"Let's go out."

The next second after the words fell, Kitsune Shichi was brought to high in the sky by Karachi. The sky was not dark yet, and a light golden red was hidden in the thick clouds, as if someone was going through a tribulation, flickering from time to time.

Looking down from the sky, the Qianming Mountains are like a giant dragon lying and winding, with steep and rugged ridges, as clearly visible as veins.

Kitsune Shichi looked into the depths of the dark canyon. Perfection was still underground. It had restored its original form - that is, it was more than 20 meters high - but even so, it looked very small in comparison with the magnificent mountains.

Waves of joy came from the depths of his soul. This fluctuation was not normal, and it stopped and continued from time to time, as if he couldn't let go of his hands and feet.


Kitsune closed her eyes and felt Perfect's emotions. She found that Perfect seemed to be testing her reaction.

‘Eat as much as you want, don't think too much, we have bought the land above the mine, the whole mine is ours.'

Fox Seven answered it.

Poor Perfect, being restrained and disciplined by her every day, walking around the food pile with an empty stomach, not being able to eat this, not being able to eat that... It was so hungry that its eyes lit up when it saw garbage.

‘……Can you really eat as much as you want? '

Perfect is still hesitant. After living in the human world for a long time, everything seems very crisp to him. After all, other creatures are different from him. The simplest difference is that even if he is divided into hundreds of millions of pieces, he can still put them together. Humans will die.

‘Really, Karachi and I are in the sky, we won't be affected by you, you can do whatever you want, I just need you to upgrade as soon as possible, because I... can't roll anymore. '

Kitsune Yachi didn't hide her purpose - when it comes to perfection, she doesn't need to hide


A burst of laughter came from the depths of the soul, and it seemed that it was very happy, much more lively than its usual half-dead state.

‘Come on, come on! It's up to you!'

Kitsune unfolded the perfect light screen and hung it beside him, and encouraged Perfect a few more words.

The initial evolution degree was 47.2%, which means that after a few breaths, the value jumped to 47.5%……

This should be considered quite fast, right?

Kitsune Shichi fell into deep thought. If he was lucky, Perfect could evolve tonight or tomorrow morning.

The sky gradually darkened, and the earth was calm and peaceful, which was intimidating in the darkness. In the darkness, only the river was shining with silver light, as thin as a bead chain, winding through the jungle.

On the other side, Karachi was still sulking, floating in the sky without saying a word. From just now until now, he had been giving one command and one action. Now... he seemed particularly dull.

Alas, I said it was fake, in order to make money...

Kitsune Shichi sighed, not knowing how to comfort him. After thinking for a long time, he finally found a topic:

"Have you folded your wings recently?"

Hearing this, Karachi said"hmm", with a lukewarm expression, and replied slowly:

"Anyway, they are not real wings, just leaves that can be seen everywhere, white and sickly, looking unlucky."


Kitsune Shichi rolled his eyes instantly

""However," Karachi's tone changed again, his eyes glanced over coldly, and he said in a light tone:"It has suddenly turned green recently. It may be some kind of omen."

Some kind of omen???

What omen???

It can't be the green grassland above the head???

Fox Seven sighed and touched his face speechlessly.

What did he mean by this? Why did this person - no, it was this vine - suddenly speak in a sarcastic tone.

At this moment, Fox Seven really wanted to say to Karachi: Qiqi, you are a plant, it is normal to turn green, green represents health, how good... Why do you have to imagine it?

"In fact, this is a very cost-effective deal."

Kushiya Qi decided to appease Karachi.

"The rumors on the Internet are all false. Think about it, we can live for many years, and a little scandal will be forgotten in less than 100 years, or even less than 100 days. But it can be exchanged for such a large sum of money. There is no way, they gave too much, I have never seen so much money in my life, look how happy they are eating...ah?"

Before he finished speaking, Kitsune's eyelids twitched, because at that moment, the ground suddenly trembled!

"A loud rumbling sound came from underground. A huge change happened in an instant. For a moment, the ground shook and the earth was like a toy being shaken by a giant beast. Visible cracks appeared one after another and spread rapidly.

Streams were cut off, trees were swaying, and the"crackling" sounds were almost continuous. The"clattering" sounds of rocks also came one after another. The boulders were like wild horses that had broken free from their reins, rolling down the hillside, bringing up a cloud of dust, like a wailing fog.

"There shouldn't be anyone around here, right?"

Kitsune asked.

In the night, she looked very calm.

"No. But it is likely to trigger the nest of the night-crying spiders. Ghosts should not be afraid of death."

Karachi was also very calm. He had no extra sympathy. Even if he saw a large area of plants die, he would not be moved. What's more, he was not human.

The sky was filled with the smell of soil.

【[Evolution Degree]: 53.7%

Kitsune Shichi closed his eyes, and deep in his soul, the perfect emotion was obviously very excited. It seemed to feel the shaking of the earth, so it temporarily stopped swallowing, wanting to wait for the landslide to end.

‘It doesn't matter, let's continue. Let's see if we can leave the dirt and rocks behind and just consume the energy ore. ' said Kitsune Shichi

‘……It's difficult……’

The perfect answer for her.

Kitsune Shichi frowned. Right below, the rumbling sound continued. The sunken ground was like a bottomless black hole. Indistinctly, there seemed to be a faint orchid light flashing.

""Ahaha, someone finally took action."

Karachi sighed.

The next second, he disappeared.

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