At the corner of the coffee shop, an old man and a young man are arguing.

"Why are you dressed like this? How can you be so indecent?!"

"Why can’t I dress like this? This is the latest fashion in the capital!"

"Well, you have learned to resist, right?"

"……No, Grandpa, I respect you the most, how could it be possible?……"

"Forget it, forget it. Oh, it doesn’t matter what you wear... like this... forget it, that’s fine... Don’t ever tell anyone that you know me!"

"Hey? Isn't this a blind date?"

"Where did I say it was a blind date?!"

"Not really? ? ? Then what did you tell me to let me meet a woman?……"



Kitsune Shichi drank his coffee slowly while listening to the strange old man on the other side of the wall assigning tasks to his grandson. The gist of it was that this girl has been spotted by the leader of a terrorist organization, and you should lure her away and don't let her"die rather than live in dishonor" in Liuheng City. It doesn't matter if she has offended the Holy Lord, what matters is that no one wants to die with her... blah blah.


"Martyr!!!" The boy suddenly raised his voice after hearing this. His sigh was not only"heard" by Kitsune Shichi with his mental power, but also heard by his ears.

"Will you die if you keep your voice down?!""

Uh... sorry, Grandpa, my little Land Sparrow evolved into the Holy King Sparrow a few days ago, and it seems to have fed back my [Sound Blade] skill.……]

"Why didn’t you tell me about this earlier?"

[Why didn’t you tell me about this earlier?!]

The old man was so shocked that his voice broke. Not only Kitsune Shichi, but other customers in the cafe also frowned and looked out the window.

……We are truly a family……

……This grandfather and grandson are both amazing...

Kitsune Shichi stirred the bottom of the coffee in the cup, and a map was opened on the phone on the left.

Liuheng is near the sea, and there are many man-made resort islands overseas. She just checked on the Internet and found that there is a small island called Yuye near the high seas, and the controller's surname is Zhou. It is difficult to find living things on land, but the ocean... is very suitable for perfect foraging. Even if it is accidentally swallowed by a larger marine creature, she can summon it back in time.

How about trying to lead the topic? This season.

Resort islands are scarce resources...

Here, Kitsune Shichi was thinking, but suddenly heard laughter in her ears.

The girls at the door couldn't help laughing, as if they had seen something very funny.

So she subconsciously turned around, and unexpectedly, the first thing she saw was a gorgeous wool shawl.

The long purple hair looked very soft, and it flashed with dazzling light spots like stars.

However, the person wearing it was a man, a muscular martial artist who looked like he could beat ten people with one punch.

He was wearing a black skirt that was not very stretchable, outlining his tight and smooth chest and abdomen, and the two big arms sticking out from the purple fur...

the muscles were obvious.


Kitsune Shichi raised his face steadily and saw that the other person was actually not very old, and he even put on a cold purple face makeup - which had the same"blurring facial features" effect as the Holy Lord - and was staring at her blankly at this moment, his eyes fell on her school uniform, and froze.

"Hello, big sister," Kitsune Shichi asked in a tone as pure as Bambi."……What's the matter?"

Big sister! Big sister! Big sister!

Freddy took a step back. The sofa seats in this cafe were too high. He was curious about this girl who was tough with the Holy Lord after listening to his grandfather's introduction. He didn't expect that the other party was a soft and cute little sister. The key is that her face is super cute!

But she called him"big sister"!!!

The lethality of this voice is no less than a punch. In a trance, he couldn't help but reveal his real name:"I'm can call me Freddy……"

"……"Friday, Friday... Where did this naming genius come from? They are bullying this world because the English language has disappeared.

Kitsune Shichi thought that this guy might be a sister, otherwise how could his muscles be so strong? Most boys would not be willing to dress up like this to go out on the street. How horny must they be...

But it's true, humans and animals can fall in love, and at least men and women are not cross-species, so they shouldn't be looked down upon like in the previous world... This world is freer.

Seeing that Kitsune Shichi didn't respond and just stared at his face and shawl, Freddy suddenly felt a deep despair in his heart - although he felt a little desperate when he went out wearing this at noon, but when he thought about scaring his grandfather and potential blind dates to death, he made up his mind to go out for the sake of once and for all. Anyway, Liuheng is not his home, and he only comes back a few times a year? He regrets it very much, anyway, he regrets it very much.

What's worse is that he was wearing black stockings and a pair of high heels. It didn't matter when he was sitting in the car just now, but when he walked on the ground by himself, every step was very slippery and it was very difficult to walk.……


In a flash, Freddy swore that he should not have let his imagination run wild. He wanted to go to the other side of the sofa and sit down - although he wanted to turn around and leave, he really couldn't walk anymore. He had to at least take off his damn high heels. As a result, his leg posture was wrong, and the high heels"slid" and the heels made a"click" sound. He also let out a soul-stirring"Ah~"... and knelt down in a state of shocking weeping.

"Phew! Haha!" Kitsune Yashichi really couldn't help himself this time and slammed the table wildly,"Hahahaha!"

……It's over.

Freddy closed his eyes peacefully and prostrated himself on the ground.

……It's better for him to go to another planet for college. This blue planet is no longer his hometown.……


A few minutes later, Kitsune Shichi helped this... sister Freddy who came from afar... to the table.

How did that saying go, isn't it a pleasure to have a sister coming from afar?

It was so joyful.

"Um, want to talk to me...about something?"

She tried hard to hold back her laughter, and didn't even dare to look up, because as soon as she saw the other person's painful and distorted face, she would be unable to hold back her laughter"Haha..."……

——There is no way to talk to him about business.

Freddy covered his face with his hands. He didn't want to say a word now. The key point was that even if he didn't speak, his face felt scratchy. He took his hands off and saw that his palms were colorful purple...

It was amazing.

The key point was that this was not a blind date!

What the hell was he doing!

The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became. Freddy opened the small diamond-studded handbag hanging on his arm - ah, the sunlight next to the window was too bright, and this accessory was going to blind his eyes - but he still pulled out his phone with a stern face, opened the album, and looked at the selfies in it. That handsome face, every one of them was very handsome, with no blind spots from 360 degrees. Are you kidding? He can make a living with his face!

"Let me show you this." He held his phone upright and showed it to the new little sister he had just met. It was mainly because he had never been hurt so badly in his life. He knelt down on someone the first time he met them.……

"Is he handsome? He said patiently.

"Handsome." Kitsune made seven comments, looking at the one on her phone and then at the one in front of her. Her face blindness came back, although... Anyway, she always felt that it was not the same person, so her cheeks suddenly puffed up and she barely held back her laughter,"Your boyfriend?"

"……"Freddy clenched his phone and it creaked."It's me!" Doesn't it look alike? Even with makeup on, at least the facial features are still the same, right?!

"So what?" Kitsune Yashichi also tried to persuade her. Wasn't this guy here to lure her out of the city? He was already dressed up like this, and he was still planning to use his beauty to lure her? As a young master, couldn't he just show some sincerity and spend money?

Or did she need to be seduced by beauty?

"so……"Freddy also remembered his mission. This girl was a 3S genius that the Holy Lord could target. When it came to 3S, one had to think of Xu Jinbai, who was truly one of the most idiots in the world... His soul strength was 3S. With this premise, it was hard for him not to respect the girl in front of him. If he had known this earlier, he would not have come wearing this outfit even if it was really a blind date. This was purely an insult to himself.

"I know a guy like you, so... do you want to go to the capital with me?" Freddy asked, but he didn't expect that the girl in front of him simply refused.

"No." Fox Seven shook his head,"There is a man who asked me to meet him in the high seas nearby, but I don't know how to get there, so I have to stay in Liuheng so that he can find me."

After saying that, she saw the pupils of the other party shrink as she wished, and a bright green light flashed faintly.

【Sound Blade] Ability. It seems that this is a pet that uses sound as a means of attack. It is probably a very strong one.

Kitsune Shichi thought, the range is set in the imperial capital, and this guy is good-looking. I should be able to find clues on the Internet, and maybe even his battle video.

"maritime……"Freddy repeated in a low voice,"There is a small island near the high seas where I live, but……"

"Really?" Kitsune Yashi interrupted him directly. Thanks to the super rich young lady, she had a lot of experience in dealing with this young master. No need to say more, just admire him and let him have his eyes full of stars. Anyway, she didn't want money, she just wanted to have a place to play together, so they were very generous.

Moreover, this big brother was going to transfer her out of the city anyway... Isn't this a win-win situation?

"Yeah, but……"Freddy hesitated for two more seconds, because his grandfather had told him that this girl had just come of age after losing both her parents, so it was not a good idea for her to go to the island alone with him...

But when he looked up at her sparkling eyes...

Wait, why did he have such a beastly idea!

Isn't it just going to the island? If he threw her on the island, wouldn't he have completed his mission and could leave? A man and a woman alone! There was no need to accompany her at all! Why was he being so pretentious?

""Okay." So he nodded. It's really better to suffer a short pain than a long one. He should finish this matter quickly and forget about today. He can go home and wash himself and be a hero again.

"Wait a minute, I'll take off my shoes... Excuse me, can you help me buy a pair of size 47 sneakers next door? I'll give you the card... Wait! Or you can buy me a whole set of clothes! And makeup remover, we'll go to the island directly, please!"

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