Invited by the Holy Lord?

Kitsune Shichi blinked and searched for information about Ling Beile in his memory, but unfortunately he found nothing. There was no record in the little black cat's notes... Was he kidding?

Beside him, Alice adjusted her sitting posture. Kitsune Shichi saw it with his peripheral vision and sat up straight.

As for the newly appointed head teacher opposite... he was loading and unloading the blackboard. There were six boxes of chalk on the ground. He accidentally kicked one box crooked, and the chalk rolled all over the ground.

This man has pale skin, navy blue hair, black eyes, a small black mole on the side of his nose, a tall and thin figure, an ordinary appearance, and no imposing manner.

Several transparent ghost hands emerged out of thin air, picked up the chalks on the ground one by one, and put them back into the chalk box.

The emperor-level pet [Thousand-Handed Ghost Emperor], the cursed king in the ghost system, the signature pet of the Imperial You Province!

Kitsune Shichi stood in awe

"Oh, I made some adjustments to my face."

Noticing the scrutiny behind him, Ling Beile scratched his hair and explained nonchalantly. At the same time, he looked back at his three students...

After the observation, he sincerely offered suggestions:

"There is no benefit to being beautiful. I suggest you make some adjustments. I can share the template for plastic surgery.……"

The atmosphere was cold.

The garden was silent.

Kitsune Shichi was once again convinced that the new head teacher was not easy to mess with, because Miss Alice did not sneer at him!

Ling Beile touched his chin, as if he remembered something, and suddenly realized:"That's right, you are only one star, you can't feel that kind of pain... Oh, right."

He clapped his hands and smiled:"I'm old and more old-fashioned... So, let's test the [full dimension] first!"

Are these two sentences related?! Before she finished complaining, Kitsune Shichi felt that she was"lifted" up, and her butt was empty - it was a space transfer skill!

She almost subconsciously pinched the perfection on the top of her head, and in just a moment, the scenery in front of her changed, she took a step back and stood on the playground.

Xu Fei and Alice also staggered a step and stood up straight

"Come, come, look over here!"

A rat-like pet ran along his arm, and Ling Beile clapped his hands again. Behind him was a rugged and strange instrument that made Hu Shiqi very envious.

[Full Dimension Detector]!

To put it bluntly, it is a full attribute test of the body, digitizing the body's abilities, just like the test scores, allowing people to clearly see the changes in their physical abilities.

The test is free, but there are only three instruments in the province, and reservations must be made. Generally, it takes three months to queue up, and only one appointment can be made per month.

Of course, some large families have their own [Full Dimension Detector], such as the Xu family. But Hu Shiqi thought about it and did not go to find Xu Fei. Anyway, she was not in a hurry - and there was no need to rush. Except for mental strength, the other attributes must be very poor

""Xu Fei, you go first." Ling Beile looked directly at Xu Fei, not hiding his curiosity. Hu Shiqi looked over and saw that Xu Fei was obviously familiar with the instrument. He walked straight to the instrument and sat down, surrounded by the tubes that suddenly appeared.

""Pop!" A light screen popped up next to the instrument, and the numbers changed rapidly.

Muscle tissue strength: 65

Cell vitality: 11

Nerve reaction speed: 17

Immunity strength: 7

"Wow, the muscle tissue strength is almost catching up with the general primary pet beast!" Ling Beile smiled,"It's a pity that the immunity is too weak, not as strong as an ordinary adult."

The standard for ordinary people is 10.

Muscle tissue strength is approximately equal to strength.

Cell vitality is approximately equal to vitality strength and wound recovery speed. The higher the value, the longer the life span.

Nerve reaction speed, the higher the value, the faster the reaction speed, including dynamic vision, etc.

Immunity strength, that is, the body's rejection of foreign factors, including element resistance and virus resistance. The instrument was quickly untied, Xu Fei sat up from the chair, glanced at his data, and had no reaction.

"The next one is you, Kitsune Shichi."

Ling Beile called out the name directly, and at the same time his eyes turned to Alice, who frowned and was obviously very resistant.

""Student Alice, if you don't want to take the test, it's okay. I don't mind."

Fox Seven imitated Xu Fei and walked into the instrument. Layers of soft tubes and belts squeezed up, and thin sheets of suspected metal stuck to her eyelids. Then, these metals and tubes began to vibrate. After a few seconds, the vibration stopped and the tubes were removed.

Fox Seven quickly glanced at the light screen.

Muscle tissue strength: 9

Cell vitality: 16

Nerve reaction speed: 8

Immunity strength: 16

Huh, it's better than she thought?!

Fox Seven was shocked.

She knew best that the body she inherited from the original owner was definitely the lowest configuration. She couldn't carry anything on her shoulders or lift anything with her hands. She would be in excruciating pain during her period - but she couldn't blame the original owner. After all, she didn't want to live anymore, so she definitely couldn't exercise every day.

"Such strange cell vitality, the strength of immunity is also abnormal, could it be that the slime is a healing beast pet?"

Ling Beile touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

Fox Seven also pursed his lips. He had been drinking Karachi tea for two months in a row, and it still had this effect...

Moreover, the muscle tissue strength was 9, and the nerve reaction speed was 8, which was about the same as that of a normal person. Otherwise, I would fight tonight, learn from Xu Fei's spirit, and swallow five or six body training pills... First pull myself to the average……?

"Do you want to test it?" Ling Beile asked Alice again.

"……Alice hesitated for a few seconds and finally nodded.

Two minutes later, Miss Alice's data was also released - muscle tissue strength: 6 cell vitality: 12 nerve reaction speed: 5 immunity strength: 10

"Eh……"Ling Beile sighed.

Kitsuneya Qi also rubbed his eyes. How come Alice's value was lower than hers?

"You two need to practice more."

Ling Beile shrugged his shoulders and looked at the two girls in the team,"Apart from the power of the beast pet, even if you two were stacked together, you wouldn't be able to withstand half a punch from that kid."

"I don't want to grow muscles!"

Alice sat up from the instrument, looking angry.

Fox Seven glanced at Xu Fei, staring at the latter's white, slender, and weak hands...

That's it? Muscle tissue strength 65? Ten times that of Alice? Why don't you believe it?

But the next moment, Fox Seven remembered Xu Fei's physical examination report that said he was as strong as a bull...

This world doesn't follow science. Maybe, as a pure human, she really shouldn't compare strength with a human-animal hybrid.

"It doesn't matter, I won't force you."

Ling Beile was even happier after hearing this.

What a joke, he wasn't here to meddle in other people's business.

"Kitsune Shichi, from today on, all extracurricular activities must be based on the first door. Three weeks later, I want you to fight Xu Fei - the winner doesn't have to do homework!"

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