Night fell, neon lights flickered.

Kitsune Shichi took the teleportation array to Jinwu Province.

This time, she came to the central city of Jinwu Province, which is the surface area of Jinwu Province.

Looking up, there are scattered floating islands above her head. The sky that occasionally appears is in a grid shape, like a thick lead-gray curtain. The dark night scene with dark clouds can be vaguely seen, which is more depressing than the high-rise buildings on the street.

The buildings on both sides of the street have peeling exterior walls, revealing the texture of bricks and stones, and faintly exuding a damp and rusty smell.


Indeed... the difference is quite big.

Fox Seven sighed as she observed.

She and Freddy agreed to meet at 9:10, at"Sweet Fruit", a small bar hidden in a small alley.

It was only 7:20, Freddy hadn't finished school yet, and this place was not far from"Sweet Fruit", so she could just walk around.

After all, every time she came to Jinwu Province, Fox Seven went directly to the Xu family's floating island, and occasionally went out, only to major auctions.

Although the floating island���There are also business districts on the island, but Xu Fei doesn't like to get together with people, and Hu Shiqi never invited him. She went to those big shopping malls twice by herself. There were so many people, and you had to queue up for anything. It would take two or three hours to queue up. The most important thing is that the things sold there are similar to those in Qilin Province. The only difference is that the attitude of the service staff is poor.

Therefore, although Hu Shiqi has been back and forth between Jinwu and Qilin so many times, he actually knows nothing about Jinwu Province. So, while walking around, he walked into a street ghost market. The reason was that the hawking inside was too loud.……

"We sell pet eggs and snake pet pills! Storm snakes, wood shadow snakes, golden scale snakes, water spirit snakes! We have everything. Any snake you want, we have it!!!"

"Selling Flame Eagle! Selling the Flame Eagle that I bred myself! Excellent appearance, gentle personality! Full of energy, covered in flames! Can spit out flames to attack enemies!"

"Golden Crystal Cat! Don't miss it if you pass by! Golden Crystal Cat, look here! It's so beautiful with its golden glow! Look at their fur! Their teeth and claws are made of crystals and can shoot sharp golden blades! Oops, Mimi, don't bite the guests! Sorry, sorry……"

In the dilapidated alley, a few iron pipes formed a large shed, light bulbs were casually wrapped around the pillars, and the ground was covered with colorful plastic sheets. The vendors were hawking all kinds of pets, as well as some handmade pet supplies.

Kitsune Shichi walked and looked, and occasionally when he came across an especially cute little animal, he would go over and touch it.

The market sells some primary pets, some of which are floating in the sky, some lying on the ground, and some are just born and locked in incubators...all of them are well-behaved. Even if there are a few species that are obviously bad-tempered, they all let people touch their heads and pinch their paws, blinking their eyes in the dim light and showing their best side, hoping to be picked.

Most of the primary pets are very weak and do not have the ability to work and support themselves alone. Without human care, they will have problems surviving, let alone evolving.

Such scenes are rarely seen in Qilin Province.

"How much is this?"

Kitsune Shichi stood in front of a stall, petting a fluffy kitten and asked casually.

"Oh, little girl, you have a good eye. Shadow cat demon, the last one left. Our kitten is sweet and has a very good personality. 52, no bargaining."

The pet seller said, and pointed to a pile of small clothes next to him.

Of course, the 52 here means 520,000.

"If you want to buy, I will give you two sets of clothes"

"Okay, let me take another look.

"Don't hesitate, or it will be gone when you come back! I brought 10 out, and only one was left in half an hour!"

"Hey, boss, how much is this kitten?"

Just at this time, a person who was either a shill or a real customer came over to ask.

Kitsune Shichi took the opportunity to get away.

She was just asking, she didn't mean to buy.

Although these beast pets are beautiful, most of the panels are green, gray, and white. Along the way, I haven't even seen a blue light screen, let alone purple, red, and gold.

Gold, red, purple, blue, green, gray, and white.

These colors of screens correspond to: God level, Emperor level, King level, General level, Advanced level, Intermediate level, Elementary level, etc.

‘……According to this, there are seven levels of beast pets, with humans being the highest, but they can evolve to nine stars.……’

Humans generally contract beast pets that are several levels higher than themselves. It is very common for one-star humans to be paired with high-level beast pets on Blue Star. Generally speaking, as long as they have enough money, no one will think that they are not worthy of a dragon.

The preferential treatment of humans in this world is very obvious.

Under normal circumstances, a one-star human can live safely and healthily to the age of 100, with free education and medical care, and housing and cars are not too expensive. The most expensive expense in this life is to buy a beast pet, but it is also equivalent to buying a family member who can accompany you for a lifetime.

But in the case of a beast pet, if the talent of this beast pet is only at the primary level and cannot be upgraded to the intermediate level, and it is lucky enough to be born in a regular beast pet center, the fate of this beast pet is likely to be euthanasia. Or if it is unlucky and falls into the hands of black market dealers, it will become a miserable breeding machine, and the children born will become ingredients on other people's dinner tables...

Peace is only an appearance, and darkness has never disappeared.

Each planet has its own rules.

On Blue Star, only when a beast pet reaches the king level will human society recognize it as an independent individual, and they will have the same rights as ordinary adults. Even if a beast pet below the king level wants to wash dishes, it needs to be signed and confirmed by the beastmaster, and the bank card it applies for can only be the beastmaster's secondary card. All transaction records will be clearly sent to the beastmaster's mailbox.

Excluding revenge, from a legal point of view: if a human kills a beastmaster, he will pay money. If a beastmaster kills a human, he will pay his life.

Fox Seven thought about it in her heart for a while, but it only took a few minutes and she put it behind her.

It's too early for her to study this kind of theory of human-animal differences. It won't be too late to study it when she exceeds seven stars. Because she can't do anything now, she might as well spit more times instead of being a keyboard warrior.

The street market at night is very lively, with few children, most of them are groups of students, and a small number of adults.

As Kitsune Shichi walked and looked around, he also bought a few sets of cute clothes for Xieyang, including a cute strawberry skirt, bubble skirt, grass skirt, and a mini swimming ring with small wings on the back. They were all handmade and cost less than three hundred yuan in total.

Thinking back to the high-end auction on the floating island, those beast pet costumes cost thousands or even tens of thousands...

How should I put it, the gap between the rich and the poor in Jinwu Province is really well-deserved.

Kitsune Shichi was very emotional.

Thinking about it this way, she has actually been away from the life of ordinary people for a long time. The classmates she usually meets at school are super rich second (n) generations like Alice and Xu Fei. The teachers in the school are all no less than four stars, not to mention Ling Beile, an eight-star beastmaster, there are no more than ten in the entire Blue Star, and he also took her to see the new unit of measurement"Jing".

Back home, Karachi is a king-level beast pet. The two meet and chat every day, making her almost forget: even in the interstellar, a king-level beast pet is also the top combat power.……

"Iced rose juice is 15 yuan per cup, and the second cup is half price!"

"Sweet and delicious fried egg! 12 kinds of sauces, choose and add as you like! 6 yuan per serving!"

""Fragrant roasted fairy flowers! Sweet fairy flowers! 18 yuan a piece! Buy two and get a sticker for free!"

Gradually, Kitsune Shichi walked to the food area. The air was filled with the aroma of oil. Away from the pet economy, the prices of these foods for humans were normal...

Kitsune Shichi bought some and ate as she walked. Suddenly, she stopped walking because she saw a strange scene - behind the stall in front of her, there were two big watermelons sitting, with two round green thin arms stretched out, holding flashing electronic signs in their hands, and they were selling fruits on the stall!

What! Watermelon pets?! Selling fruits?

Kitsune Shichi was excited and immediately quickened her pace and rushed over. She saw that the stall was full of common fruits, apples, pears, peaches, and some strange fruits that she couldn't name, probably also fruits

""Boss, are you selling watermelons?"

Fox Seven asked. Since the boss was a watermelon, she would of course buy watermelons - winter and watermelon are a perfect match! Who doesn't want to eat iced watermelon under a quilt? The big watermelon that was setting up the stall nodded. It obviously had not evolved the skill of being proficient in language. It brought out a small basket of green cherries. At first glance, they were cherries, but when you look closely, they are actually small watermelons that look like cherries...

Well, it's okay if it's smaller.

Fox Seven looked at it and habitually grabbed it.���A handful of small watermelons, it didn't matter if she grabbed it, six light screens unfolded in front of her eyes at the same time, five white and one gray!

Oh my god, it's a beast pet! ?

Fox Seven's hands trembled, and he was shocked.

In fact, food-type beast pets are very common, but generally few people contract them because their combat power is limited. They can be said to be the weakest at the same level. The primary fruit beast pets are also very sluggish and slow in thinking. Let alone fighting, even if they are bitten, it is difficult to react.

Both are king-level, dragons fight mangoes, and the latter has no power to fight back. But mangoes and watermelons can fight each other to a draw - they are the same dish anyway.

The most terrifying thing is that just like humans become more beautiful as they upgrade, the evolution of any race is a similar process.

Therefore, fruit beast pets will become more delicious as they evolve (……), and everyone who sees them wants to take a bite of them. Unfortunately, this world has developed medical care, so they won't die if they are bitten.

This is the general situation. In the end, when they are upgraded, most of the fruit pets will embark on the path of breeding, hybridization, and selling their offspring. As long as they can enjoy wealth and glory, they don’t care if their offspring are eaten. Who hasn’t been eaten?

"It's not this kind. I'm asking about edible watermelons... What, you said this is edible watermelon?"

The two big watermelons nodded at the same time. Kitsune Shichi was stunned for two seconds, and then... he thought it through.

Yes, even on Earth, humans eat pigs, cows and sheep. Before those pigs are chopped into pork stuffing, they are also pigs with thoughts... So eating a watermelon is not considered killing innocent people. Just eat it cleanly and don't waste it.

"How much is this?"

Fox Seven pointed at the basket of cherry-shaped watermelons and asked.

One of the two big watermelons typed slowly, and soon a new screen appeared -

[106 yuan per catty, if you buy three catties, I will give you two explosive oranges]

So Fox Seven carefully selected small watermelons, and while there was no one at the stall, he picked all the watermelons in the whole box, but found that none of the watermelons had a talent above green.

""Okay, I want all of these."

Fox Seven said, although she was a little disappointed, she summoned Perfect directly - this guy, what he eats every day is not right, quickly change its food to save it...

The two big watermelons were stunned, they had never seen such a generous sucker, they smiled happily...

After weighing, more than 5,000 yuan came out, Fox Seven paid directly, the big watermelon was grateful, and without saying a word, gave her a whole box of fruit oranges!

Fox Seven also tasted the small watermelon, the green skin on the outside was bitter, and the red watermelon flesh was sweet. It's so expensive, no wonder no one buys it...

Behind him, Perfect turned into a human form, and saw that Fox Seven had finished eating - and it seemed that he didn't plan to eat a second one, so he reached out to take the basket of small watermelons, and the next second, the whole basket of watermelons disappeared.

For Perfect, eating this little food is like breathing air, and there is no feeling at all

"This orange……"

The box of oranges was heavy. Kitsune originally wanted to eat them all, but she became curious again - the exploding orange sounded like a special fruit in this world. It would be nice to try some of them. So she opened the box and randomly picked the biggest, fullest, and most pleasing exploding orange.……


Kitsuneya Nana's pupils shrank, the light screen expanded, and golden light flashed. The rich color, just like when she first encountered perfection, almost blinded her eyes!

【[Name]: Explosive Orange

【[Attributes]: Water, Thunder

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Class]: Food

【Skills: Sweetness (low level 0/200), Lightning Ripples (low level 0/200), Conductivity (low level/200)

【Status]: Suspended Death (Excellent)

【[Evolution Degree]: 0%

【[Evolution Path]: Explosive Orange——???——???——???——???——???——? ?

? Gold! It's actually gold!

The cold wind blew, and the shed was noisy.

Fox Seven blinked, his heart was burning, and the excitement was simply indescribable. He almost sang a song -

Orange, Orange, you are destined to be my orange!

So, Fox Seven held the orange that was pretending to be dead, waved his little hand, and said to the two confused watermelons:

"Boss, I want all the remaining fruits you have. Pack them up and give me a price for them all!"

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