This day was really special... and wonderful.

Who could have thought of this?

Kitsune Shichi could not have thought of it either.

In the morning, she was still immersed in the aftermath of the Liuying Desert; at noon, she was ruthlessly tricked by Ling Beile and Wensi Aurora; in the afternoon, the situation was reversed, and she not only became rich instantly, but also tricked Ling Beile!

After the last interstellar history class, Xu Fei ran away quickly as usual, and Alice also packed up and prepared to go to dinner.

Only Kitsune Shichi, she had a smile on her face, while reading the school forum and drinking water slowly.

Downstairs, there was suddenly a strange howl of"Ah~" and a"thunder clang" collision sound, and it seemed that someone was knocked away... It seemed that there was more than one.


Kitsune sighed and forced himself to suppress the smile on his face.

When will the cycle of revenge end... Why can't everyone let go of their hatred? It was just a Malasong, such a small setback, how could it be forgotten after such a long time?……

"You're not going to eat today either?"

Alice was puzzled. Looking at Kitsune's rippling smile, she felt something was wrong and had some doubts in her heart.……

""Hmm, I probably won't go there recently."

Kitsune Shichi smiled and leaned back in his chair, looking at his desk with approval.

A white plate appeared out of nowhere, and the classroom was filled with the faint aroma of garlic and oil.

It turned out to be a plate of freshly fried vegetables, green in color, tender and juicy, which made people's appetite grow!

"Where did the stir-fried dishes come from?"

Alice was stunned and asked subconsciously.

Then, before Kitsune Shichi could answer, countless plates appeared on the table,"pop, pop, pop", with chicken, duck, fish and meat, all kinds of them, steaming hot, and they were freshly cooked.

"Dinner, I bought it."

Fox Seven answered, looking at Wen Si Ji Guang approvingly as he took out the takeaway food.

In less than half a minute, the table was full, and Wen Si Ji Guang took out a new table and continued to stack the food.……

"Do you want to eat together?"

Fox Seven invited Alice.

This was bought by Wensi Jiguang when she was in class. When it comes to gifts, it is very professional.


Alice was confused for a moment, and finally saw the weak colorful light in front of a bowl of soup. She was stunned for a moment, and finally recognized it this time:"Wen... Mr. Wensi???"

Could this be Wensi Aurora? ? ?

Alice's pupils trembled, and something incomprehensible happened! Lingle Technology's"brain"……Someone actually dug him out of the tower... to deliver food?!!

""Kitsune Shichi! You come out!!!"

At this moment, Ling Beile suddenly appeared at the gate.

There is a saying that things change over time. Two hours ago, Kitsune Shichi rushed downstairs in a rage. At this moment, Ling Beile was standing at the door of the classroom in a rage. Kitsune Shichi and Alice turned their heads at the same time, and saw that Ling Beile's chest was heaving, his veins were visibly throbbing, and his face was full of expressions, without the stiffness that an old man should have.

Who dared to believe that his"deadline is coming"?

It was so funny that only Wensi Jiguang dared to believe it.

Kitsune Shichi coughed softly, sitting upright, but not moving at all,"Teacher, you are here, just in time."

She waved her hand, not only did she not stand up, but also pointed to the stool that Xu Fei had vacated.

"Look, Wensi bought a lot of food, all of which are my favorites. Come over and eat with me.~~~"

When Wensi Jiguang heard this, he also happily said: Heart~

Ling Beile:?

He wiped his face, and the soul bridge continuously transmitted Wensi Jiguang's good mood at the moment, which made him... have heartache.

It's not really painful, but after thinking things through, he felt a sense of humor. Could it be that he really did too much evil?

"Alice, you go out first."

Ling Beile walked into the classroom and drove everyone away.

""Okay, I'll go, you two can chat."

Alice looked around, not understanding what was going on, and had a vague guess in her heart... But Ling Beile's identity prevented her from asking too much, at least not in person.

So Alice ran away decisively.

Soon, the classroom became quiet. Hu Yaqi calmly gave Ling Beile a pair of chopsticks and summoned Wanmei. With so many dishes, only Wanmei could finish them all.

After Wensi Aurora arranged the dishes, he began to circle around Ling Beile. Although his master was attacked by a child, as Hu Yaqi said, he was just a one-star beastmaster. What harm could he cause to Ling Beile?

‘Master, Master! I'm telling you……’

Deep in Ling Beile's soul, Wensi Jiguang chirped and repeated Kitsune Shichi's reasoning. His words were full of admiration and respect.

——Because its energy tank has increased by 1% again, almost catching up with the previous hundred years of hard work!

Originally, Ling Beile asked it to follow Hu Shiqi and listen to her, and Wen Si Jiguang was a little reluctant, but now... happiness comes too suddenly! Facts speak louder than words! It wants to bang its head against the wall for her!

Yes, Wen Si Jiguang has been fascinated by Hu Shiqi, the human girl with extraordinary talent, and has lost her way!

It turns out that its qualifications are not too poor!

Hu Shiqi even praised it for its good qualifications, saying that if it is obedient, it can still hope to be king-level!

But Ling Beile, in fact, he would rather admit that Hu Shiqi is the chosen one and the"variable" of the Wen Si Jiguang race, and he doesn't want to admit that he is too stupid...

Look at what Wen Si Jiguang writes, especially those biographies, the writing is so fluent and the emotions are so surging, who would have thought that deep in its heart, there is actually no ripples?

It actually asked it to [praise the toilet]! Absolutely! The example that Hu Shiqi found is so damn easy to understand.

Ling Beile was very upset. At this moment, his view of Kitsune Shichi had completely changed. At this point, there were only two possibilities. Either he was too stupid.���Either she is too talented, and the former is absolutely impossible.

"How did you come up with this idea?

Ling Beile finally lost his temper.

"If you think of it, you think of it. If the result is right, it's fine. Do you have to write a paper? That's another price."

While eating, Kitsune Shichi glanced at Ling Beile.

Who would complain about having too much money? Kitsune Shichi didn't complain anyway.

She just spent a lot of money and she was feeling the pain.

"You actually instigated students to deal with me. Are you really not afraid that I will kill them all?"

Ling Beile also smiled, broke the chopsticks and casually touched the table, leaving a mark on the table.

But... maybe because he was holding chopsticks in his hand, Hu Yaqi finally noticed that Ling Beile had a good hand shape. His slender fingers tapped on the table, with a few rings hanging loosely. They slid down as soon as they moved, but were stopped by the slightly wide knuckles.

The hands were beautiful, and the nails were trimmed neatly.

Hu Yaqi suddenly had a new idea in his mind...

"Wensi's energy is rising and she's in a good mood. You can feel it. We are all SSS. It must have told you in advance. How dare you use this to scare me?"

She rolled her eyes. Without those emperor-level pets, she can finally be herself.

"Well, I heard that you recently acquired a black crystal mine?"

Ling Beile also changed his approach. A black light flashed between his fingers, and a small dagger made of special black crystal, the size of a palm, appeared.


Kitsune's eyes moved and he stared over instantly.

"Come, take it, this is my sweetheart."

Ling Beile was very generous and pushed the dagger directly.

That's right, he had already discovered that coercion was not as good as inducement when dealing with Hu Shiqi. Anyway, this was the knife he used to peel fruit skins. In the early years, the output of black crystal mines was large, and many people would buy a black crystal kitchen knife. He also had a set of black crystal cutting boards in his alien home, which had been used for thousands of years and had not broken yet.

Hu Shiqi's eyes lit up, and without any hesitation, he immediately reached out and grabbed the dagger.

"Thank you, teacher!"

"Don't thank me. Give me a reminder before you trick me next time. If I had really done it just now, it would have ruined the effect of the experiment. Let's focus on upgrading Wensi first, and then worry about other things."

Ling Beile has recovered now, and glanced at Kitsune Shichi's cheerful face... For a moment, he was not as angry as when he just came in.

Yes, why should he be angry with a child?

Ling Beile exhaled, and he almost cried for his good temper.

——It would be bad enough if he just took the initiative to be cheated, but he also had to beg for the cheating out of gratitude, and even had to spend money and give gifts!

"No problem."

Kitsune Yashichi agreed readily.

Whatever the sponsor said was right. At least she couldn't refute it in person.

She quickly took a few mouthfuls of rice and felt that she had almost finished eating. She glanced at Perfect. After receiving the signal, the latter reached out and reached for the plates on the table gracefully and slowly, but without any pause. With a touch of her finger, the plates disappeared one by one.

The whole process was quiet, without any spillage of soup or any accidents. After only half a minute, the classroom was filled with���It was restored to its original state, and even the aroma of the food was gone.

"Secret?" Ling Beile was a little shocked.

"Yes, we have been training in the Liuying Desert for a long time."

Kitsune Shichi wiped his mouth with a wet towel and nodded modestly.

——Ling Beile is a sponsor. Although her Wanmei is very good, the pet of a sponsor has not been upgraded for three thousand years. She really doesn't need to stimulate him at this time.

Then, after Hu Shiqi wiped his mouth, he stuffed the wet wipes in his hand into Wanmei's hand, and the wet wipes disappeared instantly. No matter how small a mosquito leg is, it is still meat. This is called"making the best use of things", and never wasting a drop of energy.

"……The way you train your pet is quite lifelike.

Ling Beile was also amazed.

To be honest, this slime has been trained to not look like a slime anymore, but more like a new elemental creature, with the following characteristics: elegance.

""Your hands are quite beautiful. Can you play a musical instrument?"

Fox Seven changed the subject. She was going to assign tasks to Wensi Aurora to speed up its evolution.

By the way, she glanced at the clock on the wall.

There was still half an hour before extracurricular activities. As for tonight... she decided to continue to go to the Liuying Desert!

If you want to do it, Fox Seven took out her mobile phone and ordered a set of all-wooden cabins directly from the Internet - there are furniture and air conditioning, the whole house is customized, solar power generation, and comfort is MAX. Except that it is very expensive, there are no disadvantages.

Before this afternoon, Fox Seven would never spend money on such things, but now, she is too rich and must improve the quality of her practice.

Beautiful? Ling Beile also looked at his hands and spread his palms casually, but he really couldn't see what was beautiful about them.

"No. I know a little bit about killing people."

This is said very modestly.


Kitsune Shichi didn't take the threat seriously. While communicating with the seller, she glanced at Wensi Jiguang, who was floating on the desk like a primary school student, with a straight body and colorful

"Wensi, take a video of your master playing with a knife. Just find a nice blade, clap your hands, and then edit it and post it on the hand control forum."

Ling Beile: Sese?? Hand control...??

His eyes widened and his eyebrows flew up instantly. He almost thought he had heard it wrong! The breath that had just been relaxed was raised again in an instant, and he almost choked to death.

Kitsune Shichi held back her laughter, rolled her eyes, and recalled what someone had said... She sighed and comforted:

"Teacher Ling, those who achieve great things don’t care about small details. Look at the Saint Lord, he even lost his name when he lived to the end. When you reach the ninth star and live for tens of thousands of years, who will still remember what you posted on the hand control forum... Besides, we don’t show our faces... For Wensi, you have to risk it all."

Ling Beile: This sounds familiar???


But he didn't want to give it up at all!

Ling Beile curled his lips and looked at his hands. Although his hands were not his face, but... but... there was a hint of resistance in his eyes, as if there was a suffocating feeling in his chest. He could only look at Wen Siji.���

, the latter looked at him innocently, looking eager to try.

"How could Wensi possibly understand humans’ damn XP? It can’t comprehend it and can’t meet the conditions... Hey you?!" Before he could finish his sentence, Ling Beile was stunned. He never expected that Kitsune Shichi would dare to grab his hand directly!

And he touched him wildly! He really had no sense of gender at all. He touched his elbow along the back of his hand and rolled up his sleeves directly!

Ling Beile, he really... He really had never encountered such a thing in his life!"You……"

"Forget you, Wensi, come here, look, this is your master's hand, it is a part of your master. When you shoot the video, just think in your heart that this hand is your master, and pour all your love into the video!"

Hokiya Qi grabbed Wensi Jiguang and helped the master and pet to stick together. He ignored Ling Beile's struggle and trembling (shocked), grabbed his wrist and shook it again and again, as if he had grabbed a fragile straw.

Behind Ling Beile, the Thousand Hands Ghost Emperor hesitated for two seconds - under normal circumstances, she would have taken action long ago, but at this moment she was a little confused. Why did her master hesitate like a good husband who was molested by a lecher, and his emotions fluctuated so violently. It was just a matter of being grabbed by a one-star beastmaster, is it that serious?

The most important thing is that she is a ghost and knows very well that the human girl has no bad intentions... Anyway, Ling Beile is a human after all, and sooner or later, he will be in heat.

So, the Thousand Hands Ghost Emperor shrank back again, closed his eyes and pretended not to see anything, and kindly helped to pinch the barrier to isolate Ling Beile's exasperated... screams.

"Hands off! There is no way I can film that kind of thing!!"

"You are not allowed to show your face, just clapping your hands. Your hands are not gilded, so you can clap your feet.……"

""Shut up! Impossible!"

On the other side, seeing the two men pulling each other in a"death struggle", Wensi Jiguang quickly clapped his hands.

As long as it's a hand, it's fine...right?



Ten minutes later, a new video was uploaded to the hand control forum

#《Only hands, is it intense enough?

In the video, the man's knuckles are clearly visible, and he keeps stretching and bending them, struggling endlessly. His wrist with bulging veins is tightly held by the girl's slender white hand, forming a sharp contrast.

The short ten-second video went viral!

In the comment section, the wolves cheered!



Wensi Aurora:!!!

The energy has increased again! So fast! Too fast!

As expected, if it wants to upgrade, it should listen to Qiqi. As for the master's words... just... let it be like that for now!!!

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