"Thank you, teacher!"

After getting the benefit, Kitsune Shichi pretended to be happy and even asked:"I really don't have to do homework. Starting from this week, I don't have to do any subjects, right?"

Ling Beile was also generous:"Yes, that's right! I'll talk to other teachers, and no one will make things difficult for you!"

Then, he waved his hand, the space twisted, the arena dissipated, and Kitsune Shichi was sent out of the illusion.

It was not yet eight o'clock, and it was not yet completely dark. There were still many students walking around in the central square.

In addition, a bright red voting stand was erected at the exit of the floating island. All testers who had participated in the"Swamp Marathon" could vote with their bracelets.

At this moment, the voting stand was full of people, and everyone was very excited.

Kitsune Shichi moved his neck and looked far away, but did not find Xu Fei's figure.

That guy was really strong. He was tossed around like that first, and then she sneaked a knife attack on him, and finally his head hit the ground hard, but now he disappeared without a trace...

Kitsune Shichi clicked his tongue. Although history books have always been strong...��"Beast pets are much stronger than humans", but as a"master", she always felt that there was not much difference between herself and the beast pets.

Especially the primary beast pets, aren't they just cute babies? Even if they can spit fire and water - to be honest, lighters can also spit fire, and faucets can also"gurgle" water, not to mention hair dryers, which can blow hot and cold air at the same time!

……I am really ignorant.

Standing in the cool night breeze, Kitsune Shichi thought about it for a few seconds and began to review the situation quickly.

……It seemed that there was no flaw.

So, Fox Seven walked towards the lower island entrance, and only at this moment did she finally breathe a sigh of relief.

That's right, she"won", and Ling Beile also recognized her"victory". He didn't notice that she reacted, but felt that everything was under his control. Presumably, he would still"paint a pie" for her later and continue to tempt her with"rewards".

Fox Seven smiled calmly.

Ling Beile is a man with a really dark heart.

The power gap is as high as seven times, and Xu Fei has been training in martial arts since childhood. Ling Beile asked her to fight Xu Fei one-on-one, which is like asking a"preschooler" to beat a"professional boxer". Everyone who heard it found it incredible.

From the beginning, Fox Seven knew in her heart that 65:9, as the"9", she would never win.

Ling Beile couldn't have been unaware of this.

He knew that at this stage, Fox Seven couldn't beat Xu Fei - and she couldn't beat him no matter what.

Unless she reaches level 20, as Xu Fei said, she will have a chance to fight after leveling up, contracting a fighting pet, awakening fighting skills, and completing this series of miracles.

However, Ling Beile set a time limit for this competition:"three weeks later".

The meaning is also very clear: he wants her to fight Xu Fei at a disadvantage! Don't give her a chance to level up!

In other words, what Ling Beile wants is definitely not"her Kitsune Shichi defeats Xu Fei openly!""

……This is a bit outrageous.

So, at first, Kitsune Shichi...she suspected that Ling Beile was just looking for fun. He knew she couldn't beat him, but he still made such a request, and it was not reliable to give a reward.

He is a teacher, but he rewarded her for [not doing homework]?

At first glance, this is a provocation, and the person who said it didn't take it seriously. Then, the listener doesn't have to take it seriously.

In short, that day, Kitsune Shichi was tormented to death by the"Dragon Boat Race" and didn't want to participate the next day - whoever participates is stupid! What's the use of exercising the body, exercising mental strength is the right thing to do!

Apart from anything else, Miss Alice is not stupid, she is so strong that she can't leave any weaknesses for herself!

But...that same night, Kitsune Shichi couldn't sleep all the time, always feeling that she had overlooked something. She slept in a daze until midnight, and she suddenly sat up from the bed!

She figured it out!

Ling Beile is a [teacher]! But he is not here to teach her cultural subjects, nor is he here to watch her do the questions!

He is inducing her:"Win by any means necessary."!


In short, that night, Kitsune Shichi thought a lot. According to her speculation, if she chose to avoid the battle, or lost in the competition with Xu Fei...

Ling Beile would definitely be"disappointed".

She disappointed him, and he was in a bad mood. This was just the beginning, and he might find it boring and stop investing resources immediately. Maybe he would quit on the spot and leave, and before leaving, he would complain to the Holy Lord:

""You teach her yourself. It's hard to carve a rotten tree. Your subordinates are powerless~"

So, she must win, win by any means!

Only by winning Xu Fei, Ling Beile will feel that he has succeeded in"teaching students in accordance with their aptitude" and that he has"educated them well".

Then, he will continue to invest resources in her and temporarily become her (not so reliable) backer.

Why not take the resources and backer given for free?

Kitsune Shichi made a decision in an instant!

It's just acting! She will act it!


Therefore, in the following days, someone has been studying how to win beautifully, and he races dragon boats every day, making sure to make Ling Beile feel comfortable and make him feel from the bottom of his heart: this resource is worth spending, and this money is really worth spending.


""Alas, let's upgrade quickly~"

Fox Seven exhaled and walked towards the escalator.

As I said before, high talent is only potential, not strength. To put it bluntly, you are still a weak person. People can admire you or crush you to death, depending on their mood.

At this time, a"rustling" sound came from the bushes next to the elevator. Fox Seven looked down and found an inconspicuous gray fox ball pulling apart the grass leaves, trying to wave its claws at her, with its ears drooping, as if it was very aggrieved.



Kitsune Yashichi subconsciously looked up at the sky. The sun was still hanging on the horizon, but the moon was nowhere to be seen. How did this person transform?

"squeak——"The elevator went down.

Kitsune Shichi flew up quickly, and looked around with her peripheral vision. Seeing that no one was paying attention, she quickly bent down, grabbed the small ball of fur in the bushes, and stuffed it into her pocket.

Eh, it seems like she pinched the tail?

Kitsune Shichi was stunned, and pinched the fur ball in her hand twice more in disbelief. She reached her fingers into the fur, and just as she subconsciously tried to lift up the fluffy tail, the fur ball instantly became manic, arching back and forth, making a"wow wow" sound of resistance.

Well, Kitsune Shichi blushed slightly, and reacted belatedly: Xu Fei became a fox, which was equivalent to being naked, so he covered his butt with his tail... Oh

, it's quite embarrassing to think about it this way!

No wonder it hid in the bushes and didn't come out!

"It's just a slip of the hand, calm down, calm down……"

The wind was strong at high altitude, and Kitsune covered her mouth with her free hand, giggling and comforting her, not caring that the little fox ball in her pocket couldn't hear her.

Then, she calmly jumped off the floating island and flew directly towards the teaching building.

"Since you don't have to do homework anyway, I might as well go to Ling Beile to get a leave note and send you home early.……"

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