Soon... Dragon Boat Race?

How did these two words come together?

Kitsune Shichi glanced at the"mosaic" in front of her, and her bad feeling became stronger and stronger, but her intuition told her that there was no harm in doing this in theory...

At most... The process would be a little painful?

That's right, physical training can't be easy.

Kitsune Shichi gritted her teeth, thinking of the envy and jealousy of the"royal family" on the Internet, and then thought about her own people - Xu Fei came from a big family, Alice had an eight-star father, and she didn't know how many steps ahead of everyone else since she was born, but she was still so powerful...

Now she also has such an opportunity...

Then she will roll! Roll them to death!!!

"Ahem, how long are you going to think about this? Am I going to hurt you again?"

Above his head, Ling Beile urged

"You just want to see me laugh!"

Fox Seven exposed him unhappily, looking up. Although he didn't know where this guy was, he must be watching nearby...

A cloud floated through the illusory space and condensed into a huge round cake. The next second, this huge cloud cake was forcibly punched with three holes. The hole at the bottom opened and closed, and it actually spoke like a human:

"How is it possible? How can you think of me like this? I would never do such a thing! I am a serious teacher, and I am well-received by students in the outer galaxy!"

Is it true? Fox Seven didn't believe it, and hesitantly stepped onto the horse, and the pair of oars followed immediately.

So, Fox Seven subconsciously stretched out his arms, and with two clicks, iron handcuffs extended from the oars, and they were quickly tied up as if they were afraid that she would regret it, and handcuffed her arms tightly. Fox Seven shook his arms and felt like he was carrying two large buckets of water, which was a bit heavy, but still bearable.

The clouds on the horizon twitched their faces, as if they were trying to hold back a laugh:

"Swing the paddle to speed up, and always hold the horse tightly to keep its head up! When you encounter an uphill slope, kick the horse's belly immediately to keep the horse's mood stable! When you encounter a canyon, kick the horse's belly continuously to make the horse turn into a dragon and glide!"

What, what?! Uphill, canyon??

Fox Seven's pupils constricted, and he immediately clamped the mosaic under him. The pony was still very well-behaved at the moment, but its head was getting lower and lower. It was about to tilt its front hooves and kneel on the spot. Fox Seven was so scared that he hurriedly used all his strength!

At this time, a huge mosaic countdown appeared above the runway in front: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...


The moment the countdown returned to zero, the originally well-behaved Mosaic was like a poisoned octopus.

Its four legs were twitching wildly, shaking like Parkinson's disease.

Fox Seven was frightened and his adrenaline was surging.

He immediately swung his arms wildly, turning the huge oars like two electric fans, and even making a"woo woo woo" sound!

As soon as the oars moved, the horse's legs were like clockwork, running forward normally, but the running was not coordinated, and the front and back legs were crooked, just like dancing the yangko.



"Why is there an uphill slope?!!!"

The horse's head was too low, and Kitsune Shichi failed to climb the slope, and she and the horse rolled down. Although she was not injured, she suffered serious psychological trauma!!!

The clouds trembled, and Ling Beile tried hard to hold back his laughter:

"Didn't I tell you that you should squeeze your legs tightly against the horse and kick the horse's belly when going uphill?……"

When someone finally climbed up the first slope, a 30-meter-wide ditch came into view. It was too late to brake. Kitsune Shichi's face turned pale and her reaction speed was extremely fast. She kicked the horse's belly three times in a row. Unfortunately, her legs were weak and her explosive power was not enough to lift the horse's head instantly. She could only watch the horse turn into a dragon, and then its head pointed downwards - carrying her down to the opposite cliff!

"Ling Beile——Fuck you MB——Ahhhh help me——Help me——!!!"

Above my head, the clouds sparkled, as bright as if there was a sun hidden behind the clouds, trembling in the sky.

Then, a dark cloud gathered out of thin air, blocking the two eye-like curved holes in the cloud.

"Oh my... It's so horrible, my poor young master... Then I won't watch it? Is it okay for me not to watch it?"


At 19:30, the sun was setting and the sky was getting dark. Behind the teaching building of Qilin High School, the lights on the floating island were on. In the central square, arcs of light flickered. One after another, students were kicked out of the illusion. Some were furious and dissatisfied, while others were jubilant and unsatisfied...

Of course, there were others... She was exhausted.


A soft ball of slime fell to the ground, cushioning its unfortunate owner, while Kitsune Shichi was face down, struggling to move his fingers twice, and the whole person was motionless.

Sweat fell down with a crackling sound, and was blown dry by the wind.

A few minutes later, the students in the square dispersed, and the silver slime slowly floated up...

The sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it is almost dusk...

Walking along the Naihe Bridge, how can you not get your shoes wet?……

"……Let's go, perfect, let's go home……"

Kitsune Shichi struggled to get up, and a hoarse cry came out of his throat. After he finished speaking, he was stunned, and suddenly raised his head, remembering a terrible fact.——

"No, the homework is not finished yet.……"

Die, or die...

Fox Yaqi closed his eyes and lay back, using the last of his strength to roll to the left, trying to fall directly off Perfect...

Perfect smoothly extended to the left, and at the same time flew steadily towards the teaching building.

——If you train it well, you don't need to do homework in three weeks, and you can go out and play with it every day!

Perfect:‘……come on! Come on!’



Just like that, when Alice returned to the classroom, she found that someone had come back early, holding a slime in his arms, holding a thermos cup in his hand, sucking water with a straw, and exhaling slowly. The huge energy ball almost swallowed her whole body.

And Kitsune Shichi himself just raised his eyelids lightly, glanced at Alice, calmly, and seemed not to want to share the joy of the first day of extracurricular activities with others. Without even a greeting, he closed his eyes and continued to exercise his mental strength.

For a moment, only three question marks slowly floated in Alice's mind——??? He didn't even let go of the 30-minute break after the extracurricular activities, and he just exhaled calmly?

"You really want to exhale at this time?"

Alice walked in, shaking her hair, picked up the water cup and took a big sip, with a look of pride on her face that could not be concealed.

"I defeated a two-star beastmaster! One against two!"

Kitsune opened her eyes again after hearing this, sipped the tea for a long time, and exhaled twice. She finally felt much better.

"The training is too tiring.……"

Kitsune Shichi rubbed his aching forehead and slowly closed his eyes, but it still didn't work. He was still sleepy... He was going to fail.

"I won't say any more. I need to take a for a while, or I won't be able to concentrate on my homework.……"

Alice: ???

What did you say? Breathing = resting, the purpose is to... concentrate on doing homework???

"Shut up, this kind of humiliation is unnecessary."

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