Wensi Aurora, a super-energy elemental creature, can condense into a light spot the size of a soybean, or stretch into a"long strip" of about 40 centimeters, but difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Its main body looks like a beam of light, but it is actually a condensation of"spirit and emotion". It is warm in color when it is in a good mood, cold in color when it is in a bad mood, gray and dark when it is desperate, and colorful and flashing when it is excited.

According to Ling Beile's 3,000 years of exploration, there is only one way for Wensi Aurora to obtain energy: the first step: add its own emotional energy to the creation.

The second step: collect emotional feedback from others. And the feedback emotion must be consistent with the emotion of its creation.

To explain it in human words, it means: Wensi Aurora wrote an article with tears in his eyes, and the readers were also moved to tears after reading it - in this way, it is a perfect match, and Wensi Aurora can collect energy.

If the reader laughs after reading it, it doesn't count, and it is useless no matter how full of emotions it is, and it is a waste of effort.

Kitsune Shichi"……", speechless.

To be honest, this is too outrageous. No wonder Vance Aurora is upgrading slowly. It's like God wants to destroy it. There is no other way. There is only one class left in the afternoon. During the ten-minute break, Kitsune Shichi sneaked out of the classroom and hid on the small balcony outside the toilet, frantically studying Vance Aurora's upgrade plan.

——She didn't want to work hard, but Ling Beile gave too much!!!

One million is one hundred million, one trillion is one trillion, and one trillion is one Beijing. Ling Beile gave 1.7 Beijing worth of shares!

Oh my god! How much money is that! If it is all converted into paper money, can it fill up the sea?

Kitsune Shichi couldn't imagine it at all! He even felt that Ling Beile lost money... Even if he was spending money to buy longevity, he didn't feel sorry at all for giving away so much money.……?


The sun was setting in the west, shining through the window onto the corridor, creating patches of mottled light and shadow.

Kitsune Shichi stood by the window, looking at her phone. The cold wind blew through the window, bringing a slight chill and making a slight rustling sound.

She flipped through the file package sent to her by Vance, and one of the documents focused on describing Vance's past"training plans", including what articles it had written, which track it had worked on, and how many games it had designed...

If you scroll down the directory, there are more than a thousand games alone! What's even more terrifying is that all the content related to text and pictures was done by Vance himself!


Just by simply flipping through it, Kitsune Shichi was petrified. Although she didn't understand it at all, but... the huge workload of Wensi Aurora was definitely not something that could be done by"working non-stop" in the ordinary sense. It required full concentration every minute and every second to maximize efficiency...

On this basis, it had to persist for three thousand years!

There is no creature in the world more eager than it!

After three thousand years, it only accumulated half of its energy value... It paid a huge price but gained little, but it just went all the way to the end, and would not turn back even if it hit a wall.……

"It's obvious that the effort is going in the wrong direction."

Kitsune Shichi couldn't help it. As a mortal, she really didn't understand elemental creatures, because their ideas were too simple... Especially in the primary stage, they were simpler than single-celled organisms...

Why didn't Ling Beile stop it?

[I want to upgrade]

Beside Kitsune Shichi, Wensi Aurora used telekinesis to raise a light screen, and line after line of words flashed on it rapidly.

[Can I really upgrade within five years?]

[The heat of the news in the morning has subsided, and the speed of energy feedback is getting slower and slower. Why don't you let me post a new article?]

Wensi Aurora was impatient.

It had just shot new material, and this time, with Alex's only daughter Alice, it would definitely be able to give back more energy!

But Kitsune Shichi stopped it.

"……Let me sort it out first. I know you are anxious, but don't worry. Didn't we agree on this? Ling Beile wants me to [cultivate] you, not just to cooperate with you in writing news."

She had already set the rules with Wensi Jiguang in front of Ling Beile at the beginning.

The most important point is: it can shoot materials and write gossips, but it can't post them every day.

"I am just an ordinary person. No one wants to read my news every day. Those gossips are obviously fake. If you post so many in a row, who will read them carefully?"

The Internet in this world can set keyword blocking. High school gossips are interesting once or twice, but if they happen too many times or if the reputation is particularly bad, they will be blocked by others, and there will be no chance of getting emotional feedback.

[But, every bit counts]

Wensi Jiguang continued typing, which was quite honest.

"Hold on, it must be sustainable, and you can't pull it too hard in the early stage."

Kitsune Shichi felt like he was teaching a child - and it was someone else's child, the kind that didn't listen very well.

"We must first analyze why your energy has increased so quickly this time. Find out the reasons first, and then identify the cause. Compared to writing about my scandals, there are so many celebrities in this world, and writing about their stories is easier to attract people's attention."

[I've tried it before, and it didn't work. Please see the first three pages of the file package for details. I have interviewed many people, and the energy feedback from more than 600 biographies and more than 3,000 years combined is not as strong as the energy feedback from this scandal in three seconds.]

Vance Aurora held up a sign. It had written a lot of normal things before, including celebrity scandals, of course. It would definitely cause a sensation, and it could use its money power to keep the article on the hot search for a few more days, but no matter how popular it was, it would be useless. Even if it was spread to everyone, Vance Aurora would not get any energy feedback.

Let alone the scandals, let's just say Games, which game of Lingle Technology will not cause a sensation when it is launched?

So, after so many years, they have thought of all the ways they can think of... Even everyone is used to it, and has always thought that Wensi Aurora is such a race, and the speed of energy accumulation is slow, and slow is normal, until this sudden explosion...

Too fast! It's like a turtle riding a rocket! The turtle is scared to death! It just had a sudden whim to write a small article, how come the energy exploded?!

Not to mention that Wensi Aurora was stunned, even Lingbeile's mind was full of"Fuck!", and he was shocked to speechless...

[This energy explosion was too bizarre, so the owner called a meeting of all members, and we discussed it for a long time]

[Everyone thinks that the reason lies with you! ]

In this regard, Wensi Aurora was very sure, holding the sign high and waving it back and forth. Because he was too excited, the light on his body flickered.

Seeing this, Kitsune Shichi was helpless

"Impossible, the problem is definitely not with me, it must be your action at that time that met some special conditions……"

[What conditions?]

Wen Si Ji Guang asked back.

Hu Shi Qi was silent. Yes, what conditions?

Ling Bei Le was an eight-star beastmaster. He was so rich and obviously not stupid. His beast pet had not been upgraded for three thousand years. He must be more anxious than anyone else...

All the methods he tried were wrong... But recently, he suddenly had a huge burst of energy...

Suddenly, Hu Shi Qi was stunned for a moment, as if a flash of inspiration had come to his mind, but he didn't have time to catch it.

【Step 1: Add emotional energy to your creation……】

There were still a few minutes before class, so she could only continue looking through the materials. The corridor was exceptionally quiet, and there were faint footsteps coming from downstairs. A teacher was walking up the stairs.

""Kitsune Shichi! Class is about to start, what are you doing standing there?"

At this time, the history teacher came upstairs. She just wanted to go to the toilet. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Kitsune Shichi standing by the window, blowing the cold wind, with a frown on her face. Then think of someone's"broken love rumor""……Oh, the young people nowadays!

"I... Teacher, I'm reciting the lesson!"

Kitsune Yashi was thinking about the critical moment, and quickly leaned back and turned to hide in the depths of the women's bathroom, but he didn't know that his hurried dodging was a confirmation of his"broken heart"."

"Class starts in two minutes, come out quickly!"

""Okay, teacher, I'm really going to the toilet now!"

After being interrupted like this, when the teacher left, Kitsune Shichi was confused facing the toilet, and he couldn't remember anything. He could only check the key points on his mobile phone - that is, the"Vensi Aurora Upgrade Conditions" that Ling Beile spent three thousand years to determine.》:

"……Hey, almost...what did I just think of?"

【The first step: add its emotional energy to the creation...

The second step: collect emotional feedback from others. And the emotions fed back must be consistent with the emotions it created. 】

Vensi Aurora has written so many articles and made so many games, all of which have been widely praised in the interstellar community, and all meet the conditions of these two steps. And the gossip it wrote today also meets the conditions of these two steps...

Why is it that only this gossip succeeded?

Kitsune Shichiba was puzzled, but no matter what, there must be a difference. The key is where the difference is... Then use the division method.

The second step is to collect emotional feedback from others——"There is definitely no problem with the"emotional feedback" from beginning to end. Vance's writing is very good, the painting level is extremely high, and there is no doubt about its business ability.

That is……

【Add emotional energy to creation]?

Suddenly! Kitsune Shichi suddenly realized!

"Oh, right! Vance, how do you add emotional energy to your creations?"

[That is... adding it in]

Upon hearing the call, Vance Aurora appeared again.

It took out the brand from the storage device again.

Vance Aurora's storage device is a small transparent sand, which is also the smallest, lightest and largest storage space on the market today.

[Any questions?]

""Praise this toilet, write a hundred words!"

It was hard to describe the idea, but Fox Seven gave the order directly.

She seriously suspected that the problem was actually with Wensi Jiguang himself!

Wensi Jiguang did not hesitate, writing was its forte, and as soon as the thought came to his mind, a long text instantly appeared on the board in his hand -

Fox Seven only read it briefly, and the general meaning was similar to what she thought, which was to praise this toilet for being clean and tidy, the environment was elegant, and the cleaning equipment was high-end and efficient.

"But you are an elemental being, do you really understand what is clean, elegant, tidy and efficient?"

It's amazing, Fox Seven found the blind spot!

[Of course I understand] Wensi Aurora is not convinced

"No, what I mean is that although you understand, you don’t understand at all! Because you are an elemental being, you don’t need to eat or go to the bathroom. You have made so many games, but you don’t want to play them at all. You have written so many articles, but you don’t like the characters you write at all. They are strangers to you.……"

Just like Perfect, it is a physical elemental body. Except for Kitsune Shichi, other substances are food to it. It does not"dislike" anything at all.

As long as it can be eaten, it likes it.

So, according to this logic...

Kitsune Shichi looked at the colorful slice-like Aurora in front of him. As a primary pet, its mind is very simple.……

"Is it possible that the more emotional energy you put into your creation, the more feedback you will receive?"

Yes, this is the blind spot!

Fox Seven finally came to his senses!

In the successful scandal, Ling Beile was mentioned!

Even if Wensi Jiguang arranged for others to have no emotional fluctuations, like praising the toilet, and wrote about his elderly master"breaking up the couple"……Emotions will be particularly high, right?

"Because you only put a little bit of emotion into it, those works are not your sincere works, so you upgrade so slowly... If you want to upgrade, you must be sincere!"


Wensi Aurora replied with three question marks, and its body quickly changed to blue-purple to show its despair and shock.

[Impossible, my feelings are very sincere...]

It has been convinced, but until this moment, it refused to admit it and still struggled to refute it.……

"Stop talking, you are just an elemental creature, how sincere can you be when you praise the toilet? From now on, if you want to upgrade, you have to listen to me, forget Ling Beile's stuff."

Outside, the class bell rang again.

Fox Seven pushed open the door and glanced at Wen Si Jiguang. Wen Si Jiguang's body dimmed into gray, and it was obvious that she couldn't accept that her master was badly spoken of.

But Fox Seven was confident at this moment.

She raised an element herself, so it knew very well: low-level elemental creatures believe whatever their masters say, and are too easy to be pua.

"Ling Beile is now level 88, and his life span should be less than 1,000 years. He will die if he cannot reach level 90.

And you are his fourth beast pet, and the upgrade method is linked to emotions. When he signed a contract with you, just the contract step, your mental power has increased a lot, right? But you didn't upgrade again, so you can't give him feedback...

If you can upgrade to the king level or above, you can definitely help him break through to level 90."

After saying that, Hu Shiqi looked back, and Wensi Aurora was indeed flashing, sometimes bright and sometimes dim.


That's right!

So, she raised her lips slightly and increased her firepower:

"Or you can voluntarily give up your position and let your master exchange for a dragon. With Ling Beile's resources, this dragon can be upgraded to the emperor level in less than 100 years. Wensi Jiguang, you should not be willing to do that, right? However, I think Ling Beile is also unwilling, so either you upgrade or he dies."The waiting time was very short this time. Wensi Jiguang figured it out quickly.

It typed: [I listen to you] because it wants to upgrade, as long as it upgrades, the master will not die.

"Then I have a solution. Let's do an experiment today."

Kitsune Yachi smiled.

As she passed by the mirror, she found that the corners of her mouth were almost raised to her ears, which was even harder to suppress than AK.……


After 15 minutes, the new post secretly became popular

#《Shocking news! The mastermind behind the Swamp Marathon is actually……》

"Ling Beile? Who is Ling Beile?"

"She is the head teacher of Wings of Freedom! She shares an office with the principal on the 23rd floor!"

"Go ahead, brothers! Pick up your weapons! Let's go up and kill him together!!!!"


Vance Aurora: ???

The energy has actually increased again!!!

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