Friendly reminder:

2000 words added to the previous chapter


Aphrodisiac and powder? ?

Under the auction table, a few scattered customers all raised their heads curiously and looked at the white porcelain tray in the auctioneer's hand.

Those who participated in the auction were all three-star and four-star beastmasters. After all, this was just a small auction, and it was a cold weapon auction, so most people were not interested.

Cold weapons like swords and knives are useless to most people after they buy them, and can only be left at home to collect dust.

But for those who are not short of money - he is going to go out for an adventure, how can he be without a sharp sword? No matter if it is useful or not, even if it is for taking photos, it must be there!

So, one word: buy!

""Beauty! I came here to buy a sword! And you're trying to sell me health products?"

Someone in the audience started to make a noise.

……To be honest, the manager of this auction house is seriously ill and is selling health products so early in the morning.

""Dear guests, please don't be impatient!"

The auctioneer on the stage had eyes like autumn water and her red lips were slightly curled.

"This is not an ordinary health product! It contains rich fire energy, which can improve the strength of your pet in addition to entertainment! The effect is particularly obvious for genderless fire pets and fire pets with frequent estrus!"

After that, she raised the plate in her hand and blew out a very fine breeze with her skills, tightly encircling the pinch of powder the size of a fingernail in the wind. The weak and pure fire energy rose with the wind, and the subtle heat was like spider silk, diffusing and floating in the air.

So the wind also had color, carrying flashes of dark red, circling the venue for a week, and then the auctioneer took back the plate without a single grain falling.

"Such pure fire energy!"

"This is……?"

Some people in the audience frowned, while others exclaimed.

Those who frowned recognized that the powder was a pill.

Those who exclaimed had never seen such a good thing before!

"What's even more surprising is that this item has a very strong pleasure effect, and the onset is delayed, so it won't delay your energy absorption!"

After saying that, the auctioneer stepped aside, leaving the center of the auction table empty.

Then, a golden red flower jumped over, nodded to the people below the stage, and shook its fiery red leaves lightly, as gentle as a young bud breaking through the soil.

It was wearing a simple energy meter, which marked its energy peak: 789.

The beautiful auctioneer clapped her hands and introduced:

"This is a primary pet, Little Burning Flower, Fire Element, with a basic energy value of 789! Now it will demonstrate the specific effects of [Hot Powder] for us!"

""Pah!" All the lights on the scene went out, leaving only a beam of light shining on the small Fenhua, illuminating its slender branches and thin leaves.

Then, the small Fenhua stretched out its roots and swept away the red powder in the auction stone plate without hesitation!

The light changed dramatically! The ceiling seemed to be split open, and the golden-red light spun and fell, as if responding to the absorption of the fire element. The huge halo fell behind the small Fenhua, like an accelerating heart, stretching and contracting. At the same moment, mysterious Sanskrit sounds rang out in the vast and empty auction hall, one after another, the melody became more and more magnificent and vast, as if the gods had descended...

On the stage, the small Fenhua's leaves stretched out, and accompanied by music and lighting effects, a faint flame burned on its body, and the energy peak rose all the way, quickly rising from 789 to 972, then slowly falling, and finally stopping at around 865.……

"What the hell?! You call this an aphrodisiac?"

"This is clearly a magical fire-type breakthrough medicine!!"

"Two hundred points! That’s two hundred energy points!"

"Two hundred energy points, people can eat it! Such rich fire energy, maybe it can awaken superpowers!"

Some people in the audience were so scared that they stood up!

Some people didn't say a word, but their mobile phone screens were frighteningly bright. They started to raise funds in public, and their hands were shaking with excitement.

On the stage, the auctioneer came again, accompanied by music and lights, like a goddess descending to the earth, with a bright smile!

But at this moment, beauty is no longer important!

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the auctioneer's hand - it was a transparent container, and the dark red powder was wrapped in a transparent barrier, suppressed into beautiful flames one after another, and placed in the box layer by layer!

"Friends, this [Hot Spicy Powder] reminds me of an old saying: Strength is the best aphrodisiac! So without further ado, let's officially start the auction! This newly launched [Hot Spicy Powder] is sold in boxes! A total of 100 units, the price is a shockingly low - the initial starting price is 50 million!"

"60 million!"

"65 million!"

"I'll offer 70 million! I, Ye Liangchen, am here! No one can snatch it from me!"

"Screw you! 75 million!"



Under the auction table, Kitsune Shichi was already stunned.

Although she bribed the appraiser and asked him to sell it at a higher price, she never expected that he would add lighting and light effects, and the effect presented was actually like this... Isn't this too professional? ? ?

To be honest, the 20% share was not given in vain...

As expected, clothes make the man, and medicine makes the gold. If this wasn't the medicine she made herself, she would have wanted to buy some herself...

Kitsune Shichi tilted her head and glanced at Xu Fei, and saw that Xu Fei's expression at the moment... didn't seem right?

"What's that expression on your face?"

"……"I'm sorry," Xu Fei frowned, her eyes showing apology, and her lips pursed slightly under her high nose bridge.

I'm sorry? What's sorry? Fox Seven was confused.

"What's wrong with you?"

This time, Hu Shiqi completely didn't understand the world of the rich - shouldn't he be angry? If a young man was fed this kind of medicine, wouldn't it be a public execution if his family elders saw it? Why did he apologize to her?

Xu Fei touched his ear, took out another golden card from the space, and pushed it directly to Hu Shiqi's hand.

"……Sorry, I miscalculated the price. There is more money in this. I hope you won't be angry."

"Are you serious???" Kitsune's eyes widened, and he lowered his voice and asked:"Even if it is a pill, it's not that rare, right?"

This is a first-grade pill, using a total of four ingredients, not complicated at all, it really doesn't deserve such a premium……

"……Generally, the fire and dark elements are half and half, and they take effect immediately. The dark elements are not hidden so well."

Xu Fei explained briefly, his eyes wandering for a moment.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have been caught at that time.

Fox Seven:"……"

At this moment, her mind became active. Anyway, she was short of money recently... Otherwise, she would just register a trademark and create her own brand? Since Susu had nothing to do at home, she would let her do the registration information...

So, at the end of the day, when Kitsune returned home from school, he brought Crushus a huge black crystal axe and a temporary ID card for his pet.


Krusu looked at the three words"Kitten Chapter" on the ID card, jumped out of the pot, and raised a loud questioning voice.

"There is no way, you have a special identity, I can't take you to get a formal ID card now."

Fox Seven was also afraid that Krusu would be snatched away. This is a mythical creature, rarer than a dragon. Who doesn't want a Fuwa?

"Go register a company, and the business scope is medicine and health products. You can choose any name you want. If you really don't want to do it, forget it." Just let it choose the name? Crush was very excited, and instantly forgot that his race was not majestic enough, and happily agreed!

It will definitely think of a good name!

So, a few days later, the new company was quietly registered successfully.

Its name is...

Invincible Criminal Smuggling Group.

Kitsune Shichi:????????


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