Xu Changsheng's words were like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone's emotions were instantly turned upside down.

What did they hear?

Sun-level beasts!

Four of them!

You know, in the world of beast control, the Sun-level beasts are rare once in a thousand years.

And soon after the Sun-level beastmasters appeared, they were devoured by the beast god.

Therefore, the peak combat power of this world is generally only maintained at the ninth level of Diamond.

Even in special times, when the restrictions on realms are lifted, the highest combat power is only the Bright Moon.

Look, Xu Changsheng's actual combat power is only at the peak of the Bright Moon, and he can conquer the whole world in an instant.

If he wants, everyone in this world will be humble and respectful to him.

As for the Sun-level strongmen and beasts, to them, it is simply a fantasy, and the legendary existence is definitely not something that can be resisted by human power.

And now, what did Xu Changsheng say?

He said that China now has added four Sun-level combat powers.

How can everyone not be excited!

After all, every extra bit of fighting power now means a chance of survival in the final battle.

For a moment, the crowd, who were originally extremely nervous and even ready to fight to the death, relaxed.

They had happy smiles on their faces that they hadn't seen for a long time, and the haze in their hearts also dissipated a lot.

Of course, these people naturally admired and respected Xu Changsheng.

They almost regarded Xu Changsheng as the incarnation of a god sent by God to China to save China and the world.

Some people even built a one-to-one replica of Xu Changsheng at home, and worshiped him sincerely every day to get peace of mind.

This kind of behavior is not only done by the people of the Chinese imperial capital, but also a large-scale behavior all over the world!

After all, when a crisis comes, most people will lose their own opinions and subconsciously want to find a leader.

And Xu Changsheng, who is the most powerful in the world, is naturally their first choice.

As the saying goes, in the world of beast control, strength is respected!

Xu Changsheng stood on the back of Bifang and looked down at the crowd that was gradually dispersing.

From his perspective, groups of milky white light were floating towards him from all directions.

The source of these light groups was not just the imperial capital, but the entire world!

However, the people of the imperial capital were closest to him and were the most pious.

Therefore, the milky white light groups on them were more obvious.


Bifang whistled softly.

In an instant, a red wall of fire appeared around Xu Changsheng, blocking the milky white light ball of unknown origin and function.

Bifang's heavenly fire can naturally block most of the energy.

The milky white light ball was blocked by the fire wall and could not move forward.

However, the miraculous thing is that the milky white light ball was not burned to ashes when it hit Bifang's fire wall.

Instead, it kept colliding with the fire wall, and it seemed that it did not suffer any damage.

You know, Bifang's flame effect is very powerful!

Not only can it burn tangible things, but also intangible things.

Everything in the world, nothing is not burned.

And this milky white light was not affected at all.

Presumably its rank is also terrifyingly high.

Thinking of this, Xu Changsheng's heart moved, and he released his consciousness to carefully examine the essence of the milky white light ball.

As soon as his consciousness came into contact with the light ball, all kinds of noisy sounds came one after another.

"I pray to the Emperor of Immortality to keep my family safe and healthy, and to save their lives in the final battle."

"I pray to the Emperor of Immortality to bless my son to pass the college entrance examination and have a smooth journey to taming beasts."

"Please, Great Emperor of Immortality, let my useless husband stand up."




For a moment, the voices of hundreds of thousands of people praying almost filled Xu Changsheng's brain.

In a trance, Xu Changsheng seemed to see countless people kneeling in front of him, expressing their visions and hopes with a pious look.

Fortunately, his spirit and will have long been strong to an inhuman level.

Even if he was shocked by such an impact, he was only slightly dazed, and his body shook slightly before he quickly woke up.

After sorting out the noise in his mind, a look of shock appeared in his eyes:

"Could this be the legendary power of incense and vows?"

In the ancient myths of the Beast Taming World, in addition to the beastmasters relying on the power of the beasts to achieve myths, there is another way to become a god: becoming a god through incense!

However, this way of achieving myths is too demanding. Not only does it require devout believers in all regions of the world, but it also requires the worshipper to have a strong enough body to withstand the cleansing and transformation of the incense and vows.

I don't know how many people have been stumped by the first one alone.

The Beast Taming World is so big, how could it be possible for one person to have believers all over the world under normal circumstances.

Before Xu Changsheng, no matter how powerful someone was, he could not suppress all nations and become the leader of the world.

What's more, even if you are extremely powerful, others may recognize you, fear you, and respect you, but they may not necessarily worship you and hope for your salvation.

Therefore , this road is almost difficult to walk through. For tens of thousands of years, not to mention that someone has become a legend because of it.

Even getting started is extremely rare.

Therefore, this road is almost completely cut off, and only traces of it remain in ancient myths.

But now it is different. A disaster that is enough to exterminate all mankind will happen in less than a year.

In this case, everyone will yearn for someone to save them from danger.

And Xu Changsheng, who was born to respond to the situation, became the object of worship for most people.

The power of incense and vows was thus formed.

After Xu Changsheng explored the essence of the milky white light ball, he dispersed the fire wall formed by Bifang.

With his current physical fitness, it is natural for him to withstand the power of incense and vows.

Without the obstruction of the fire wall, these milky white light balls suddenly became crazy and wanted to sweep Xu Changsheng away.���Come.

As soon as they touched Xu Changsheng's body, they turned into trickles of water and merged into Xu Changsheng's body.

The milky white liquid gathered into a long river in Xu Changsheng's body.

The long river washed every corner of Xu Changsheng's body from top to bottom, from inside to outside.

He felt that his body seemed to have undergone some very mysterious changes.

This change is not just an improvement in strength and physique, but a transformation, a thorough evolution.

This flushing lasted for a full half hour.

After everything was over, Xu Changsheng unconsciously covered his chest.

He opened his eyes, and a warm and moist light flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

Then, Xu Changsheng's palms became like eagle claws, and he actually dug straight into his heart.


His skin was like brittle paper, and was easily torn into pieces by Xu Changsheng's hands.

He lowered his head and looked at the bowl-sized wound on his chest. Not only did no blood flow out of it, but it was filled with milky white light.

In the flashing light, the huge wound that was enough to kill an ordinary person was completely repaired in an instant.

This repair ability is even more abnormal than Fuyao!

More importantly, during this whole process, Xu Changsheng did not feel any pain!

However, the effect of incense and vows is not just that simple.

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