"Cough cough cough!"

Kitsune Yashi covered his mouth and coughed violently. While coughing, he took the napkin handed over by Xu Fei - this brother, he said such horrible words, but he is so considerate at this time?

"Fox spirits are the most human race. Even if you haven't read relevant research, there are many stories about them in various legends. You don't have to be so surprised."

Xu Fei's mouth corners slightly raised, and her shoulders trembled twice, as if she was holding back her laughter.

Kitsune Shichi simply couldn't laugh. Of course, she had heard of similar legends, such as fox spirits and poor scholars, and fox spirits that brought disaster to the country and the people, but... the problem was... that day...

She frowned, hoping that she had remembered it wrongly. Unfortunately, her memory had been getting better and better recently.

"……I was thinking of that time...wasn't there no moon that day? Xu Fei, did you fall outside and get kissed by someone?"


This time it was Xu Fei's turn to freeze, and the faint smile on his lips disappeared instantly.

A few seconds later, he gritted his teeth and almost crushed the cup in his hand.——

""Can't you think in a normal way?"

Fox Seven was shocked,"What normal way?""

Could it be... Could it be... that she kissed him?

Fox Seven's eyes widened. This is not normal at all, right?

Xu Fei was stuck again. It was just a joke. He really couldn't say"You kissed me". After all, he was the one who used [Charm] first.】……

It was also the first time for him to use it. Who knew that his charm skill could also cause amnesia?

Little-known fact: The Interstellar Beastmaster Association combined skills with similar attributes into one, such as [Fireball], which in a broad sense means launching a fire bomb. However, different races and individuals actually launch different fireballs.

For example, the size and shape are different. Some are big, some are small; for example, the attached properties are different. In addition to the most basic water and fire collision, some"fireballs" are afraid of rocks, and some"fireballs" are afraid of thunder...

Generally speaking, a normal [Charm] skill will not have an amnesia effect. Even if the target is hit, he can still clearly remember what he has done.

——Skills with strong effects are obviously a good thing, but [Charm】+【Amnesia] This kind of outrageous skill effect... I really can't laugh when I encounter it.

Alas. Xu Fei sighed, feeling complicated.

"……Actually, I'm not that weak."

Xu Fei could only give a subtle reminder, glancing at the twin rabbits.

Although born with a disability, the rabbit's physical fitness was frighteningly good. That night, the teacher only said"You have more than just legs", and Xieyang jumped up with the muscles on his side... He and the Moon Wolf were stunned.

"You should have seen its physical strength, right? I am a little bit worse than it, but I won't lose my ability to move after running a few laps or being thrown by you."

"Of course I know, so I hit you in the neck, wasting your energy to make you relax your vigilance."

Koushi Qi couldn't help but feel proud.

If it were an ordinary person, a cervical vertebra would have gone into shock long ago. But for Xu Fei, it should have been a few minutes of unconsciousness.

Although it was a bit unethical, Xu Fei's reaction speed and recovery ability were much stronger than she thought, and she almost flipped over.

"……Really? You are really excellent."

Xu Fei had to give a thumbs up. He was convinced.

"……Well, it's just so-so, mainly because you gave me face and cooperated well."

Kitsune Yachi also accepted the compliment reluctantly, but after he finished speaking, he saw Xu Fei stood up, turned around and took away the fruits, drinks and all the snacks.

"……What's wrong? Are you angry?"

She held the slime cup in her hand blankly.

"No, you think too much, I have to do my homework."

Xu Fei smiled and turned around, throwing a thunderbolt:

"The cat stand is for Aaron. If you want to see it, I'll take a picture for you when I have time. Xieyang will stay here. I'll ask the robot butler to send us to training. You don't have to come tomorrow morning. I'll bring Xieyang to you."

What, buy a cat stand for Aaron?

"Wait, Xu Fei, did I say something wrong? Brother, why are you so angry... Hey! Hey, wait a minute?!"



Three minutes later, Kitsune Yachi was kicked out.

Standing outside the door, she was completely confused.

"……What happened to him?"

Thinking back to the previous conversations, Hu Shiqi felt that she had said nothing wrong. If he really minded her cheating him - that's not right. She gave him the elixir at the beginning, and it was clearly agreed that it would be a done deal. Although the elixir was also a pitfall... Never mind, don't think about things that you can't figure out.

Hu Shiqi shook his head and simply walked back.

The sky has been getting darker and darker recently. It was still light when she arrived at Xu's house. Only twenty minutes later, when she went out again, it was already night.

The moon was hanging high behind the dark clouds. Along the way, the street lights emitted warm light, and there was still no one on the street. Only occasionally a few black shadows passed by, and before they could be seen clearly, they disappeared at a very fast speed.

When passing by the fountain, Hu Shiqi subconsciously approached and took a look inside.

It didn't matter if he took a look, he actually found a furry white creature lurking under the water!

"Fox, fox!"

The fox under the water looked up when she heard the sound. Its fluffy white fur tangled in the water, making it look thin and miserable.

Kitsune Shichi was so excited that she rolled up her sleeves and wanted to go down to fish it out. She almost forgot that the fox of the Xu family was probably a human. At least she had a little bit of rationality left to stop her. She stopped as soon as her hand reached into the water.

……This fox looked a little bigger than Xu Fei, like a small dog. Fox Seven stared at the bottom of the water. The white fox stared at her for a few seconds, as if it felt bored, and then lay down again, spitting out a few small bubbles.

"Xu Jinbai?"

"Xu Yuran? Xu Rao? Xu Jiaojiao?"

Fox Shiqi stirred his hands in the water and called out softly. After calling Xu Fei's brothers and sisters, Fox didn't look up, and continued to recite as if he was reciting a family tree - thanks to the member manual, almost all generations of the Xu family have joined Zhongyong

"……Xu Yichen, Xu Ruoyao, Xu Wan? Xu Jingtian, Xu Jiayi, Xu Yehui……?"

Seeing that Xu Danye, the ancestor of the Xu family, was about to be called, the fox finally couldn't stay still and came out of the water with a"whoosh!", splashing water.

This fox actually has two tails!

At this moment, Kitsune Shichi seemed to be possessed by a top student, and launched a series of extremely rigorous reasoning in his mind: it can actually resist shaking off the water - just from this point of view, it is definitely not a real fox.

But it sniffed again - from this small action, it is not calm enough and must be young.

In addition, the white-haired……

"Xu Yuran?"

The fox didn't say anything, and glanced at her with his slender eyes.

Fox Seven thought for two seconds, but was finally defeated by the furry one, and pinched out a first-grade fireball pill from the space.

……Anyway, everyone is of the same age, and alchemists are not a very special profession. Besides, their Xu family has a backer, and so does she!

Ling Beile is a corpse, eight stars, and famous in the interstellar (notorious), and Wensi Aurora's upgrade is closely tied to her - isn't this more reliable than blood inheritance? It

's just feeding the fox, what is she afraid of?

The rich fire attribute instantly hooked the fox's eyes, but it was still very reserved and didn't move.

So Hu Shiqi got excited and increased the bet again, and found another latest achievement - the second-grade Flame Spin Pill!

"Come, come, little fox, come and rub your sister's head~"

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