wounds, and blood fell on the top of the city like rain.

However, this level of attack was only a minor injury to Blood Shadow!

The intense pain of the wounds aroused its ferocity and arrogance as a mythical beast!

It wanted to tear these ugly creatures that dared to hurt it to pieces.

Taking advantage of this time, Xu Changsheng also jumped off Blood Shadow's back.

His presence would only affect Blood Shadow. Shadow's performance.

At the same time, other beastmasters, led by Bifang and Zhulong, arrived at the battlefield one after another.

The war was about to start!

In just a few breaths, the darkness as thick as ink quickly enveloped the entire Changnan.

The evil spirits and even everyone fell into absolute darkness.

The gorgeous music sounded in everyone's ears, and countless notes jumped out of the darkness, crossed the crowd, and attacked the evil spirits.

Before everyone could react to what was happening.

Suddenly, a red flame exploded suddenly.

A curtain of fire, horizontal in the air, connected with the city wall to prevent evil spirits from crossing the city wall and heading straight into Changnan City.

This curtain of fire lifted everyone's spirits and allowed people in the dark to finally see things on the city wall clearly.

A tall and majestic figure stood on the top of the wall.

The jumping flames, the sticky darkness, the green light symbolizing vitality, and the twisted and broken space all enveloped the figure, doing their best to protect him.

This figure, the citizens of Changnan City, are so familiar!

Finally, someone exclaimed:

"This!! Isn’t this the sculpture of Xu Changsheng in the city center!!!"

"Yes! It’s Xu Changsheng, the number one genius in Changnan City!"

"I heard that he even became the strongest man in the world in the first year of awakening his talent!"

After he said this, everyone remembered the tall sculpture cast in the center of the city. What

Xu Changsheng didn't know was that because of his strength, talent and status.

In order to expand the influence of Changnan City in the province, Governor Lin Hongjiang directly cast a one-to-three enlarged version of the real statue in the city center!

Every citizen, when passing through the city center, will stop and look up at this statue.

Changnan's number one genius, the world's number one genius, the youngest world's number one master in history.

Conquering Japan in the east and the United States in the west, he crushed all geniuses in the Ten Thousand Nations Competition and won the first place with an invincible momentum.

One title and one deed are almost engraved in the hearts of every Changnan person.

Xu Changsheng has also become the eternal pride of their Changnan.

Therefore, even if it is just a distant back, these people can recognize Xu Changsheng's true identity!

In an instant, all the fear and horror suddenly faded from the hearts of the citizens. Go.

Even those who collapsed on the ground got up again and looked up at the figure as tall as a pine tree.

They believed that with Xu Changsheng here, nothing would happen to Changnan!

And what happened today will become a glorious chapter in Xu Changsheng's life, for the people of Changnan to remember and brag about!

Xu Changsheng, who was standing on the top of the city, naturally didn't know about this. At this moment, he was staring at every evil spirit on the battlefield with all his attention.

It was different from being in the Evil Abyss where he only needed to protect himself.

Here, he couldn't let any evil spirit break through the defense circle he set up.

He couldn't let any innocent Changnan citizen or soldier guarding the city get hurt!

Therefore, although there were only three hundred evil spirits at the moment. But Xu Changsheng dealt with it more seriously than when he faced hundreds of evil spirits before!

His beasts also used their strongest means, vowing to strangle these evil spirits to death in the shortest time!

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