According to the class schedule, a day at Qilin High School is roughly arranged as follows:

Arrive at school before 6:55, morning reading at 7:00.

5 classes in the morning, from 7:30 to 11:45, each class is 45 minutes, with a 15-minute break in between.

11:45-13:30, lunch + lunch break.

4 classes in the afternoon, from 13:30 to 16:45.

16:45-18:00, dinner + free time.

18:30-19:30, extracurricular activities (optional).

20:00-21:00, evening self-study


After 9 classes, Kitsune Shichi actually felt okay. The teachers were amiable, humorous, and made the boring textbooks easy to understand.

Grateful. Maybe the summer tutoring worked, or maybe the world's studies are mainly liberal arts, and missing a section in junior high school does not affect learning new knowledge in high school?

In short, she had only heard of a few nouns and a few"incidents", and she could understand everything else.

Of course, this is also because..."Energy" and"Battle Strategy" were not scheduled in the course of this day.

In short, the day seemed to pass peacefully. The only surprise was that around seven o'clock in the morning, there was a loud noise in the middle of the teaching building. For a moment, the floor shook, and everything in the house bounced, and the explosion resounded through the world.

At that time, Kitsune Shichi thought the teaching building was going to collapse, but the teaching building only shook for a while and then stabilized, so she turned her head and looked out the window, only to see a small black dot being swept up by a tornado, flying into the sky like a meteor.……


Kitsune Shichi reasonably suspected that a certain teacher was beaten up by Ling Beile, because... when the classes were divided yesterday, several teachers expressed their dissatisfaction, so the Wings of Freedom were assigned to the rooftop, together with fruits and vegetables. In this way, Ling Beile was probably in the position of emergency, but I don't know what the Holy Lord is planning...

Anyway, this day felt pretty good.

In the restaurant, Kitsune Shichi ate shrimp and lettuce, and took a sip of vegetable soup. They all had the taste of the ingredients themselves. I don't know if Dovemon forgot to use the skill, or if she didn't have anything special to eat today.

In addition, when she was eating today, she was still sitting opposite Alice, and Xu Fei was nowhere to be seen, so there was no one on both sides.

The two strange boys each occupied a table nearby.

"Which extracurricular activity are you going to participate in?"

After finishing his meal, Kitsune wiped his mouth, looked up at Alice, and asked

"Beastmaster Duel."

Alice answered without hesitation.

She put down her knife and fork and wiped her mouth gracefully.

"Are you really going to listen to that guy and go to the first door? There is no point in treasure hunting, come with me to the third door!"

"No, I'm curious. I have extracurricular activities every day anyway, so I'm going to try every door."

Kitsune Shichi replied. She planned to go back to do her homework first, and then go to the extracurricular activities when the time was almost up.

……Otherwise, I can't finish my homework at all, and I have to continue writing after I go home at nine o'clock. That's too cruel.

PS, the extracurricular activities of top high schools are confidential resources, and there is no information on the Internet.

But there are policies from above, and there are countermeasures from below.

While eating at noon, Kitsune Shichi caught a particularly friendly senior high school girl. After a little questioning, the other party told her the news of the eight gates. The first gate is a treasure hunt in a fantasy.

The college will set up a fantasy full of traps and puzzles. Students need to solve puzzles and defeat enemies. The first to find the treasure will get 1 point. The second gate is a mirror battle.

Participants fight against themselves, and no points will be awarded regardless of success or failure. The third gate is a beast duel.

Participants will have a random match, and the winner will increase 1 point and the loser will lose 1 point.

The fourth gate is the battle of beast kings.

Only beast pets can enter this gate. The beast pets participating in the competition will continue to match and fight, and they cannot quit during the process. If they quit in violation of the rules, they will be directly regarded as failures.

The registration fee is 1 point, and the winner will get 2 points.

Note: The battle may last for several days.

The 5th, 6th, and 7th doors are all secret realms.

The 8th door is a survival test.

Students will be thrown into the illusion space and use their knowledge and pet skills to ensure their survival while dealing with attacks from other students. If you are fatally injured, you will be teleported away. The last person to survive will receive 1 point.


So, treasure hunting in the secret realm...

Could it be that Ling Beile buried good things for her in the secret realm, such as a secret book that can improve physical fitness?

No, it's not likely. That man looks particularly antisocial, and has nothing to do with"good intentions"...

While queuing, Hu Yaqi fell into deep thought.

Because the first door does not require points to be deducted, there are many people queuing up, and everyone looks relaxed, as if they are going on a spring outing together.

Seeing this scene, Hu Yaqi, who has rich experience of being cheated, is very alert. She knows very little about this world, and there are many things that cannot be made up by remedial classes.

For example,"fire element + dark element = aphrodisiac".

Hu Yaqi has no place to learn this kind of knowledge.

Because ordinary people in this world don't even know that there are"alchemists" in the world. Good materials have violent energy. Not to mention that humans can't eat them, even thick-skinned beasts can't swallow them casually.

Eating raw medicinal materials is not called cultivation in this world, but seeking death.

When any beast pet evolves, its body's ability to repair itself will be particularly strong. At this time, eating materials with violent energy is not a way to kill yourself, but will help you evolve powerful skills.

Therefore, if you get treasures in the secret realm that are not compatible with your beast pet's attributes, you will sell them directly.

""Beautiful lady, can you please show me the treasures you found during the treasure hunt?"

The team moved forward in an orderly manner. Kitsune Shichi poked the beautiful lady in front of him and asked softly.

"No, everything in the illusion is fake."

The other party replied."Are you a freshman in high school? Just go in and play on the first day. There are many puzzles related to the courses, which are not something you freshmen can solve."

What, you have to do questions after entering the illusion?

Kitsune Shichi stood there in a daze, the feeling of being cheated became stronger and stronger, but it was too late to quit the team at this moment.

Half a minute later, it was finally her turn.

In front of the colorful light door, a black light shone down, turning into a dark talisman that fell on Kitsune Shichi's palm.

The teacher at the door explained:"This is positioning. If your life is in danger, you will be forced to leave the illusion."

Kitsuneya Nana clenched her fist. She had a psychological trauma about the light gate, but there was nothing she could do about it. She could only lift her legs and step out.

With a flash of light, Kitsuneya Nana entered an empty and endless... runway? Stadium?

In front of her was a pony half the height of a person...

No, not a pony, but an illusory"mosaic" horse with square ears, a bit like the open world game she played in her previous life.

A shadow fell on her head.

Kitsuneya Nana felt something was wrong, and when she looked up, she saw two pieces of wood that were also made of mosaics... oars (?) were slowly falling down and stopped beside her hands.

"Treasure hunt in a fantasy world?"

After a half-second of silence, Kitsune Shichi questioned.

At the same moment, Ling Beile's loud laughter rang out in the space:

"Dear Young Master, this is a physical enhancement game I have customized for you. Please mount your horse, wear the wood pulp, and start the first stage of your journey to becoming a supreme strong man.——【Dragon Boat Race】!"

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