The next day, when Kitsuneya Qiyi opened the classroom door, Alice noticed something was wrong:

""Kitsune Shichi, why is your hair getting longer?"

That's right, as the only daughter of Alex, the eight-star beastmaster, Alice is the first to enter the classroom every day.

Kitsune Shichi is usually the last one, but today is different, Xu Fei hasn't come yet.

PS.Xu Fei is the most diligent of the three - he goes to school during the day and exercises at night. He does not neglect either study or beast taming, showing the fighting spirit of a child from an aristocratic family.

"A while ago... Oh no, it should be yesterday for you, I went to Liuying Desert again yesterday."

Kitsune Shichi replied, then covered her mouth with her hand, yawned with tears in her eyes, and walked towards her seat.

She hadn't gotten up early for a long time. She slept too late last night because she had discussed pet-raising experiences with Pudding Bear's owner - the other party turned out to be a five-star beastmaster with a very heroic personality, just like Pudding Bear, not fussy about details.

At this moment, it was still dark outside the window, and it didn't look like the morning at all. Rose Bell floated by the window, stretching herself to her heart's content.

I saw the delicate petals stacked layer by layer, like a girl's skirt, swaying gently in the cold wind, infinitely beautiful.

……The premise is that you must forget that those petals are bombs.

"I have been training for more than four months and have been promoted to two stars."

Kitsune Yashichi thought of this again and said it casually.

Upon hearing this, Rose Bell at the window froze, and Alice's hand trembled while drinking tea. She widened her eyes in disbelief:

What, four months, and already two stars?!

"When we first met, you said you were only level 11. It's only been a year, and you're already level 20? Even Xu Jinbai is not as outrageous as you!"

Alice breathed quickly. If she calculated it more accurately, it actually only took nine months, an average of one level per month! This leveling speed is really appalling, it's purely forcing things to happen!

"Is your soul okay?"

Alice asked directly - everyone knows that the faster the upgrade, the better, but if it is upgraded too quickly, something bad will happen!

"It's OK. I took a test yesterday. The staff said my soul is very stable and solid. It's good.……"

Fox Seven didn't take it seriously. She picked up the cup on the table and went to the front to get herself a glass of water. She walked back and found that Miss Alice's eyes were wide open, looking at her as if she were an alien.

Of course, this description is not accurate enough. Because for Alice, aliens are quite ordinary...

Fox Seven's thoughts diverged, and he sat down while drinking water.

And Alice, she suddenly understood one thing - that is, there is a difference between SSS and SSS!

In layman's terms, upgrading mental power is like blowing up a balloon. The human soul is like a very resilient sleeve that can contain energy. Therefore, the more stable, condensed and resilient the soul is, the more energy can be loaded.

The so-called talent is that some people's balloons have limited capacity. After just a few puffs, they can no longer be extended or loaded with more energy.

The so-called star upgrade is that the small balloon evolves under pressure and becomes a larger balloon.

SSS is the limit of the soul detection instrument.

But SSS is not the limit of Fox Seven!

She upgraded continuously, and her soul is still stable. And how can a normal person upgrade like this? At least the soul needs to adapt and stabilize before continuing, otherwise it will easily cause damage to the soul...

At this moment, Alice spoke frankly:

"Fox Seven, otherwise when you take charge of the Holy Ruins in the future, I will take over my father's job and I will follow you!"

Fox Seven: ?

It was early in the morning and she hadn't woken up yet. She woke up instantly after hearing the words - what was going on? How did it develop into a power struggle just by drinking a sip of water? ? ?

"……Uh... isn't this a bit far-fetched? Besides, so many eight-star bosses are still alive and well, they won't listen to anyone's instructions. How did you come up with this?"

Kitsune Yashichi was embarrassed

"With your advancement speed, you will probably be able to break through to the ninth star within a hundred years. I heard - of course my father is just guessing, my father said that the Holy Lord should have broken through to the ninth star within a hundred years, otherwise he would not be the way he is now. They just age slowly, not forever. You have also seen the Holy Lord, he looks to be in his forties, right?"

"……In fact, I have never seen his face."

Kitsune Shichi told the truth, and at the same time thought briefly, she felt that her upgrade speed was very average.

9 levels in 9 months. It seems very fast, but it is mainly because of the perfect upgrade speed, which feeds back a lot of her energy.

And in the Qingshi Secret Realm... there were also adventures.

Kitsune Shichi recalled that the huge Nine-tailed Dark Heart Sunflower she ate also helped her improve her mental strength a lot.

Not to mention the many medicines she made herself. Although everyone said that"medicine is three-point poison", with Karachi here, she only needs to merge the energy in the medicine with her mental power, and Karachi will help her heal any damage caused in the process.

And there is also Crusoe's metaphysical skills——【This has become her daily necessity. She has to accept it fifty or sixty times every day. Even though she knows that the blessing effects cannot be stacked, it is never too much.

Thinking of this, Kitsune Yashi simply summoned Crusoe from the Beast Taming Space and showed the latter to Miss Alice.

"I mainly want to contract it as soon as possible... Come, Susu, give your sister Alice a blessing~!"

Kitsune Shichi raised his hand and lifted up Crush, and specifically told Alice:"Don't hide!"

Crush opened his eyes. He had been jumping in the"new room" all night, resting for a total of 20 minutes, and his vitality value was 0 at this moment.


Crush threw out his skills slowly, and with a"click", he fell into Kitsune Shichi's palm.

……Is this really a blessing?

Alice's mouth twitched, she was extremely speechless, but she did not avoid the dark light. Then she felt hot all over. It turned out to be a blessing skill.

"What kind of pet is this? How come I have never seen it before?"

Alice was also very curious. She was supposed to be well-informed. She had seen all kinds of rare pets... Even if she couldn't own one, she had at least seen them in literature. Even though this creature that looked like a gem monster (?) was small and black, it was not her type.

"Yes, it is a new species I picked up, but I saw that it was very talented and unique, so I made a contract with it!"

Kitsune replied, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised and a bright smile - this was not a lie

"By the way, Susu is a light-type pet that focuses on gaining power. Don’t tell others yet. I will give them a surprise when the time comes. Susu is also very lively and super cute.~!"

A certain lively Clusu: zZZ...

Rose Bell popped out of its head, circled around the sleeping Clusu, and then quietly returned to the back of its owner's neck.


To be honest, this was the first time in Alice's life that she was flattered by someone and she didn't know how to refute it. The main reason was that she was not envious at all - she would never pick up a slime from a trash can, nor would she contract a new species of unknown origin.

""Kitsune Shichi!"

At this time, Xu Fei rushed into the classroom, uncharacteristically calm, his chest heaving violently, panting wildly, as if he was running wildly.

Hmm? He didn't seem to be late, why was he running? Kitsune Shichi looked up in confusion, and saw the setting sun popping out of Xu Fei's pocket, turning into a golden light and rushing towards her... The floor at her feet landed with a"thump"

——Very good, there is finally a child in the family who remembers that she is a mortal...

Fox Seven was moved, tears streaming down her face, and she was very relieved.

But the next second, Xu Fei ran to her and took out a handful of cash from his pocket, both in small and large amounts - it was obviously used and someone gave him change.

At this time, a crumpled piece of paper fell down, and the phone number on it looked very familiar to Fox Seven.……

——Nonsense, that was her own phone number, how could she not look familiar?

""Hui?" Hu Shiqi was surprised,"How come these are in your hands? Xu Yinli has already gone back?"

What happened? Xu Fei was speechless!

He came to school early in the morning, but found his uncle in disheveled clothes near the teleportation array. He was scolded by the uncle and forced to stuff a handful of change (Xu Yinli:"Tell her to wait for me after school!")——

Xu Fei was stunned

"You...what on earth did you do to my uncle?!"

"What else can I do? It's all his fault that he seduced me and made me lose everything. Half of the medicine is gone, so I'll let him pay for it with his body."

Kitsune was confused, but as a poor student who traveled from Earth, the meanings of the two words"charm" and"temptation" are similar to her.

Xu Fei:?

"you……?"Could it be……?

"Class is about to start, class is about to start, Xu Fei, what gossip are you talking about while standing there? What's wrong, are you dissatisfied with being bald by my young master? That kid still wants to cause trouble?"

Ling Bei Le���He rushed into the classroom at the bell for morning self-study, and behind him was a shining...human-shaped light.

Kitsune Shichi raised his head: ???

Why did the sun follow him into the school?

Ling Beile waved his hand and pushed the blurry-looking light bulb, almost making it fall.

The latter also showed no emperor-level majesty at all, just rubbed his hair and climbed up to stand on his own.

"Come, let me introduce this to you. This is the emperor-level pet, the Great Sun Emperor. You can call it No. 17. It will temporarily replace the light bulb above your head and study with you all."

Kitsune Shichi & Alice:???

——Help, what is a replacement light bulb?!

——There are so many complaints that I have no words to say!



In short, this day seemed to have passed peacefully.

No. 17, who had transformed into a light bulb, did not do anything beyond the norm. He stayed obediently above the classroom, not speaking or transforming. His light source was stable, as if he was a light bulb himself.

As for Xu Yinli, he did not come to Qilin High School to cause trouble. Instead, under the effect of the contract, he opened up a maximum limit of intimate payment for Kitsune Yashichi.

Kitsune Yashichi only discovered this when she was shopping. After all, the three words"Intimate Payment" were too conspicuous, right at the top of the payment method list.

She tried it, and it actually worked!

She could even chat with Xu Yinli on the payment app.

She sent a"?", Xu Yinli returns"…"She replied again"??", Xu Yinli returns""

Although it was a quick reply, Kitsune Yashichi completely got what the fox meant.——

"…"He didn't want to talk to her any more. Even if the ellipsis should have 6 dots, he only wanted to put 3 dots. No more dots were possible.

""End of topic, goodbye.

This is outrageous.

"If he owes me money, can't he just pay me directly? It seems like I'm spending his money... and he's also an alchemist, why is he so interested in my medicine? He even uses his skills on me... otherwise, how could this happen?"

Kushiya Qi was speechless. She also discussed this issue with Xu Fei.

Xu Fei... after knowing the truth, she felt much better

"Because this pill is absorbed very quickly, especially when transformed into a fox... It's hard to describe."

"So, are you on good terms with your uncle? I feel like he hates me."

Kitsuneya Qi asked casually.

"It doesn't matter. My uncle treats everyone the same way. He doesn't go out and doesn't communicate with outsiders."

Xu Fei replied

"But he was okay to me. He once attended my parent-teacher conference on behalf of my father... He was very kind to me."

Is that so? Then how did he practice his charm skill? This skill can only be used on the opposite sex...

Fox Seven was silent for a while after hearing this, and searched for a former teacher of the original owner on his mobile phone and asked the other party a question:

[Teacher, do you know who helped me with the parent-teacher conference before?]

The other party replied quickly:

[I'm sorry, Fox Seven, I haven't paid attention to this matter before. I'll help you find Teacher Wang and Teacher Lu to ask]

Then after more than ten minutes, the teacher replied again:

[I'm sorry, no one is going to hold a parent-teacher conference for you. Are you having any problems?]

Fox Seven looked at the screen of the mobile phone and made up a random question:

[Thank you for your concern, teacher. I didn’t encounter any problems. The school arranged for us to write essays. I can’t remember clearly what happened in the past.]

She is still struggling with the original owner’s dream, and at the same time, she is more curious about the various experiments of the Xu family...

Kitsune Shichi has a feeling that what the Xu family revealed is just the tip of the iceberg, and the truth can only be more cruel.

The transformation of pets into human form and the mimicry of pets into human form are two concepts. The former means that the pet has real human organs and has a chance to participate in human reproduction. The latter merely simulates the shape of a human.

Most species, including humans themselves, do not want to become other species. Even if they are forced to change, it is difficult to learn the thinking and lifestyle of that race.

But These things have nothing to do with her. It is absolutely wishful thinking for a two-star beastmaster to shake a century-old clan like the Xu family.

So, life went on as usual.

Kitsune Shichi went to class and took part in extracurricular activities every day. After leaving school early, she would either make pills or go to auctions to buy food for Perfect and black crystal weapons for Crusoe...

The first week of November passed like this, and Kitsune Shichi finally had enough pills she needed.

Second-grade [Bone Tempering Pill]! A full one hundred pills!

Finally, she can repay part of her debt!

So, on Friday night, Kitsune Shichi packed these pills, carefully put each one in a small jade bottle, and even the outer packaging was solemnly tied with a bow.……

"Hey, Brother Freddy? Are you busy? Where are you now? I made something delicious for you!"

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