The winner... can skip homework?!

Kitsune couldn't help but clench her fist, but before she could ask a question, Ling Beile added:

"The beast pet cannot come up, it's you and him fighting alone - in other words, it's you and him fighting each other, understand?"

Fighting each other?? Fox Seven glanced at Xu Fei, but saw that the latter just smiled helplessly, and immediately felt uneasy.

"Can I use some tools?"

For example, high heels to protect against wolves?

Although I'm sorry, but when it comes to fighting with men, Kitsune Yashichi only has experience fighting perverts.

"I suggest you don't do that. The Xu family's knife fighting is very famous. You are making it more difficult for yourself."

Ling Beile smacked his lips and glanced at Xu Fei.

The golden sunlight of the early morning fell on the runway. Xu Fei straightened his shoulders, his hair was messy in the breeze.

He frowned slightly and looked away. It was obvious that he didn't want to participate in this topic.


Kitsune Shichi was stunned for two seconds, and suddenly remembered Xu Fei's second brother. The silver-haired boy jumped out of the fountain at that time, with a deep penetrating wound on his waist and abdomen. The wound was turned outward and bleeding, but he didn't take it seriously. He could be injured like that even when practicing at home. If he faced the enemy, stabbing each other in the heart should be the basic operation?

Kitsune Shichi suddenly felt that he was on the wrong channel.

Study? What the hell, the most important thing is to improve your mental power quickly. If the enemy dances on your head, it's useless to get full marks in all eight subjects... Then the reward of [No Homework] is perfect for her.

Moreover, the muscle tissue strength is 65:9, the gap is too outrageous... Unless she raises her mental power to level 20 within three weeks and contracts a fighting beast pet... In the final analysis, it is still urging her to improve her mental power, otherwise there is no hope of winning.

Kitsune glanced at Xu Fei again. For some reason, when she talked about Xu Fei's fights, her mind always showed the tragic scene of the little fox ball being thrown away by A-Long's tail. She couldn't imagine [Xu Fei] [holding a knife] [killing people everywhere].

These three words seemed unrelated.

Was this guy creating an"approachable" persona?

"Haha… It doesn’t matter who wins or loses, what matters is participation. By the way, Alice can also participate~ You can get full credits by not doing homework, and you can use the time saved to do other things. Wings of Freedom~ Freedom is the reward I give you."

Ling Beile held back his laughter. Of course he knew how difficult this competition was, but - haha, he just wanted to see the show.

After saying that, he clapped his hands, and a brighter smile appeared on his face, with his eyebrows and eyes curved up.

"Well, you guys go back to class, the damn classroom has been renovated. Let me see who set your classroom in that damn place.……"

The space was stretched, and the sunlight and the playground disappeared.

Kitsune Shichi also landed on the ground again. He was blinded by the bright lights, and then he was stunned when he opened his eyes.

The classroom - yes, in theory it should be a classroom, but the original small garden has become a huge spherical space, spacious and magnificent. The layout of the room is simple, with the same three tables and a small blackboard.

The biggest change is above the head, from a simple awning to a tall marble dome, and there are also several familiar beast pets carved on it.……

"Slime, Aaron, Rose Elf……"

Kitsune Shichi looked up and counted them one by one. Suddenly he got excited and picked up his phone and started taking photos like crazy.

"There is still an empty space, will it be carved up after the contract is completed?"

Kitsune Yashichi said to himself, and suddenly he was full of motivation to upgrade - isn't this just like lighting up an icon?

"Our new class teacher has you completely under control. However, you can't beat Xu Fei. Even if you reach level 20 and your physical fitness is up to par, you still can't beat him. I advise you to just give up."

Alice said unhappily, standing aside with her arms folded.

How was Rose Bell forced to use the multiple clone thunderstorm technique? It was because Xu Yuran wanted to kill her. Although she turned the tables in the end and blew Xu Yuran half to death, she was really scared at the time.

"……actually……"Xu Fei was about to speak when he was interrupted.

Fox Seven waved his hands quickly,"It doesn't matter, a hero doesn't care where he comes from, as long as he can win! I can make some laxatives to knock him down. And Xu Fei, remember to be gentle when the time comes, and don't hit me in the face!"

Xu Fei: ???

Are you so confident?

He instantly forgot what he was going to say.

Then Fox Seven trotted all the way, rushed out of the classroom, and slammed the door of the new classroom:

"Hey, come out and see! The gate has been torn down into a heart shape! Two doorplates were made, hanging on both sides like wings! I didn't expect that our teacher Ling actually has a girlish heart!"There was a burst of echoes outside the corridor, and the two people in the room were silent.

This person really came to school...

But, this picture is not right, right? As the successor of the Holy Lord, she has been arranged to this point, why is she still like this... Is she really a big-headed person, or is she pretending?

If it's the latter, it's too scary

"……"Okay." Xu Fei sighed helplessly and walked back to his seat and sat down.

"This is also a way, but there is no need to use laxatives……"

Alice was stunned for a moment, then her shock turned into disbelief, and finally into anger. She raised her eyebrows high:

"You are helping her cheat!"

Xu Fei glanced at Alice, without much explanation, and just asked coldly:

"You don't have to get involved, so why do you care about this?"


Alice wanted to refute, but suddenly she understood and could only sit back in her seat.

Yes, because of her father, she was not used as a tool by Ling Beile, but Xu Fei... he had no way to resist.

Ling Beile wanted to use Xu Fei as a"tool" to stimulate Hu Yaqi. He arranged for Xu Fei and Hu Yaqi to fight, which was not good for Xu Fei at all.

Because Xu Fei didn't want to"not do homework" at all.

What's more, the price of"not doing homework" was to beat Hu Yaqi... Assuming he really did this, the Xu family would not be happy, and Hu Yaqi would not be happy either.

Who would be willing to offend everyone without any benefit and just become a tool to entertain others?

"What a hassle!"Alice complained harshly.

Xu Fei looked at the textbook calmly and turned the electronic pen in his hand, as if he didn't hear Alice's complaints.


So after Kitsune finished taking photos of the classroom and sent them to Karachi, he returned to the classroom and found that the two were studying hard without saying a word.……

""Why are you all studying now?!"

Are they so eager? A young master and a young lady, the former with 20 million in pocket money and the latter with a net worth of 100 billion, but they are so self-disciplined that they don't even let go of the break time during morning reading...

Someone was heartbroken and ran over to see that the two were reading"Detailed Explanation of Beast Pet Skills". Alice was on page 45 and Xu Fei was on page 31. Oh, they turned another page...

Kitsune Shichi:………

At this moment, she really wanted to call the Holy Lord

‘Hello, I need two ordinary classmates, please take these two kings away from me, thank you.'

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