Warm reminder: the comments are a bit exaggerated.

Fox Seven.





Back at the hotel, Kitsune Yachi collapsed on the bed and was about to fall asleep when a fur ball popped out of her pocket.

"Chirp~ Chirp~ Chirp~"

Xieyang lay down beside Hu Shiqi's face, put his paws on her face, and rubbed her wildly with his nose.

"Ah...ah~Okay, I forgot...I still have to take you to training.……"

After pretending to be dead for two seconds, Kitsune turned over reluctantly and climbed up with difficulty.

After sleeping on a hard bed for four months, she suddenly touched a soft cushion and a big soft pillow. She really wanted to cry.

"Karachi, I'm going to Xu's house. Please send me to the teleportation array... Oh no, Karachi went to work.……"

The moment she found out that Karachi was gone, Kitsune collapsed again. She even asked her to go to the teleportation array by herself.……


The setting sun was jumping high on the bed, like a golden plush spring - and it was shouting as it jumped, so anxious.

"OK, OK...I'll get up right away!"

Fox Shichi sat up immediately. The incident happened suddenly before, and she didn't send Xieyang out. It trained itself, and the venue was very limited, so the effect was naturally not very good.

Well, she just happened to refine a batch of medicine, and sent it to the sponsor...Xu Fei's card was still in her hand.

The first-grade elixir can only aphrodisiac, and the second-grade Yanxuandan should give Xu Fei an additional [Fire Tornado] skill, right?

Time is money, Fox Shichi took a taxi and contacted Xu Fei in the car.

"Hello, are you home?"

As soon as the call was connected, Kitsune asked directly

"Yes, I just arrived. Why didn't you come today?"

Xu Fei had just arrived home, and the other end of the phone was hearing the sound of someone taking off clothes. The friction of fabrics was very obvious.

"I went to the Liuying Desert to practice, and I brought you some delicious food, an upgraded version, which will be here in ten minutes."

Koushi Qi replied, although his words were concise, but Xu Fei understood it as soon as he heard it.

""Okay, thank you very much. I'll go out and pick you up."

Xu Fei answered neatly.

So on the other end of the phone, someone seemed to open the shoe cabinet to look for shoes, and at the same time, there was a rustling sound of clothes being put on.

After hanging up the phone, Fox Seven looked out of the car window, and saw that the afterglow of the setting sun dyed half of the sky red, and dyed the mountains in the distance with a layer of light gold, which was very beautiful.

It was not completely dark yet, and even if the moon came out, Xu Fei could hold on for a while. The reason why he went home so early every day might be because the extracurricular activities at school were not to his liking.

As for why Miss Alice went to school, Fox Seven also saw it-Alice went to school purely to enjoy life and to go through the necessary stages of life. Learning is secondary, and happiness is the most important.

"Reincarnation is really a technical job……"

Kitsune opened the car window and sighed to the wind


The teleportation point was not far from the hotel. Soon, Fox Seven boarded Xujia Island. When she came out of the teleportation array, she saw Xu Fei waiting outside.

Although they were already very familiar with each other and would never make a mistake, Fox Seven still looked at Xu Fei carefully.

"Hi, long time no see."

Kitsune said, taking out a plastic cup from the space and sticking out his tongue a little embarrassedly.

"My house was burned down, so I had to make do with a cup I bought from the store. It's new, so I'll just use it like this."

The black-haired boy was tall and straight, with slightly curved eyes. His soft hair was a little messy because of the wind. He took a half step forward, took the cup, looked at it briefly, and put it into the space.

"Long time no see... How long have you been training in there? Could it be half a year?"

"A little over four months later, I have almost forgotten what I learned before. By the way, a bear ran out of the school today. Did you see it?"

Kitsune Yashichi simply said

"I saw it, it should be an emperor-level beast pet."

Xu Fei answered, and then asked,"Is it related to you?"

"Yes, there is a little bit, but it doesn’t matter much. There is also a big sun. Have you seen it?"

"No, what is the sun?"

"……Hahaha, it just feels a bit troublesome. Actually, I don’t know what it is.……"

The street was exceptionally quiet, the street lights were not on yet, and the bluestone slabs underfoot were faintly lit. The two chatted as they walked towards Xu Fei's house. When they reached the door, Kitsune Shichi discovered that there was a huge nine-tailed fox in Xu Fei's yard, which could be seen through the fence at a glance, and it was very conspicuous.

"That one!" Kitsune Shichi pointed his finger.

"To prevent you from going to the wrong door next time."

Xu Fei shrugged and explained casually.

"That was definitely an accident. You didn't recognize it yourself, and I asked you specifically! You nodded!"

Kushiya Qi was not convinced

"……That's because I've shrunk, and my field of vision has changed so much, it's normal that I can't recognize it."

After saying that, Xu Fei opened the door and went into the house.

It had only been a few days since he last came, but Kitsune Shichi discovered that Xu Fei's room had changed a lot. The large living room that was originally used to place sofas and tables was cleared out. The sofas and tables were gone, and instead there was... a cat climbing frame with a very complicated design???

Kitsune Shichi's eyes widened, and he stood at the door and could hardly move his legs,"You wouldn't use it yourself, would you?!"

Hearing this, Xu Fei slightly raised his chin, glanced back at her, and snorted meaninglessly.

His expression was as if he was asking,"Is there a problem?"

"Would you like water or some vegetable juice or something?"

"Just water, cold or hot water, no need to bother."

Xu Fei just went to the kitchen and unpacked his newly bought cup - a round crystal cup with a blue slime shape.

This was custom-made because normal people would not drink water from slime. But Xu Fei thought that Kitsune Shichi would definitely like it.


Kitsune Shichi held the cup, unable to let it go. While drinking the water, he looked at Perfect who was floating in the Beast Taming Space in a daze. He couldn't help but summon it out and stuffed it with a piece of the Light Enlightenment Gem.


Such a rich energy! It inhaled it violently!!!

The small ball of slime rippled instantly, wrapped around Kitsune Shichi's arm and acted coquettishly for a long time, and finally asked for another piece before agreeing to be taken back to the Beast Taming Space.


Xieyang squatted at the top of the cat climbing frame, his ears twitching constantly, his rabbit face was puzzled, and he kept raising his paws to call his teammate - the human Xu Fei - why didn't the fox follow it up?


Xu Fei lowered his eyes and drank water, pretending not to hear

"When will you transform?"

Kitsune Yashichi also pretended to drink water and didn't want to leave at all.

——What bad intentions could she have? She just wanted to watch Little Fox and her rabbit playing on the cat climbing frame!

"Without the moon, there is no way to transform."

Xu Fei replied, then turned back and added calmly:"Unless you are kissed by the opposite sex."

Puff! Kitsune Shichi spat out a mouthful of water!

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