——Putting a small fox ball in your pocket, you can free up your money.

When buying a ticket, Fox Seven deliberately swiped Xu Fei's salary (?) card and went directly to Xu's floating island.

Looking up, the buildings on the island are in the same color, black, gray, blue and green, solemn and dignified, making people afraid to make a noise.

……It's too quiet.

Kitsune Shichi looked at her watch. It was only eight o'clock.

Before, she was led by Xu Fei, but now she is alone. Even her breathing echoes.

In short, this place makes Kitsune Shichi feel like she has"accidentally walked into the imperial palace". She even feels that there are people patrolling at the street corners and a team of guards will rush out to take her away at any time...

The ground is paved with bluestone slabs, which are polished to a shine.

On the street, the street lights are on, and the lamp posts drag long and thin shadows, which are obliquely reflected on the wall.

There are no insects or birds singing, no human figures can be seen, and no human voices can be heard. The whole island is like an empty ghost town.


Kitsune Shichi walked forward quietly, following the route she remembered, turning left first and then going straight.

The sun had completely disappeared below the horizon, the grass leaves were swaying, the wind was cool, and only the fountain was gurgling.

When passing the fountain, Kitsune Shichi took a look into the fountain, but unfortunately, there was no injured beautiful boy or wet little fox in the fountain.

After passing the fountain and walking a little further in, she arrived at Xu Fei's residence, but the buildings were exactly the same. After passing five intersections in a row, Kitsune Shichi couldn't remember clearly.

So she hid the little fox ball in her sleeve and asked it to help take a look.

The little fox ball stretched out its claws and poked forward.

"The one in front?"


So Kitsune walked over quickly and pushed the door open.

"Beep, beep, beep—Stranger! Illegal trespassing!"

The shrill alarm sounded through the sky in an instant

……Stranger? ? ? So heartless? ? ?

Kitsune Shichi immediately took out the fur ball, handed it forward, and shook it back and forth in front of the alarm.

The little fox ball struggled for a while, half of its body got out from between its fingers, and tried to aim itself at the alarm at the door.

However, the identification light flashed wildly, and the alarm continued to scream, louder and louder!

"Trespassing! Trespassing! Trespassing!"

Kitsune Shichi felt like he had picked up a key that was not very useful (?),"Hey, hey, did we go the wrong way?"

The little fox ball was stunned, then looked around, alerted and carefully observed the"monsters" around him, and suddenly"wowed", jumped down, easily broke free from Kitsune Shichi's grasp, and went straight in through her school uniform sleeve!

At this time, footsteps were heard in the door, and with a"click", the door was opened from the inside.

Kitsune Shichi subconsciously took a step back, and saw another"Xu Fei" appear from the door.

This person was wearing a silk home suit, with half of his chest exposed from the collar, long dark eyes, a straight nose and thin lips, and his hair was slightly longer than Xu Fei's, combed back, completely revealing his forehead.


He opened his mouth, feeling depressed

"I'm so sorry!"

Fox Seven spoke first, stuffed his hands into his pockets, and hid the little fox ball again. At the same time, he noticed that the whites of this man's eyes were red, so there was no need to guess, it was definitely Xu Jinbai!

"Are you Xu Fei's brother? Sorry, I came to look for Xu Fei and accidentally went to the wrong place.……"

Xu Jinbai's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at the girl in front of him for a few times.

Of course he knew her.

So Xu Jinbai stepped back and made way for the entrance:"Please come in."

"Then I won't bother you anymore... ah?"

Fox Seven was stunned for a moment, looking at the familiar face in front of him.

What did he say?……?……Please come in?

"Come in first. I also have something to give to Xu Fei. You can just take it for him, so I don't have to make another trip."

Xu Jinbai stood diagonally behind the door, almost hiding himself in the shadows, and said in a light tone. Is he afraid of moonlight too? Hu Shiqi looked up at the sky calmly. She wanted to refuse, but when she thought that the other party couldn't go out, she softened her heart.

The main thing was that she was indeed very interested in this SSS-level genius... So she followed him in.

In her pocket, the little fox ball stopped breathing. Hu Shiqi poked it, but it still didn't move.

Just like that, Hu Shiqi walked directly into the house. Xu Jinbai didn't ask her to change her shoes, and walked straight into the house, suspected to be going to get something..

So Hu Shiqi took the initiative to walk into the living room and waited there. He looked around and felt that it was very familiar.

The house type is the same, the style is the same, even the sofa cover is the same black! Except for a few different decorations, what is the difference between this and Xu Fei's house?

There is no difference, there is really no difference!

Hu Shiqi... was speechless.

It would be fine if they had unified decoration, but even the bed curtains and quilt covers were purchased wholesale by the family. How on earth did they bear it?

Soon, Xu Jinbai came out from the inner room.

He handed a brown paper bag to Hu Shiqi and glanced in the direction of the sofa,"You can sit over there. Wait a minute, I'll get you some water."

So enthusiastic??? Hu Shiqi was confused, holding the brown paper bag, speechless for a moment.

Could it be that this big brother also wanted to make friends?

Inexplicably, Hu Shiqi recalled the first call Xu Fei made to her not long ago - in fact, two months ago.

At that time, he offered to give her a beast egg. This level of generosity is very explosive even today.

A few minutes later, Xu Jinbai came back with a glass of water, put the glass on the coffee table, and sat on the other end of the sofa, separating them from each other with a polite but not too far distance.

""Thank you."

Fox Seven thanked him and took the cup in his hand. He noticed that Xu Jinbai's legs were facing her. Although he had no expression on his face, he seemed to want to talk to her?

Did he want to ask about Xu Fei's performance in school?

Fox Seven fell into deep thought. Or was it that the Xu family was actually a family of brothers who were respectful to each other, but they expressed their love in a different way, which was more forbearing and restrained, and ordinary people could not understand it?

"Xu Fei……"Xu Jinbai really spoke,"Why did you come to see Xu Fei?"

Here she comes! Hu Shiqi sat upright and answered in a serious tone,"Xu Fei's card was left at school. He said it was inconvenient for him to go out because the school was closed on weekends, but he needed money, so he asked me to bring it to him."

After that, Hu Shiqi took out Xu Fei's bank card to prove that what he said was true.

"Add a contact number." Xu Jinbai said again, taking out his cell phone,"Next time, contact me directly, don't go through Alice, I don't want Alex to visit me."

Hu Shiqi was embarrassed for a second,"Uh."

Since it came to this, she saved Xu Jinbai's phone number.

The problem is that the mobile phones in this world are a bit advanced, and they can automatically capture photos when saving contacts.

Hu Shiqi stared at the snapshots on the screen, compared them with the large chest exposed by Xu Jinbai, and looked at the ID photo of Xu Fei with the collar buttoned to his neck, and fell silent for the nth time.

The face is the same, so the difference is based on the degree of skin exposure?

So, after saving the phone number, Hu Shiqi took the brown paper bag, found an excuse to leave quickly, and Xu Jinbai pointed her in the direction-walk back two intersections.

This time, Hu Shiqi successfully scanned his face to get in, and threw the fox ball back on its own pillow, although the latter was listless and looked like the whole fox was not well.

"Don't be depressed, although your brother is awesome, you are not bad either. Here, I'll give you this."

Fox Seven took out the apology gift that he had prepared long ago - the body-refining pill that he had taken from the Xieyang House, and it even had a beautiful package - yes, it was the original package of the pill that Ling Beile had given her, which she had washed and reused.

Fox Seven:"After you take the pill, you can no longer hold a grudge against today's Swamp Marathon, understand?"

Little Fox Ball:"……"Ah~"

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