Karachi: [Emotional manipulation?]

Even though they were connected, Kitsune Shichi could feel Karachi's confusion, but that was not important. What was important was...

Roll it up! Roll it up quickly!

Kitsune Shichi: [I believe in you! Come on!]

Karachi: [……]

Then, she stared at the string of ellipsis on the screen of her mobile phone, chuckled twice, and called Ling Beile again. As soon as the call was connected, she typed out a lot:

"Hello~ Teacher Ling, good morning. Sorry to bother you again. Something happened here. Can you ask Wensi to come over? The coordinates and address have been sent to you. Please ask him to come as soon as possible!"

"It's already 11 o'clock, how can it be morning?"

Although he said that, a yawn came from Ling Beile's side, and the whole person seemed to be lying on the bed, and the sound was also lazy.

"What are you going to tell me? Don't go too far... Otherwise, hehehe……"

Ling Beile hummed a few times in a low voice and warned.

Of course, he also knew that warnings were useless...

Ling Beile felt sympathetic. In front of him, Wensi Aurora was dancing wildly with excitement, pulling out electronic display boards one after another from the space, throwing them all over the ground like a pile. Finally, he picked out a big red heart-shaped display board, circled it in his arms with telekinesis, and floated it in front of the mirror.

Ling Beile covered his face and exhaled slowly.

What should he do? He was so desperate. He had lived for thousands of years, but his heart had never been so painful.……

"How could it be? Teacher, you must believe that I do all this for your own good!"

It's really hard to find such a generous boss!

Hu Shiqi looked frank. Like Xu Jinbai, she did not avoid other people during this phone call.

To be honest, it's just a reputation. Whether it's good or bad, it won't affect her upgrade. She doesn't plan to get married. Perfect and Crusoe are both money-eating beasts. Everyone needs money to upgrade... It's impossible not to have this development opportunity that's delivered to her door. Yes

, this is Hu Shiqi's decision: let Wensi Aurora upgrade first and get some money first!

Whoever writes this gossip doesn't care. Now that things have come to this, of course we have to take advantage of it. Those who accomplish great things don't care about trivial matters... Xu Jinbai is a hot search saint!

Let the Xu family suppress a wave of hot searches first, and then let Wensi Aurora open a small account to write two gossips...

Hu Shiqi smiled, and the abacus in his heart clicked

"By the way, teacher, have you set off yet?"

"No," Ling Beile rolled his eyes,"Wen Si is getting dressed, wait a few more seconds."

"Can you help me bring some clothes, men's clothes, according to Xu Fei's model? I have three nude——"

Before he finished speaking, the bathroom door opened with a click, and Xu Fei walked out barefoot. He was wearing two thin bathrobes that outlined his chest, and his white shorts were not see-through, sticking to his thighs wetly...

He was also holding a piece of see-through white cloth in his hand, which seemed to be the door curtain of the bathroom.

——Open door critical hit 99999+!!!

——Xu Fei, you... you might as well not wear it!!! And what are you holding in your hand? You let your uncle wear this? It would be better for him to wrap himself in a quilt!!!

Kitsune Shichi was stunned and instantly forgot what he was going to say. The phone in his hand was unstable and fell on his thigh with a"click", and the speaker was turned on.

So everyone in the room heard Ling Beile's shocking shout across the room:

"What do you mean naked? Naked what? What did you just say naked? Why is it Xu Fei's model? How do I know his model? You two are in a hotel?! Hello, hey, hey?!!"

Xu Fei:"……"

There were still water drops on his hair. He had just washed his face with water, and the redness on his face had just faded. He finally prepared himself mentally and came out of the bathroom, but then he was faced with this...

What was Ling Beile's tone? Wasn't he worthy?

For a moment, Xu Fei's head was hot, and he turned around and strode to the living room. He picked up the phone in Hu Shiqi's hand and reported the number directly to Ling Beile on the other end of the phone:

"186-105-73-96, thank you, teacher."

After saying it in one breath, he actually felt a little relieved.

Ling Beile was instantly furious:"Xu Fei? You dare to order food? Do you want to die!"

Hu Shiqi was also stunned, stood up and took back the phone, turned off the speaker, looked at Xu Fei with a look of regret, and said to the phone soothingly:

"Calm down, calm down! It doesn’t matter if you don’t buy it! Forget it, just pretend I didn’t say that! Teacher, you don’t have to come in person! Just send the Venus Aurora!"

On the other end of the phone, Ling Beile obviously didn’t quite understand what was going on, but Xu Fei—could it be—could it be that Kitsune Shichi was going to sacrifice her chastity for the upgrade of Venus Aurora?!

Shit! Ling Beile sat up with a bang. The young people in today’s society are really hard to understand!!!

""Hey, hey, don't be impulsive. Nothing happened between you and him, right? Don't do that! I'll be there soon!!!"

Then the phone was hung up, leaving Hu Yaqi looking at Xu Fei with a bewildered look...

"Why is he so excited?"

Originally, Hu Yaqi just asked casually, and did not expect that Xu Fei would actually answer.

"Because he is an ancient person, he may be more superstitious"


This answer was really unexpected.

Kitsune once again felt that she was illiterate.

There was no religion on Blue Star, it was not written in history books, and it was not mentioned on the Internet... She thought there was no superstition in this world.

"Almost all ancient religions believed that chastity could increase the speed at which people absorbed spiritual energy, and advocated pure cultivation and asceticism. They believed that being stuck at a certain level was a punishment for losing chastity."

"……So what you mean is... Ling Beile is very likely……"Virgin?

Impossible, why does it sound so miserable? That's not 30 years, it's 3,000 years!

Kitsune's eyes widened, his voice trembling.

Xu Fei nodded,"It's normal."

In fact, at the level of seven and eight stars, keeping oneself clean is the mainstream of the world, and those who give birth to a large number of children like the ancestors of the Xu and Yin families are considered by the outside world to have lost their fighting spirit and stay at home to eat and wait for death.

"Xu Fei, what are you still doing standing there? Give me your clothes, you don't want me to see people like this?"

Xu Yinli interrupted the conversation from the other side of the bed.

The clothes bought by the eight-star beastmaster himself were not something most people could afford. Compared to being naked or wearing rags, he might as well wrap himself in a shower curtain.

Xu Jinbai had already changed his clothes quickly - thank God, his clothes were the least damaged, only the knees and thighs of his pants were cut with two holes, which did not affect his wearing.

"What is this? Uncle Li, is this yours?"

Xu Jinbai took out a silver ball from his trouser pocket. At first glance, it looked like a miniature medicine cauldron.

"Give it to her." Xu Yinli said directly, without even looking towards the living room,"It's for paying off debts. After we're even, don't say I owe you money anymore."

"What is that?" Kitsune Shichi looked over.

"……"Okay, what happened to you two?"

Xu Jinbai sighed. Seeing that Xu Yinli no longer answered, he could only deliver it himself. So how did this medicine cauldron get into his pocket?

Yesterday... I really shouldn't have drunk so much.

The afternoon sun was dazzling, falling on Xu Jinbai's face, giving him a layer of golden light.

At this moment, his expression was much more normal, and he didn't have the"love-obsessed" momentum just now. He stretched out his hand and handed over the mini medicine cauldron in his palm:

"Here, Uncle Li gave it to you.……"

Xu Jin's voice was stuck, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because - before he could finish his words, Hu Shiqi grabbed his collar and almost kissed him on the lips!


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