"You three just follow me, uh......Xiao Lan, stay and guard the house. With you here, I can get there in time even if there is any danger here."

Xu Changsheng thought for a moment and made a plan for the affiliation of the four beasts.

This was not targeting the evil octopus.

It was its ability to summon blood-red tentacles, which was really suitable for city defense battles.

It was a Sun-level beast, which was equivalent to tens of thousands of low-level beasts.

Although the summoned illusory tentacles were not strong individually, they were a force that could not be ignored when combined.

Hearing this, the evil octopus was not angry at all, but revealed a bit of happiness.

Hundreds of blood-red tentacles twisted restlessly, obviously because they were happy that they didn't have to follow Xu Changsheng.

Seeing it like this, Xu Changsheng didn't feel any burden about his arrangements.

Originally, he was worried that if he forced the evil octopus to separate from its three companions, it would be dissatisfied.

Now it seems that he was overthinking it.

"Dijiang, use [Space Jump], return to the imperial capital!"

Seeing that the matter had been properly handled, Xu Changsheng waved his hand and commanded Dijiang to use his ability.

With his order, violent space fluctuations immediately swept Xu Changsheng and all the beasts.

The next moment, only the evil octopus was left in the huge room.

The rest of the people had already been teleported to the imperial capital.

Xu Changsheng only felt a flash before his eyes.

The next second, he appeared in his own manor.

Beside him, in addition to the beasts that had been with him for a long time, there were three hideous-looking Sun-level beasts!

The energy fluctuations unique to high-level beasts spread around them.

In just one second, the alarm for detecting the breath of beasts in the imperial capital suddenly sounded.

""Beep! Beep! Beep!"

The alarm sounded several times in succession. This was the highest level of alarm! It usually only sounded when a Sun-level beast appeared.

And now, a Sun-level beast appeared directly in the imperial capital!

Therefore, the alarm sounded even more intense, almost non-stop, and the sound was extremely high.

The sharp and piercing alarm sounded like a sword piercing the heart of every resident in the imperial capital.

At the same time, countless blood-red rays rose from the sky above the imperial capital. They crisscrossed in the air, and then formed a blood-red net, directly covering the manor where Xu Changsheng was.

This was telling everyone the source of the beast.

The guards in every corner of the imperial capital flew quickly almost in an instant. Rushed to Xu Changsheng's residence.

Shen Wuyan and other high-end combat forces also gathered in an instant.

They looked solemn, and even worried in their hearts:

Could it be that the decisive battle that Xu Changsheng mentioned has arrived ahead of time?

Not only the regular guards of the imperial capital, but even some civilian beast masters, heard the alarm. They also rushed to Xu Changsheng's manor without hesitation.

As beast masters, they usually receive countless preferential treatments because of this identity.

Now that their country is in trouble, they naturally have the obligation to defend their country, even if it costs their lives!

After all, if they don't charge forward.

Their family, lovers and friends will all die under the claws of the beast!

This is something that no one can allow!

"Oh my god, quickly restrain your breath!"

Almost at the moment when the alarm sounded, Xu Changsheng's roar followed.

He forgot that there was such a magical thing as the beast detector in the imperial capital.

After all, this thing is expensive, and the resources to maintain its operation are also extremely precious.

In a year, it often takes hundreds of millions of federal coins.

Therefore, in China, only the imperial capital has such a machine.

And what is the imperial capital?

It is located in the heart of China, and almost all the places around it where beasts may exist have been wiped out by special personnel.

Therefore, this beast detector has not been used once in the decades since it was built.

Xu Changsheng didn't think of it for a while, but it was reasonable.

Hearing his roar, the three beasts were also extremely obedient, trying their best to restrain their breath.

However, if this beast detector can be concealed so easily, how could it be worth pouring so many resources into it.

Therefore, even if these three beasts concealed their breath to the lowest.

Even Xu Changsheng, who was facing them, could hardly feel their existence, but the beast detector still burst out with a sharp whistle.

"Oh, forget it, I'll explain it myself later."

Seeing this scene, Xu Changsheng sighed in his heart.

He didn't need to think to know that his manor would probably be surrounded by countless beast masters in a short time.

With this thought, he simply took the three beasts out of the manor and took the initiative to explain.

Pushing open the door, Xu Changsheng rode the Bifang to the air.

Although some of the three beasts did not have wings, as beasts of the Sun level, flying was naturally not a difficult task for them. They also floated in the air with Xu

Changsheng. Looking at the crowd below him and the seemingly endless crowd at the end of his sight, Xu Changsheng sighed in his heart.

Then his beast control power surged in his throat, and he said loudly:

"I am Xu Changsheng. The fluctuation of the ferocious beasts just now was caused by the three companions I brought back from the beast world. Their strength and qualifications are all at the Sun level, which can provide great help for our final decisive battle!"

"At the same time, I guarantee with my character that these three beasts will be locked up in my own manor and will never be allowed to go out, let alone cause any harm to others."

"Everyone, please disperse! Be careful not to cause crowding and trampling!"

Xu Changsheng's voice floated down from midair.

With the blessing of the power of taming beasts, these words fell into everyone's ears without missing a word.

Their running steps suddenly stopped, and then fierce noise suddenly exploded in the crowd!

"Oh my god, what? What new task has our Lord Archon given us?"

"A few days ago, we suppressed hundreds of countries with thunder and lightning, making China the world's most powerful country."

"Now, he has conquered three more Sun-level beasts!"

"Oh my God, is Xu Changsheng really a human? Could he be some kind of deity descended to earth?"

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