Some people support"the survival of the fittest", and often assume that"the weak" do not include themselves.

Because it is not they who make sacrifices, and it will not affect their interests, so they can stand on the moral high ground and calmly say"someone has to make sacrifices".

Isn't this easy to understand?

Fox Seven understands very well, so she doesn't complain about the injustice of God. The mysterious man wants to kill her and win her over. Some people want to deceive her, and they despise her and use her at the same time - this is all normal and understandable.

The sunlight shines through the glass, as if it has been cut into thousands of small pieces, reflecting on the walls of the stadium corridor. The sun is shining on the whole body, but Fox Seven seems to be walking in a cellar.

It's not fear, it's just that it feels cold.

She remembered the early years, when she was still very young, her parents divorced and remarried, and she was awarded to her mother. The new father was a man a few years younger than her mother, so for"safety considerations", she was placed alone by her mother in the next city far away from home, attending boarding school, living expenses are regularly sent, and there is no worry about food or clothes, but compared with other classmates, it seems that there is always something missing.

But it's all over.

She graduated from college, got her diploma, had the confidence to live on her own, and was about to start a new life in a new city - and then she came here, completely and utterly starting over: in the blink of an eye, even the ironclad cultural subjects such as Chinese, math and English were gone, and the chicken sausage sandwiched in the bread tasted like squid tentacles when chewed.

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Kitsune Shichi suddenly laughed in a low voice. She stopped. She was only one step away from the gate, but she suddenly felt like she was walking into a new world.

The sun was blazing outside. July was the breeding season for bubble fish. They would spit out countless water barriers. Through this or that principle, the summer in Qilin Province would always be cooler than other provinces. It was a famous summer resort on Blue Star.

Kitsune Shichi looked outside the house. She didn't know what was real. The sky might be a beast pet using skills. It was slightly red. The sun was covered with a barrier, which was said to be to filter ultraviolet rays. A strange creature appeared under the teaching building not far away. She had never seen it before.

She only knew that her power was real. It flowed like water, emerging from her mind, gurgling continuously. It could travel through her limbs and extend outward, allowing her to sense the world hundreds of meters away even if she closed her eyes.

So she stopped laughing, closed her eyes and took that step, crossing the steps accurately.


It doesn't matter, come on!


Half an hour later, Kitsune returned to the coffee shop again. Facing the strange look from the receptionist, she ordered a cup of double rose coffee exactly the same as the one she had in the morning, and a honeydew melon dessert that emitted a rainbow halo.

Before the meal arrived, she turned on the system.

【[Name]: Slime [To be evolved]

【Attributes: Dark

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Level]: Ordinary

【Skills: Devour (Intermediate 102/1000), Sprint (Low 179/200), Immunity (Low 4/200), Perception (Intermediate 9/1000)

【Status: Giant (normal)

【Evolution level]: 123%

【[Evolution Path]: Slime - (Forest/Sea/Bloody/Steel) Slime——???——???——???——???——???

Only the skill proficiency increased by a few points, the other zodiac signs did not change. It seems that each time a skill is activated, the proficiency increases by one point, except for [Swallow], which increases by two or three points.

……It turns out that you have to eat alive.

Kitsune Shichi fell into deep thought, and finally opened his phone to check, and found that skill proficiency is indeed very important.

Skills with"low-level" proficiency are like tickling an intermediate beast pet. This is why Perfect can [devour] Huang Shanjun - its devouring skill has reached the intermediate level, while Huang Shanjun's [Lightning Strike] is only at the elementary level, so it is offset by [Immunity]


At this moment, she finally understood why slime was disliked.

If you want to compete in combat effectiveness, the beast pet has to roll. Others practice a skill once, and you have to practice twice. There are only two or three skills in total, but you have to practice repeatedly. Even if there is no opponent, you have to practice on an open ground. You have to roll to the death and forget about food and sleep. Only in this way can you be invincible...

But you say this to a newborn beast pet?

It asked back: What does the honor of you, a human beast tamer, have to do with me? Do you want to tire me to death? Why don’t you go out for a run, run until you are exhausted and tire yourself to death?

Therefore, the first step for most novice beast tamers is not to fight, but beast taming psychology: coax the baby to train, persuade the baby to make progress, and urge the baby to develop good habits……


"Susu!"A tender green creature with a fish tail fin slid over gracefully with a plate in hand. It lowered its slender neck, placed coffee and small cakes for the guests, and then turned and left gracefully.

Kitsune Shichi forked a piece of cake and fed it to Wanmei. It didn't move obediently, and she poked it with her fork (……)

The small cake turned into white bubbles and disappeared in an instant

"Is it sweet? Is it delicious?" Kitsune Yashichi asked.

Perfect:"What is sweet?""Too little""If you like it, I'll give it to you.""I'll grab them all for you!"

——Wait, what the hell is that at the end?!

Kitsuneya Nana quickly grabbed his big son and almost let him rush into the glass cabinet...

My goodness, last night, the sprint was only 179, and now he knows how to use the sprint!

……If she keeps doing this, her apology skills will definitely reach the Grandmaster level.……

"……I see," Fox Seven suddenly understood the psychology of the slime - it is just a ball of elements, with a pure mind, unable to distinguish between beauty and ugliness, and does not understand the bitterness and sweetness of life. Everything can be eaten, and there is no difference between garbage and cake.

In other words, it is useless to lure it to make progress with material things. Take humans as an example, it is like the boss saying to you: Work hard, and when the company goes public, I will give you the sweet air as a bonus!

The slime is just stupid, not stupid... It was originally fine, with food everywhere, living happily and easily every day, and seeing happiness until death, but then a long-lived species (humans are long-lived species compared to slimes) came and said to it: Come on, kid! Suffer with me! There will be no relief for a hundred years!

Put yourself in their shoes, it's too miserable!

In the end, it was deceived, and it was also despised by its owner for not working hard. A bunch of curlers around it made progress, but it was the only one standing still... After a long time, anyone who changes will have a mental illness, and maybe they will break the jar and lie down completely...

Thinking about it this way, it's even more miserable!

"It's okay, baby, don't worry, we'll just eat and sleep, mom still has more than 6 million, one million a year, which is definitely enough for the two of us to live a fairy-like life."

Fox Yaqi said solemnly, stroking the perfectly smooth skin, and made a decision in an instant.

One should not be too outrageous. She was plotted against because she was incompetent. You can't raise a pet and expect it to save you. It was just born! It's still a baby! Even if it's your own child, you have no obligation to suffer with her! Is n't it the law of the jungle? There will be a way.

Besides, the worst is death, who is afraid of who?

The soul bridge glowed faintly, and the blue body of the slime rolled up like a whirlpool. It almost jumped up, and the person who stopped it from jumping was Fox Yaqi.


She raised a finger and placed it on her lips, her dark eyes dark and bottomless.

"somebody is coming……"

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