Invincible criminal smuggling group? ? ?

Fox Seven was puzzled. How did this name pass the system review and manual review? ? ?

Then she took a closer look. The registrant: Fox Seven Perfect, advanced beast pet, dark system, blessed slime.

Business scope: food production, catering management, environmental protection technology, craft gifts... (folded)

Fox Seven clicked on the business scope and took a look. Wow! More than 20 lines, even live broadcast and travel were put on?

How did this pass the review? ? ?

At the bottom of the webpage, there was a prompt message:

[Pending manual verification, please provide the identity photo of the legal person 'Fox Seven Perfect' as soon as possible.]

Fox Seven: ? ? ? ? ?

The next second she formed a seal and called out Perfect in the beast control space.!!! Crusoe immediately huddled up and jumped into the pen holder next to the computer, with only a little bit of his head exposed.

On the other side, a human body was perfectly condensed, eyes closed, handsome face without a ripple, like a silver statue, standing quietly on the ground.

But its mental power was reaching out to Crush.


The alarm sounded frantically, Crush jumped up, escaped from the pen holder in an instant, and rushed to the palm of Kitsuneyashichi's hand!

"Hey, don't be afraid, it's okay~"

Kitsune Yashi hurriedly caught it and pinched Crusu's head casually - although he didn't move it, he still rubbed its ears to comfort it.

"Perfect, you... with the help of Susu, have become a glorious founder and the largest shareholder."

Anyway, things have already happened, it doesn't matter who is the boss, the only problem is that letting Slime be the boss of the company is indeed... a bit outrageous.

It doesn't matter, it's just a title.

Kitsune Shichi was calm and smiled peacefully.

Perfect was infected and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

But in the depths of Kitsune Shichi's soul, it rang its question:‘……Largest shareholder……?’

"He is the boss of a group of great people. It is a very cool profession and is sought after by thousands of human girls!"

Fox Seven gave a thumbs up and tried to recall the TV series he had watched in the past - such as"The Domineering President Falls in Love with Me" and"Running with the Ball on the Wedding Night".

But the president's company is not called"Invincible Criminal Smuggling Group".’……

This name is absolutely amazing! No matter which two characters I pick, it won’t be right. How can I introduce it to others in the future?

——Hello, we are the"Invincible/Crime/Smuggling Group" led by Slime, mainly engaged in health care products such as [Hot Spicy Powder].

If you want to do this, you should at least upgrade to eight stars?

The windows in the house were open, and time seemed to freeze. The breeze blew gently, making a slight rustling sound.

At this moment, Kitsune Shichi had an idea! Use the strongest brain to force the logic back!

"Perfect, slime is a natural ambassador of environmental protection, and our Selfless Group - yes! Selfless Group! - is such a great environmental protection company! It is very necessary for you to lead it!"


Perfect was silent for a moment and nodded.

It sounds good, the master's words make sense.

So, this matter was settled. Kitsune dragged Perfect to change clothes, put on a shirt and a suit for it, and tied a tie for it, pinned a beautiful tie clip, and carefully tied up its long hair, and tied it neatly into a bunch with a silk ribbon.

In front of the mirror, the silver-haired young man stood tall, as if he had absorbed the purest spiritual energy between heaven and earth. His skin exuded a faint glow, shining silver, making it impossible for the camera to focus.

"Flash back reminder! Please take the photo again! The system cannot recognize it!"

It is too flashy, the authentication system cannot recognize it, the face in the photo is blurry, and the colorful and dazzling

"Should I change my computer?"

Kitsune Yashichi held the laptop and adjusted the angle. He tried many times but failed.

It looked fine to the naked eye, but in the photo, as long as there was a little light, it would sparkle like a big diamond.

‘……fail……?’Perfect was silent for a moment, then reached out and touched Kitsune‘……color……?’

Kitsuneya Nana was stunned for a moment, allowing himself to be touched twice by Perfect, and then suddenly realized:

"Yes, your [Transfiguration] is excellent, and Karachi's [Mimicry] is average. He was able to simulate a real human form at the beginning, although his micro-control is very powerful, which is not comparable to ordinary people.……"

Hearing"Karachi", Perfect frowned slightly.

Slime can completely simulate the swallowed objects. Among them, changing the shape is the simplest, followed by changing the material, and the most difficult is"changing the color".

Because for slime, color is meaningless. There is no color in its world, and it is eternal turbidity and darkness.

Just like red and green, there is a huge difference in the eyes of humans, but in the eyes of slime, there is almost no difference between these two colors, and they do not need to be distinguished.

However, due to the closeness of the souls, Perfect can also understand colors-especially when it is"co-tuned", it can observe the world through Kitsune Shichi's eyes and see the existence of"color".

In fact, that feeling is not comfortable. As an elemental creature, it could originally"perceive" thousands of meters away in all directions without dead ends. After entering the human body, it can only see a little bit in front.

‘……people……’Perfection whispered.

In the sunlight, its silvery color faded, the cold light on its face was covered by flesh color, its eyelashes and hair were replaced by dark black, and even its lips were stained with a fragile red.

It was like a statue that had been worshipped and walked down the altar. Except for the lack of a heartbeat, Perfection at this moment was like a living person.

"Wow, perfect micro-control is also great! Not inferior to Karachi at all!"

Fox Ya Qi smiled happily and quickly clicked the mouse!

This time, the system finally successfully recognized it.

Then someone quickly put Crusoe in front of the computer, took out his mobile phone and started to make a call.——

"Hello? Future Vision Photography? I want to make an urgent private appointment! Pay more! Come right away!"

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