As we all know, direct relatives refer to people who have a direct blood or marriage relationship with you.

For example, parents, children, or spouses, etc., but it is worth mentioning that brothers and sisters are not considered direct relatives.

According to the Beast God, the reproduction method of evil spirits is very similar to the Zerg in the movie of the previous life.

All evil spirits are born by the evil spirit mother body.

The mother body will automatically die every hundred years, and its last offspring is the next mother body.

However, the defense of the evil spirit mother body is extremely strong, comparable to the mythical beast.

However, its attack ability is very weak, or even almost non-existent.

This is normal. After all, they have thousands of evil spirits, so why do they need to take action themselves?

The evil spirit mother body is entrenched at the bottom of the evil abyss.

I don’t know how many evil spirits are tirelessly guarding their mother.

Even if the Beast God wants to kill the mother body, it is not easy.

But now, Xu Changsheng sees hope!

He can let the poisonous evil use [insidious poison] to corrode ordinary evil spirits and then poison the evil spirit mother body.

Although the poisonous evil at this stage cannot cause fatal damage to the evil spirit mother, it can at least cause it pain and affect the speed of its production of evil spirits.

This is a great achievement!


A gleam of light flashed in Xu Changsheng's eyes.

If he could find the mother of the evil spirits and let [Sinister Poison] act directly on the mother.

Then, wouldn't those low-level evil spirits such as Broken Star and Bright Moon be killed in an instant!

In this way, the risk of being surrounded by evil spirits will no longer exist, and the pressure faced by humans will also be suddenly reduced!

Of course, poisoning hundreds of thousands of evil spirits must be extremely difficult for Duxie to do. He may even have to sacrifice his own life.

But its appearance at least allowed Xu Changsheng to see a ray of hope!

A ray of hope for the survival of a large number of humans!

Thinking of this, Xu Changsheng looked at Duxie with a softer gaze.

Even its hideous appearance became a lot more pleasing to the eye for a while.

""Knock! Knock! Knock!"

The sound of knocking on the door came into Xu Changsheng's ears.

Although he was in the beast control space, it did not mean that he had no perception of the outside world.

Hearing the knock on the door, Xu Changsheng's consciousness immediately returned to his body. He stood up from the sofa, strode forward and opened the door.

The first thing that came into view was a small cart.

On the cart, hundreds of evil spirit hearts sealed with special materials were neatly placed.

Looking closely, the heart seemed to be alive and was beating slowly, which was strange and abnormal.

At the same time, a fishy smell came to his face, causing Xu Changsheng to frown slightly.

"Sir, there are a total of 324 evil spirit hearts, please check them."

Chen Ying's voice came from behind the cart, extremely respectful.

These evil spirit hearts cannot be stored in the space ring.

They can only be sent to Xu Changsheng in this simple way.

"Push it in."

Xu Changsheng glanced at it briefly, and after confirming that there was no problem with the number, he said in a low voice.

As his strength improved, his voice was unconsciously filled with the majesty of a superior.

These four simple words made people feel obedient.

Chen Ying obediently sent the evil spirit heart to Xu Changsheng's room, and said:

"Lord Shen said that although the corpse of this evil spirit cannot be stored in the space ring, it can be stored in the beast control space. Of course, it can only be a beast control space above the diamond level."

"By the way, sir, according to Lord Shen's opinion, if there is nothing else, you should return to the imperial capital as soon as possible, it is safer there."

Hearing this, Xu Changsheng nodded. The old man is still the wisest. Shen Wuyan actually thought of using the beast control space to store these evil spirit hearts.

And, it was successful!

After all, if it cannot be stored, the beast control space is likely to explode or be damaged like the space ring.

At that time, the damage caused to the beast master can be said to be extremely fatal and difficult to repair.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng himself did not dare to try rashly.

Shen Wuyan helped him solve this problem.

As for Changnan City and the imperial capital, which is safe?

For Xu Changsheng, is there any difference?

Looking at the world of beast control, how many people can hurt Xu Changsheng now?

I'm afraid there is not even one!

However, in order to reassure the Chinese high-level officials such as Shen Wuyan, Xu Changsheng also complied with their wishes.

Anyway, for Xu Changsheng, it makes no difference where to go.

The manor in the imperial capital is even bigger and more spacious!

At this point in the year, Xu Changsheng took out a space ring from his pocket and handed it to Chen Ying:

"It's been hard during this period, and it may be even harder in the future. Protect Changnan!"

Seeing Xu Changsheng's actions, Chen Ying was flattered and didn't know what to do for a moment.

When he reacted, the space ring was already in his hand.

"You You......This is not okay, sir!"

Chen Ying was so excited that he didn't know what to do. He just waved his hands to refuse and wanted to return the space ring to Xu Changsheng.

"Take it, it's my reward to the soldiers of Changnan."

Xu Changsheng said with a smile, but his tone was unquestionable and unrefusable.

There were only tens of millions of federal coins in this space ring.

Most of them were low- and medium-level cultivation resources, which were useless to Xu Changsheng.

The current federal coins were no different from waste paper to Xu Changsheng.

To be honest, what Xu Changsheng was least interested in was money.

Most of the soldiers in Changnan were in the silver and gold ranks, so they could use these things.

These resources could be regarded as Xu Changsheng's gift to his parents.

Hearing what Xu Changsheng said, Chen Ying burst into tears and choked up and said:

"Your Excellency’s kindness and virtue will be forever unforgettable to me and all the Changnan soldiers!"

"Okay, just protect Changnan, don't say those empty words."

Xu Changsheng waved his hand and signaled Chen Ying to leave with his eyes.

Chen Ying can protect���The captain of the team was naturally not a person without vision, and he immediately bowed and was about to leave.

After Chen Ying left completely, Xu Changsheng cast his eyes on the evil spirit hearts on the cart, his eyes were fiery.

This was his greatest reliance for improving his strength in the future.

With his mind turning, 324 evil spirit hearts were immediately stored in the beast control space by Xu Changsheng.

And his consciousness also came to the beast control space.

Looking at the surrounding beasts, Xu Changsheng thought for a moment, and finally walked towards Zhulong, pointing at the evil spirit hearts that emitted a foul smell and said:

"Eat it! Leave no residue behind!"

This time, Xu Changsheng chose to let Zhulong evolve to a mythical beast first.

After all, its time-related abilities were truly unstoppable in battle.

If it evolved to a mythical level, Xu Changsheng's overall combat power would definitely be greatly improved!


Zhulong roared, sounding very reluctant to eat the smelly thing.

But seeing Xu Changsheng's firm expression, he would not disobey Xu Changsheng's order.

So he lowered his dragon head and ate the evil spirit heart bite by bite.

After eating thirty in a row, Zhulong stopped eating suddenly.

His dragon eyes were tightly closed, and his body exuded ancient and mysterious fluctuations.

Xu Changsheng could feel that the blood concentration in Zhulong's body was being purified at a slow and firm speed.

Very slow, but very steady!

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