Just by strolling around the street, she actually got a golden pet for free. Kitsune Shichi was so happy that she walked with the wind. In this cold winter of November, she almost followed the hawking of the street and had a fantasy of"I can still find more bargains"... What if there is a golden one?

After all, good things come in pairs!

So, Kitsune Shichi smiled, held the new big orange in her arms, and asked Crusus to bless her twice. She walked around the ghost market at the speed of wind and touched all the pets visible to the naked eye.

……Sadly, good things don't come in pairs.

After an hour, Kitsune gave up.

"Kiss? Kiss? Little kiss?"

She called out affectionately, putting the orange close to her face, sniffing the sweet and sour fresh fruity aroma of the cute orange, and pinching it again and again, trying to break its [playing dead].

However, the orange did not respond as expected.

Kitsune Shichi turned around and logged into the forum, typing in the keyword"fruit", and several topics immediately popped up.——

#What should I do if my fruit pet gets soaked?

#What should I do if my fruit pet is dried?

#What should I do if my fruit pet hides in the refrigerator and gets frozen?

#What should I do if my fruit pet turns sour and refuses to see a doctor?


Kitsune Shichi looked through the posts and found that: the forum was full of a large number of"foodie experiences". It was obviously a discussion post about raising pets, but it was full of various cooking methods...

This resulted in everyone's fruit pets having very beautiful mental states, and they were either autistic or timid...

Well, most fruit pets were born to be eaten. As primary pets, they have slow thinking, cannot speak, and cannot even move themselves.

Kitsune Shichi checked again, and found that those few famous interstellar king-level fruits were basically starting companies, with the main goal of sending their offspring to every corner of the galaxy. The Internet was full of people cursing their black-hearted bosses, and none of them was famous for their extraordinary fighting power.

Seeing this, she squeezed the orange in her hand and looked up its skills on her phone.

【Sweetness: Changes the taste of an object. Doubles the effect on non-living things, and has no effect on living things with higher energy levels than itself.

【Lightning Ripples: Triggers three layers of water ripples with lightning energy, causing electric shock damage to enemies that come into contact with them, causing them to be temporarily blinded.

【[Conductivity]: Change the properties of an object to make it conductive. The effect on non-living things is doubled, and it has no effect on living things with higher energy levels than itself.

The combination of thunder and water, this amazing combination, the attack power is absolutely off the charts. Besides, the setting sun is a pure physical attack, and Xiaochengzi is just right to be a wizard...

While thinking, Fox Seven looked at her mobile phone again. It was 8:50, and she should go, otherwise she would be late.

So she left the ghost market, followed the navigation, and ran quickly to the place agreed with Freddy.

At night, the city of Jinwu was bustling with people and cars.

Fox Seven passed through the alley and gradually entered the prosperous urban area. Under the street lights, the old buildings on the corners were covered with bright graffiti, and some inexplicable slogans were painted. The colors were colorful and formed a sharp contrast with the old walls.

"Sorry for the wait!"

‘At the door of 'Sweet Fruit', Kitsune Shichi saw from afar the familiar figure talking to someone else. She quickly ran a few steps and couldn't help but use her mobile phone to confirm: she was not late, and even arrived 10 minutes early!

"Hi~! Long time no see!"

Freddy had just rejected a wave of ill-intentioned chats, and when he turned around and saw Kitsune Shichi, a relaxed smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he took two steps towards her with his long legs.

He was wearing a black jacket today, with the collar slightly turned up and the edges slightly worn, revealing a little bit of the white T-shirt underneath, and slim-fit jeans of the same black color underneath, which perfectly outlined his slender legs.

"You don't have to run so fast... Wait, have you changed? Why is your hair so long?"

Freddy's eyes moved, very surprised.

It's only been half a year since I last saw her, and she has upgraded?

He frowned, thinking of his mental power that has been stuck at level 29, and suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

"Yes, yes, I'm a two-star. I just got the upgrade this week. Why, what's that expression on your face? Don't you believe it?"

Upgrading is a good thing, there's nothing shameful about it.

Kitsune Shichi was also very straightforward. She turned three steps into two and walked quickly towards Freddy.

Under the colorful neon lights, her whole body was white and bright. It was in this gorgeousness that her jet-black hair and pupils were not stained with any other colors.

For a moment, Freddy felt as if he was staring into the abyss. He couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He opened his eyes subconsciously and responded with two sentences:

"Congratulations, your upgrade speed is really fast. Besides, what expression do I have? You are just slandering me."

"Actually, it's okay. I went to the Liuying Desert and took advantage of the time difference. You seem to have become a little darker. Which beach did you go to for sunbathing?"

Fox Seven could see that Freddy was unnatural, and knew that he was stuck at the level, so he changed the subject considerately - as the ancients said, being stuck at the level is a normal part of life, and it is a pain that must be endured in life.

Dark... Speaking of this topic, Freddy's face wrinkled up, and he raised his hand helplessly to scratch his hair, making his already messy hair even messier.

"Because I've been quite free recently, the old man arranged two blind dates for me in the Mokosang outer galaxy in the next two days. I looked at the fashion trends there and saw that big muscular men and pretty faces are popular, so I quickly went to get myself a tan.……"

""Puff!" Fox Seven couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at? Are you gloating over someone else's misfortune?"Freddy's mouth twitched. There was no other way. He couldn't move his muscles. He could only do it.


Fox Seven held back his laughter and looked at him for a few seconds.

Under the dim street lights, Freddy's slightly darker skin looked really good. He had a rebellious and playful feeling, like a playboy who was unrestrained and uninhibited.

"……Are you sure you want to avoid a blind date?... Or why not put on that dress again?"

Fox Seven was silent for half a second and made a sincere suggestion.

She really felt that Freddy's tanning effect was not very effective. He now looked like... a piece of rich hazelnut chocolate, smooth and mellow, passionate and fiery.

"It's no use." Freddy rolled his eyes.

"Then you won't not go?"

Kitsune Yachi was also curious. What would happen if she didn't go?

She had never enjoyed the love of her family in her two lives, and naturally she had never felt the urge to get married. Although she often encountered flirting and confessions, she always dodged them. For example, whenever she went out shopping, she would wear a (fake) diamond ring on her left hand. Once someone asked for her phone number, she would show the diamond ring and throw it out skillfully:

‘Sorry, I'm married and a mother of two children.’


"There are six-star elders in the other family. I have to go. My grandfather will say something to me, my father will say something to me, and my mother will say something to me... It's really annoying."

Freddy shook his head, took a deep breath, and decided to put all these unpleasant things behind him.

"Let's go, let's not talk about this anymore, I'll take you in for a drink."

He reached back and pointed his thumb inside the"Sweet Fruit", and finally smiled.

"By the way, let me introduce you to a handsome guy, even though the rumors about you two are all over the place."

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