"Crack, crack~"

The sound of the shell of the beast egg cracking became clearer and clearer.

Then a white-headed calf crawled out of it.

The calf's tail was extremely long, almost hanging to the ground, and it was not like the hairy tail of an ordinary yellow cow.

The tail of this new beast was covered with colorful scales, just like the scales of a poisonous snake.

Moreover, there was only one eye on the ox's head, located right between the eyebrows, with a cold look like a poisonous snake.

It glanced around, and then set its sights on Xu Changsheng, and walked slowly.

As Xu Changsheng's beast space improved, the environment became better and better.

Especially the environment around the mythical blood pool, there were many kinds of creatures, and it was very vital.

Almost every inch of land was covered with green grass.

However, after the new beast passed by, the grass turned yellow and withered quickly, turning into dead grass.

Such a strange scene was really terrifying.

However, facing the calf approaching, Xu Changsheng was not afraid at all. He even took two steps forward, took the calf into his arms and said:

"According to convention, you should be called Fei, but I think this name is too ugly and difficult to pronounce."

"Then I'll call you Duxie! It's my wish to poison all the evil spirits in the world."

Xu Changsheng decided on the name of the new beast with just a few words:


This was the second beast he named himself.

Xu Changsheng didn't want to waste his energy and thought, but a one-character name was not very nice and hard to pronounce.


The poisonous demon growled twice, accepting the name.

The inexplicable poisonous gas on its body, when it touched Xu Changsheng's skin, did not cause any harm at all, but instead gave him a slight cool feeling, which was unusually comfortable.

"Go ahead, go in, you will evolve twice today!"

Xu Changsheng said as he walked, and then threw the poisonous evil into the mythical blood pool.


A small splash of water rose, and then the surface of the pool quickly returned to calm.

Only light bubbles emerged from the surface of the pool from time to time. After about five minutes, the bubbles suddenly became dense and exploded.

Then, a poisonous evil spirit the size of an ordinary yellow cow emerged from the bottom of the pool.

A colorful snake tail twisted behind it, giving people a chilling feeling. The only eye on its head now occupied half of the cow's face, and it was extremely ferocious.

If the newly born poisonous evil spirit, because of its small size, can still give people an inexplicable sense of cuteness.

Then the evolved poisonous evil spirit only has two feelings of ferocity and terror.

And the colorful snake tail behind it clearly conveyed:

I am highly poisonous, don't mess with me!

After seeing the poisonous evil spirit walk out of the bottom of the pool, Xu Changsheng did not check its properties as usual.

Instead, he placed various highly toxic exotic insects and herbs in front of the poisonous evil spirit and said:

"Eat them."

Before Xu Changsheng could finish his words, Duxie lowered his head and swallowed a poisonous scorpion as big as a human head in one gulp.


A chewing sound that made your teeth ache sounded.


And one of the eyes of Duxie was slightly closed because of satisfaction, and the snake tail behind him swayed quickly, looking extremely happy.

It seems that the poisonous insects and poisonous plants that are difficult for ordinary people to accept are rare delicacies for it.

In just one minute, five or six poisonous creatures were swallowed by Duxie.

Now, it's not just the snake tail behind Duxie that is emitting colorful light.

Its whole body is glowing!

Colorful, so charming!

Then, a faint green miasma emerged from its body, quickly dyeing the environment around it a thousand meters green.

As the miasma spread, a strange fragrance rushed straight to Xu Changsheng's head.

He didn't feel anything, but the various creatures around Duxie , but suffered!

Without exception, all died!

The creatures were corroded by the miasma and turned into a colloidal liquid, which slowly flowed towards the direction of the poisonous evil.

Most of the strange liquid was absorbed by the poisonous evil, and a small part flowed to Xu Changsheng, strengthening his body!

The pure life energy washed over Xu Changsheng's body.

He could feel that his physique and strength were slowly getting stronger.

Moreover, his body seemed to be undergoing some more bizarre changes.

Not long after, the miasma dissipated, and the strange fragrance disappeared.

Xu Changsheng looked around, it was desolate, without any signs of life.

With this level of danger, it is no wonder that poison-attributed beasts are listed as banned items by various countries!

At this time, the evolution of the poisonous evil has also been completed.

Xu Changsheng's eyes flashed with golden light, exploring the current attributes of the poisonous evil.

【Race: Source of All Poisons (Poison attribute)】

【Qualification: Day High】

【Rank: Platinum 4th rank】

【Talented skills: Immune to all poisons (Legend), Deadly Poison Miasma (Invincible), Vicious (Invincible)】

【The only evolutionary route, poison attribute direction: after one evolution, it can be advanced to Fei (mythical level)】

【Poison-proof: Poison-attribute attacks below the Sun rank are ineffective against the beast and the master.】

【Deadly Poison Miasma: The beast will completely release the poison gas in its body, covering the enemies within a kilometer around it, causing huge damage and adding effects such as paralysis, stun, confusion, and suffocation. If the enemy dies due to this skill, it will turn into pure life to restore the beast's physical strength and life essence】

【Note: After using this skill, the beastmaster needs to brew poison gas again before using it again】

【Note: It takes twelve hours to fill the beast-controlling poison gas.】

【Poisonous: The beast will consume its life essence and release an extremely terrifying poisonous gas. The target of the poisonous gas and its immediate family members will be tortured to death within one day!】

【Note: This skill is currently only effective against enemies below the Sun level.】

【Note: The larger the skill's range, the stronger the impact on the enemy, and the more life essence required, so please use it with caution. 】

Just a high-level Sun, and you have two invincible skills!

And each skill is extremely terrifying.

【[Deadly Poison Miasma] is similar to the miasma formed when the poisonous evil evolved, and the effect is also very similar, so there is no need to elaborate.

But the second invincible skill [Sinister] is too perverted!

It can even poison the enemy's other relatives through the enemy's blood!

This is no longer just the scope of poison ability, but involves some more powerful fields.

Moreover, this skill is too sinister!

Although Xu Changsheng is decisive in killing, it does not mean that he kills indiscriminately. Attacking the enemy's relatives is really not in line with his style.

Suddenly, Xu Changsheng's eyes lit up, and a gleam of light burst out of his eyes.

Perhaps, this [Sinister] can be used against evil spirits, and it may have a miraculous effect!

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