Introducing a handsome guy? Rumors flying everywhere?

Could it be Xu Jinbai? But...

Fox Shichi followed Freddy into the store in confusion, staring at his back with a strange look in her eyes - didn't Freddy know that she knew Xu Jinbai? Could it be that he thought that the 'Xu Jinbai' in the report was actually 'Xu Fei'? Well, that's possible.

But, to be honest, since she traveled through time, Fox Shichi's own place of residence has changed frequently. Either it was bombed, burned, or rented...

As a result, she is only most familiar with two places, one is their classroom of Freedom Wings, and the other is the Xu family's island.

And the Xu family's generation of the same age as her: the eldest Xu Jinbai, the second Xu Yuran, the third Xu Rao, the fourth Xu Jiaojiao, and the youngest Xu Fei - a total of five, she already knows three, the only one left is the twin sisters.

……Could it be a pretty little fox?

"This way." Freddy waved his hand and walked straight to a corner, muttering as he walked,"Didn't I tell him to go near the bar? Why is he hiding in the corner?……"

Fox Seven followed slowly. The lights in the store were dim. The store was not too big, but there were tables arranged in an orderly manner. The tables and chairs were separated by various decorations, which could not only block the sight, but also allow all customers to see the small stage in the corner at a glance.

The stage was not lit, only a transparent jellyfish was playing the guitar in the dark, and several microphones inlaid with diamonds were slowly rotating around it. It hummed a tune casually, and the song was soft and the melody was as melodious as running water.

In such an environment, time seemed to become extremely slow. Customers chatted in groups of two or three. When passing by, Fox Seven could only see them open their mouths to talk, but could not hear the sound of their conversation.

Alas. Fox Seven sighed. Since entering the high-end game, her [Perception] has never been used again. A group of people would make a barrier at any time, or use barrier props to isolate sound and isolate peeping... Although she didn't want to pry into other people's privacy, but... It was so frustrating.

Unexpectedly, Kitsune Shichi saw the ring on her thumb and couldn't help but turn it around.

This ring can shield her mental power.

However, this is the jewelry that the Nine-Star Boss carries with him. Could it be that this is the only effect?

Or is that guy so perverted that he doesn't need other effects, and just needs something that makes him inconspicuous?

Just as she was distracted, Freddy in front of her suddenly made way. Kitsune Shichi was stunned for a moment, and then Freddy put his arm around her shoulders and pushed her forward. The man turned his head and introduced in a cheerful - even gloating - tone:

"Old Xu! This is the little sister I mentioned before. Have you watched the StarCraft Cup qualifiers? Forget it, I know you definitely didn’t watch it. This is your rumored girlfriend!"

Fox Seven:"……"

Then, Freddy slapped her shoulders twice. Fortunately, her physical fitness was much better than before. She didn't tremble at all after being hit by him twice. She was as solid as a rock.

Xu Jinbai sat in the innermost seat, next to a foggy window. She was wearing very thin clothes, only a black and white gradient shirt, black pants and white shoes, and no other decorations.

Kitsune looked outside and suddenly realized.

The weather was bad today, and there was no moon.

……So they can go out at night?


But what Linghu Shiqi didn't expect was that Xu Jinbai actually stood up and stretched out his hand to shake her hand, with a slight smile on his lips, pretending that it was the first time they met.


Hu Shiqi couldn't help but look back at Freddy, then back at Xu Jinbai, what on earth were these two doing?

"What's wrong? Why are you still struggling? Are you going to choose between the two of us?"

Freddy laughed, walked to Xu Jinbai, pulled out a chair and sat down, took the wine list on the table, and swiped his finger down on the smart screen skillfully.——

"Okay, it's up to you. You two don't have to be polite to me today. I'll treat you."


Why does it feel a little wrong?

Seeing Xu Jinbai still holding out his hand, Hu Shiqi could only reach out his hand blankly and shook hands with him. Until Freddy handed over the drink list, she still didn't understand... What was Xu Jinbai doing? What was there to pretend about?

As for the drink list, the names were too strange. Hu Shiqi glanced at the options of Xu Jinbai and Freddy, and randomly picked a glass with a nice color according to the alcohol content.

She was already a two-star, and one glass of wine would definitely not knock her down.

"so……"Freddy raised his eyebrows, tapped his fingers happily on the table, looked left and right——"You two, don't you want to chat?"

Wait! Kitsune Yashichi suddenly reacted!

——This is basically a blind date introduction!

"Freddy, you... you're getting wet in the rain and you're still trying to tear someone else's umbrella! You want to make do with the two of us, right? Who gave you any benefit to do this?"

Freddy quickly pinched the barrier props on the table, coughed with a strong desire to survive, and then denied it with an innocent look:"No, how could it be~ It's just to make friends, you think too much~"

Finally, he quickly changed his tone:

"Didn't you say you made something delicious? Why didn't you take it out? Did you forget to bring it?"

Although this was a complaint, there was a hint of... showing off in the words.

Not far away, the singing of jellyfish came softly, and it seemed that another dark creature came on stage. The two sang together, and the gentleness was mixed with a hint of hoarseness, intertwined together. Even if you couldn't understand their language, you knew it must be a sweet little love song. Kitsune

Shichi was a little unsure again. She stared at Freddy's seemingly sincere expression for a while... and suddenly felt that the other party's eyes were very much like a dog's, not like he had bad intentions.

——Could it be that she was overthinking?

On the other hand, the smile of a certain real canine, Xu Jinbai, remained motionless, and the smile did not even reach his eyes.

"……You're making me feel a little embarrassed."

Kitsune Shichi sighed and took out the huge square box from the space - she even tied a big bow on it, which was even more weird in this situation.

Someone who didn't know would think she was going to confess her love.

And the person who seemed to be"confessed" by her even introduced a good friend of his to her and wanted her to go on a blind date!

But the fact was not like that at all, it was just that the atmosphere was a little weird... It was like a big triangle, very awkward.

Kitsune Shichi was silent for a while, not knowing how to explain, so he could only push the gift box in Freddy's direction.

"Sir and Madam, your drinks are ready. The waiter brought the drinks and temporarily eased the awkward situation.

"Wow, can I open it here?"

Freddy asked again, so excited that people who didn't know him would think it was his first time to receive a gift.

"Of course you can……"

Kitsune Shichi had given up. Forget it, she must be overthinking, and she probably didn't think that much.

So the ribbon was untied, and the whole box, filled with medicine bottles, was exposed to everyone!

"These are 100 second-grade bone-forging pills, which are mainly water-attributed and mixed with light-attributed ones. They may have some beauty-enhancing effects, but they cannot be taken with dark-attributed ones."

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