The sun poured in from the window, shining through the bright glass onto the bed, making Xu Jin's white skin translucent, and even adding a lot of warm colors to his black hair.

He looked very polite, and his request was very reasonable. Normally, it would not be rejected. But

Kitsune Shichi was not tempted at all.

"No, let's not worry about clothes, let's do it step by step - first of all, this is your Xu family's hotel, you should be able to control your employees' mouths?"

Xu Jinbai paused for a few seconds, weighed the pros and cons, and told the truth without changing his expression:"No."

Then, he was silent for a few seconds, organized his words, and explained:

"Appropriate gossip can ease social conflicts, and this news can also be sold for money. Ordinary employees have not signed confidentiality agreements. I can only ensure that they will not spread the news during work hours, but if they tell others after get off work... there is no way to deal with it for the time being."

"Then you should quickly inform them. Thank you. I'll block it for as long as I can. Here, let me give you clothes... Sorry, I can't give you pants, so I'll give you a shirt first."

Fox Shiqi didn't blush at all. He searched in the space and threw Xu Jinbai's shirt to him.

What a joke. She was a model back then. She had seen all kinds of beautiful bodies. In the modeling industry, the face doesn't need to be too pretty, but the figure must be superb. You want to seduce her with just this level? Impossible.

Holding his shirt, Xu Jinbai finally couldn't hold back his expression - who could hold back without pants? What's the point of wearing only this shirt?... It's better not to wear it.

Xu Jinbai's eyebrows twitched, and with a smile on his face, he asked tactfully:"Just give me the pants."

"No, you go make the call first, and I'll give it to you after I'm done with it. I haven't even figured out how I got to the bed yet."

Kitsune Yachi refused directly, there was no room for negotiation.


This time, Xu Jinbai really stopped talking. He just sighed helplessly, and took out his cell phone from somewhere and started to make a call.

Fox Seven also resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

This is not a false accusation. Anyway, it is impossible for Xu Fei to do this, and it is even more impossible for Xu Yinli to do it. There are only three people here. It is impossible that she flew over in her sleep? And landed in the middle of the bed?

When she thought about"looking for perfection" in her dream and touching"perfection"...

Fox Seven felt itchy.

In fact, she didn't have the habit of sleeping with something in her arms before, but after coming to this world, the body of the slime was too easy to pinch. Perfection itself was pure-minded and loved to stick to others. Although it always liked to transform into a human form, it didn't have the complex thinking of humans, nor did it have the body temperature and color of humans.

Therefore, Fox Seven felt at ease when she slept with it.

But a fox...

Actually, a real fox would be fine, but the problem was that as long as she thought of what Xu Fei had told her before, [Transformation requires a kiss from the opposite sex], she felt... scared.

Again, even if Xu Jinbai had an idea, he couldn't do it too extreme. He would never control her to kiss him, because it was meaningless and purely to make enemies.

So he moved her to the bed, most likely to let her have a good rest and reflect his"virtuous character" of caring for others. Anyway, the bed is so big, and everyone has drunk too much, so they lie in a corner. After waking up, he can still show some gentle care and show his power and status as the"talker of the Xu family". Under normal circumstances, it will definitely increase a wave of favorability.

However, they all turned into foxes!

And it's not just Xu Jinbai who turned into a fox, but all three of them turned into foxes!

Hu Shiqi was already desperate deep in his heart: It can't be...she will grab people and kiss them madly after falling asleep, right?

……No! It's impossible!

This is so terrifying when you think about it!

Fox Shiqi closed his eyes and pounded his heart twice. It's impossible, absolutely impossible. Karachi said that she was like a corpse when she fell asleep, but he never said that she was like a propeller.

Could it be that a corpse would rotate and kiss people madly? ? ?

Not only can corpses not do this, but even corpses can't do it!

For a moment, the only sound in the room was Xu Jinbai's dialing. It was terrifyingly quiet.

At this time, behind Fox Shiqi came the sound of someone (yes, it was Xu Fei) stepping barefoot on the ground"click click"

——Xu Fei! You are the strongest!

The corner of Fox Seven's mouth twitched, and she almost laughed, but someone was already miserable enough. In order to save his face, she quickly pursed her lips and looked serious, holding herself back until her shoulders trembled, and her expression was slightly distorted.

"Snap, snap... snap……"

Theoretically, this should be a very subtle sound, but the room was too quiet. Kitsune could even hear that Xu Fei had tried his best to tiptoe.

But, to be honest, the more he tried to cover it up, the more unnatural it became. The"click, click, click" sound was extremely loud, and his steps became more and more hesitant, which was very torturous.……

"Just run faster! And take small steps! She didn't look back, why are you covering it?"

Xu Yinli frowned and scolded, he really couldn't bear to watch it anymore.

Ah! Small steps, it's vivid! Hu Shiqi's old face flushed, and she inexplicably put herself in Xu Fei's perspective - thinking about his honest character - woo woo woo, she was really embarrassed for him, and her toes were digging the castle frantically

""Kitsune Shichi, you should give him the clothes as well!"

Xu Yinli couldn't help but scold again.

What happened recently was beyond his comprehension! How could a person be so evil?! No wonder everyone said that Shengxu was an evil organization. Not to mention the crimes they committed, their actions... were enough to kill people!

"Oh, yes, Xu Fei, your clothes……"

Kitsune Shichi really listened. Anyway, if Xu Fei had something to ask for, he would help her even if she didn't threaten him.

"Wait a minute! Let me look... Are your pants the black ones? Is there a pocket on the buttocks?"

Fox Shiqi found Xu Fei's pants from the space - wow, this pair of pants was torn in half by Xu Yinli in a panic, one leg was a regular long trouser leg, and the other leg was torn to the crotch, like half a pair of hot pants.

Okay, wear it, hot pants are better than no pants.

So, Fox Shiqi didn't look back, listened to the sound behind him, located the sound, and threw the pants to Xu Fei. In the process, it seemed that something made of cloth flew away, maybe it was a sock hidden in the trouser legs, maybe... cough cough.

Who cares, it doesn't matter.

People should be strong, and foxes should be stronger.

Fox Shiqi cleared his throat and decided to divert the blame:

"Xu Fei, your uncle tore your pants, it wasn't me! You should have seen it just now, every wrong has its perpetrator, I'm not a pervert!"

"Shut up!"

Xu Yinli's chest rose and fell heavily, but this time he endured it and said only these two words. He didn't say much else. Who made him...lower his intelligence at that time, but he didn't lose his memory? He even wanted to scold himself.

"……"Don't make noise, and don't look back! I'm going to the bathroom!" As the clothes flew in the air, Xu Fei gave up his reserve, stretched out his arms to catch them, and quickly bent down to pick up those unspeakable parts from the ground (...), and simply covered himself with them, and the whole person instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door with a"clang"!

"puff……"Finally, Kitsune couldn't help it! He laughed as quietly as possible for a while before looking at Xu Yinli.——

"" Uncle, do you want clothes too?"

It's a pity that your clothes have been torn... into strips of cloth!

When Kitsune Shichi called out"Uncle", he was definitely gloating. If you ask if there was any respect for the elders in it, there was absolutely no. After all, Xu Yinli was only 26, and she was already 23 years old before she traveled through time. In addition, in the past six months since she traveled through time, she was only two years younger than him...

Xu Yinli made a"tsk" sound and turned his head away, his eyes looking elsewhere, ignoring her at all:"Xu Fei! Bring me a towel! I want a dry towel!"

Through the door, the bathroom had excellent sound insulation, and Xu Fei's voice could be faintly heard:

"Sorry, Uncle Li! The towel isn't long enough and these bathrobes are too transparent. Can I tear down the shower curtain?"

"Cough cough cough……"Kitsune Shichi rubbed his cheeks frantically, and laughed until his facial muscles were stiff. Who made this world so technologically advanced that after taking a shower, everyone used a quick-drying machine... and almost no large towels were provided.

"I'll just order two sets of clothes and send them over! Xu Jinbai, do you want them?"

"……Thank you."

Xu Jinbai, who was on the phone, could only nod. Hearing the silence on the other end of the line, he could no longer maintain his smile and pressed his temples painfully.

……You guys should keep your voice down.……

‘Jin Bai, you are young people, it's okay to have fun. '

On the other side of the phone, an elder of the Xu family who was in charge of the hotel business lowered his voice and coughed twice. Although he shouldn't care, since he encountered it, he couldn't avoid nagging:

‘You guys are doing this together, this is too much, you guys should know your limits……’

"Aunt Rong, it's not what you think."

Xu Jinbai raised his voice slightly and sighed inwardly.

According to his original idea, this matter... is better not to explain to anyone. Explanation will only make things worse. It is better to let the rumors ferment naturally. It will pass over time.

But he made this call inexplicably, and then... that's it.

Knowing that there is an optimal solution, he still took another path. He said he was forced, but he didn't seem to be very unhappy...

This kind of feeling is very strange... Although it is dangerous, it is interesting to experience it occasionally.

Xu Jinbai's eyes moved slightly.

"Please help us block the message"

‘Okay, okay, if you say there is no, then there is no, but you really have to be careful, the other party is the Holy Lord’s people, and the corpse has been following her... Our ancestors also said that if we want to live a peaceful life, we should not provoke her, do you understand?’

"Yes, Aunt Rong, I have always known it."

Xu Jinbai replied, without reminding the other party that 'Hu Shiqi is nearby'.

Yes, although Xu Jinbai did not turn on the speakerphone, he did not turn on the barrier either. Everyone present was sharp-eyed and could hear the conversation on the phone.

Beside him, Xu Yinli curled his lips sarcastically, and looked at Hu Shiqi very deliberately, as if asking: [Guess what he wants to do?]

And Hu Shiqi, she had noticed it a long time ago - she couldn't say what was wrong, but she actually felt that Xu Jinbai's performance was not right.

At the position closest to the bedside, Xu Jinbai turned his face slightly, his scattered black hair covering his expression, his eyes were fixed on the empty corner, and he continued to listen to the elders on the other end of the phone.

Because he was not wearing clothes, he had nowhere to go at the moment, so he could only sit on the bed with the quilt. [Turning his face and lowering his head] was the maximum avoidance he could do.

This was completely a subconscious behavior.

Hu Shiqi guessed by feeling that if there were clothes, even if he just put on pants, Xu Jinbai would definitely go to an empty place Fang, with his back to everyone, was making a phone call.

What is he avoiding?

No, what is he worried about?

There is nothing wrong with this call... He is not afraid of her listening.

Fox Shiqi took out his mobile phone and pretended to be playing, but in fact he carefully observed Xu Jinbai's face with his peripheral vision.

He had no expression and did not look worried at all.

In the next second, Xu Jinbai seemed to notice Fox Shiqi's peripheral vision, and suddenly turned his head and smiled at her.

His cold eyes were immediately filled with laughter, as if he was pleased with her and could be happy immediately with just a simple look.

This was an extremely perfect smile, and also extremely abrupt.

If Xu Jinbai was not really handsome, the action of switching expressions in this second could be described as terrifying.

Is this a skill effect ? !

With the personality he showed, if he really liked her so much, how could he not take the initiative to chat with her and wait for her to call him? Fox Shiqi remembered that he had seen similar skills in books, such as [Emotional Control], [Emotion Change], [Memory Repair], [Emotion...

Control], [Emotion Control], [ Emotion Change], [Memory Repair], [Memory Repair], [Memory Repair], [Memory Repair], [Memory Repair], [Memory Repair], [Memory Control], [Emotion Control], [Emotion Change], [Memory Repair], [Memory Repair], [Memory Repair], [Memory Repair], [Memory Control], [Memory Control], [Emotion Control

】……The book says it's not very common, because it doesn't work well in actual combat, and there are many ways to break it.

But what if it's used on yourself? You can love whoever you want... Just act according to the situation, and delete it when it's over... Damn it!

Fox Shiqi's heart was in turmoil.

If this is the case, Xu Jinbai is really amazing!

Thinking of this, Fox Shiqi simply threw Xu Jinbai and Xu Yinli's clothes back and ran all the way back to the living room. Her coat was still on the sofa, and the orange in her pocket was still there.

In the eyes of others, at first glance, her behavior was a bit like running away in shame...

However, Fox Shiqi was just full of curiosity, and she regretted not taking the opportunity to take a look at Xu Jinbai's talent panel. She sat on the sofa and frantically searched the forum to check the universal skills of the little fox ball...

Help! It actually exists!!!

‘Small fox ball evolution, three-tailed fire moon fox, charm rare skill——【[Emotional Manipulation]'!

There are training methods below, can it be learned later?!

So Kitsune Shichi was overjoyed and immediately forwarded this forum message to Karachi - although Karachi is not a fox, nor a charm-type beast pet, he has learned [Meditation] across other departments, so why can't he try [Emotional Manipulation]?

Karachi replied quickly:

[Where have you been? Why haven't you come back yet? ]

Kitsune Shichi typed:

[Go learn emotional manipulation! I finally found it! The way to make me fall in love with learning and practicing is [Emotional Manipulation]!!! ]

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