The sun sets, and the sky is dyed a deep blue-purple. The golden-red afterglow gradually disappears on the horizon.

Today, Kitsune Qi also finishes school early - yes, no homework, it's so cool!

[Bye, Qiqi! See you tomorrow!]

Wensi Aurora waved the small sign reluctantly, twinkling in the darkness, like a bright little star.


Fox Seven also waved to Wen Si Ji Guang.

The cold wind blew, and his hair was itchy on his cheeks. Fox Seven reached out to put his hair behind his ears and glanced up.

On the top floor of the main teaching building, Ling Beile's office window was open, and a dark and decadent human-shaped shadow was lying at the window, with his long arms swinging back and forth.

This scene led directly to the underworld. Thinking about someone's interstellar notoriety and the terrifying strength of eight stars...

Fox Seven curled his lips, it was too underworld.

Alas~ This old-fashioned...

Is it that serious? It was just clapping his hands, and his face didn't even appear on the screen. Besides, Wen Si also gained energy. He couldn't continue to follow his method for another three thousand years... Even if Wen Si was willing, he wouldn't live that long.

Fox Seven shook his head , turned around and left, not wanting to pay any attention to Ling Beile at all, she would not indulge him. It was just her reputation that was damaged, not really this or that, besides, this was also Ling Beile's own fault, he had to organize that"Dragon Boat Race", which made her combat ability geometrically enhanced, and he stuffed her with so many elixirs, forging her into a body of iron and steel...

Otherwise, how could she control him?

Thinking of this, Hu Shiqi's eyes flickered, and she clenched her fists tightly - with her current strength, among normal one-star beastmasters, as long as she didn't meet the half-bloods of the Xu family, it would be absolutely no problem to fight five alone...

How could she be so strong?

I really hope someone will jump out and find trouble...

Under the cold sunset, Hu Shiqi suppressed the pride in his heart, sighed softly, and said emptyly. She frowned falsely.

At this moment, a shadow fell on her side face, making her look particularly lonely and sad.

And she was actually really sad.


Because, Kitsune Shichi thought about it carefully, she actually still lacked a handy weapon, and the best weapon on the market was the black crystal ore, and she couldn't snatch snacks from Crusoe.

Therefore, the only way was... to visit the Holy Lord when she was promoted to two stars. He had lived for so many years and was so strong, so he should have a lot of weapons in his collection?

At that time, she would buy some fruits and vegetables to supplement the old man's vitamins, and thank the Holy Lord for finding a good teacher (a big money sponsor) for her. The gift was small but the sentiment was great...

Well done, let's do it!

Just like that, Kitsune Shichi made a decision in a good mood, and walked lightly. She walked out of the school quickly, but before she walked out of the school gate, she saw a white figure standing on the street in the distance.

With his windbreaker fluttering, Karachi stood in the wind. The faint light outlined his thin figure, and his long hair fell like a waterfall.

At first glance, he was very beautiful.

But he had a blank expression on his face, and his whole body was motionless. His straight long legs seemed to be nailed to the concrete floor.

Huh, huh, huh?! Kitsune Shichi was stunned, and suddenly opened his eyes wide! He took out his mobile phone reflexively, swiped to the chat page with Karachi, and took a closer look - it was over! The conversation was still at noon!

Karachi forwarded the gossip to her, but she didn't reply. Later, because she was too busy, her mind was full of Wensi Jiguang, and she forgot about it...

Could he think she was guilty?!!!

The wind whistles and the Yishui River is cold. Once Ah Qiqi leaves, she will never come back...

At this moment, the familiar BGM sounded, and the bamboo flute and suona played together, lingering in Hu Shiqi's mind for a long time, extremely desolate.

However, the next second, Hu Shiqi ran towards the snow-white plant that seemed to be sulking.

This scene was not difficult for her at all!

After all, she and Xu Jinbai were clean and had only met each other three times in total, so her studies would not be affected by"premature love" (?)!

"Karachi! I have good news for you!"

Kitsune Yachi rushed over in a flash.

"What good news?"

Karachi raised his eyebrows, trying to show an interested look, and took a step forward politely.

"Our family is rich now!"

Speaking of this, Hu Yaqi was really excited, and he raised his hand to find the text message of the account arrival.

"I'm rich! This is 200 billion! There's more to come, 800 million every month!"

Karachi was really surprised, and his eyes widened slightly,"Where did the money come from?"

Fox Seven smiled and deliberately kept it a secret,"Of course I earned it."

Hearing this, Karachi was even more confused.

……Make money? Isn't she in school?

……It can't be... given by the Xu family?!

Karachi felt sick all of a sudden.

He didn't like socializing in the past, and his understanding of humans was limited to popular science books. Later, he watched a lot of domineering CEO romance dramas with Fox Seven. Therefore, his understanding of"getting rich quickly" was not only inheriting an estate, but also marrying into a wealthy family.

【Woman! I'll give you 200 billion, so you can leave my great-great-great-great-great-grandson Xu Jinbai!】

【If you give birth to a child, I will give you and your child 800 million every month! Don't disturb our Jinbai's life! 】

At that moment, Karachi's mind was full of ideas. Although he knew it was impossible, he couldn't control it, because Kitsune Shichi's expression was too happy - based on his understanding of her, this money must have been earned by her - otherwise she wouldn't be so happy!

"How do you make money?" Karachi asked!

"Of course, it’s through my wisdom!"

Kitsune Shichi smiled reservedly, reaching out and nodding his head, his pride and satisfaction could not be concealed.




Then, Kitsune described her magical afternoon to Karachi in detail, and the final conclusion was——

"I heard that Lingle Technology is doing very well and they pay dividends every year! In this case, when the first batch of dividends comes, you should have upgraded your skills and you won't have to go to the hospital to work anymore! We can also build a floating island and make a teleportation array like the Xu family. Then, we can go wherever we want.……"

Building a floating island? Karachi had never thought about it. In his imagination, they would at most buy a piece of land to build a villa.

The stone and soil for building a floating island are too expensive, plus the subsequent construction and maintenance costs... that is simply an astronomical figure. Without some background, it is best not to even think about it.

"You raise a slime, no matter how much money you have, it won't be enough for him to eat. You might as well save the money to build a floating island and improve your strength." Karachi suggested.

However, Kitsune Shichi had already made up her mind.

Although she also believed that as long as everyone was together, it didn't matter where they lived, but if conditions allowed, she would of course want to improve the quality of life.

"It doesn't matter. Wanmei doesn't want us to live in misery, and I will definitely buy him food. Besides, didn't you say that the decoration was outdated when you were on the island before? This time you can pick the one you like."

"I... where did I say such a thing?"

Karachi glanced at him and refused to admit it.

"At the beginning, you said it was renovated more than 40 years ago, so I didn't want to compliment you. But I was new at the time, and I really thought it was pretty nice."

Kitsune Yachi thought of Uye Island, the fully automated furniture and the beautiful pink beach, which were still fresh in her memory.

"No, I don't need it."

Karachi's face turned cold, and he regretted it after he finished speaking. In fact, he had a good memory, and the rejection was too abrupt. It was not his true thought...

It's just that he couldn't describe his mood at the moment.

Karachi looked at his hands, time seemed to freeze, and Kitsune Shichi didn't speak.

For a while, he secretly looked at her and didn't know what to say.

Maybe, he wanted to say - that is, if, if this island was built for him - if he could understand it this way, then it was actually unnecessary.

There are too many reasons. Because this can't improve his strength, because Slime can become stronger if it eats more good things... If it's just for him... It's really unnecessary.

"Don't you like the floating island?"

Kitsune asked after a pause. She was very surprised.

Karachi was silent for a long time, and suddenly felt... happy and sad.

"……I like it. But... it's not necessary, you should spend your money in the right place"

"For example?" Fox Seven looked at him suspiciously.

"Buy black crystal ore for Crush, build a training room for Xieyang, and buy feed for Slime. Even if you want to build an island, it will be after you reach five stars, definitely not now."

Karachi lowered his eyes and avoided looking away.

Because he suddenly understood. Xieyang and Crush can't fly, and Slime has no material needs. Kitsune Shichi probably thinks... he has always lived on the island, so he……

��It's funny, in fact, he ran away from home and went on a hunger strike for so long, the Zhou family never cared about him. Of course, he didn't want to be controlled, everyone knew it.

But in the eyes of Kitsune Shichi, it seemed that it was not the case at all. She seemed to have always felt that he was pampered in the Zhou family, and he had the final say and was the center of attention.

Maybe... he was too strong before?

"But I will buy all those things you just mentioned. Not only that, I will also buy myself bags, shoes, and clothes. After I upgrade to two stars and sign the contract with Su Su, I will also take the teleportation array to go home every noon. At that time, I will also hire two teams of chefs, because the cooking robot is not very good and always cooks Su Su into the pot.……"

Moreover, she wanted to find someone to carve gemstone statues of everyone and put them in the center of the island as decorations. She also wanted to build a floating sea around the floating island and buy a set of illusion equipment - the kind used in school, which I heard is quite expensive. But no matter how expensive it is, the total amount of these things will not be measured in"King".

"Although Perfection is always hungry, that is its racial characteristic. I think you should still like living in a big house. Don't you want to live in a new home?……?"

Karachi was silent for a few minutes, then he smiled and said,"Do you want to live on a floating island?"

"Of course." Kitsune replied,"Don't you think that's cool? And you can get closer to the sun too.""

"I just need sunshine and water."

Karachi said that the sky was dark at this moment, but he felt that the sun was shining brightly.

"Enjoyment can be put aside, we have plenty of time... I can wait, I'm not in a hurry."

Not in a hurry? Kitsune Shichi was also silent for a while, and spoke weakly:

"Well, actually, I asked, the construction of the floating island is very complicated. Even if we start the project now, it will take at least 5 years to complete. By then... maybe I will really be a five-star."

Yes, there is no use in being anxious.

The cold wind blew, and Kitsune blinked and looked at Karachi innocently,"So you need to pick an island shape first, and then pick a terrain you like... I heard that different construction companies are good at different terrains.……"

Karachi: ???

"Are you going to reach five stars in five years? ? ?"

Kitsuneya Nana: ???

"Is this the point? I just said it casually!"

The two looked at each other:?!!

Two minutes later, Kitsune Shichi was the first to lose the battle and waved his hand weakly,"Let's go, let's send Xiyang to Xu's house for training first……"

She works hard during the day, studies house buying at night, and has to pick up and drop off her children (?) to extracurricular tutoring classes. Her life of traveling through time is becoming more and more regular...

Then, a familiar feeling of dizziness came over her. Kitsune Shichi held Karachi's arm tightly, and the space was transferred to her home. As soon as she landed, she felt the heat on her face!


Kitsune Yachi's face changed instantly, but Karachi reacted faster, picked up Kitsune Yachi in an instant and retreated to a safe distance, then put her down and disappeared in the blink of an eye!

The fire was blazing, and the smoke was billowing.���The white-gold flames spread in the air, sparks flew everywhere, and the small bungalow was burned, causing the glass to shatter and crackle!

A few seconds later, Karachi picked up Krush and Xieyang in each hand, tiptoed, and landed on the ground.

Kitsune rushed over to check. Krush and Xieyang were intact. The former was incredibly hot, and the latter faintly exuded the smell of meat, but at first glance, they looked healthy.

"This... Xieyang... Karachi, you didn't just heal Xieyang, did you?……"Kitsuneya Qi is horrified when he thinks about it

"Holy Fire……"Karachi answered irrelevantly and looked at Krush."What did you do?"

Krush made a weak"baa" sound.

Kitsune didn't care about the heat and reached out to touch Krush. The colorful system interface popped up instantly.——

【Name: Crusoe

【[Attribute]: Light

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Level]: Myth

【Skills]: Blessing of Dawn (——)、Holy Light and Purifying Flame (Low Level 5/200)

【Status]: Indestructible (——), Language proficiency (average)

【Evolution level]: 72%

【[Evolution Path]: Kitten Chapter——???——???——???——???——???——???

"What is Holy Light and Pure Flame? It sounds awesome."

Fox Seven was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.——

"No! Put out the fire! Put out the fire first!!!"

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