The Poison Weaving Demon Spider, the king-level evolution of the Night Crying Spider, is a dual-element water and dark spider. It is huge, with a single spider leg about eight meters long. It is dark purple in appearance, and covered with bright red lines of huge poison.

Even if you look down from the air, the size of this Poison Weaving Demon Spider is conspicuous enough. Its eight eyes are dark red, like eight fluorescent red lanterns in the dark.

Karachi went for it.

But at this moment, Karachi disappeared, and there were no white plants on the ground.

Kitsune Shichi was not worried about Karachi. She flew higher, almost getting into the clouds and blending into the darkness.

In order to hide conveniently, she wore a black, gray and dark green dress today, which was extremely inconspicuous in the gradually darkening night sky. In her hand, she also held the black wide ring that could hide her breath tightly to avoid being scanned by mental power.

At the same time, she was also ready to summon Perfect.

At this time, the Poison Weaving Demon Spider almost stood upright, spraying venom while roaring angrily:


Its nest was destroyed, and it was furious. Realizing that the destruction underground was still continuing, its eight spider legs covered with thick hair simultaneously thrust into the ground. In an instant, it used the sharp claws at the ends to cut deep grooves in the ground!


A red smoke spread out, and it was very clear even from the air. Kitsune couldn't help but fly higher, because the poisonous mist of the poisonous spider was extremely lethal. Even if it only touched a little, it would burn the skin.

‘Tutoring is still useful,'

Kitsune thought as he observed the ground.

‘The Night Crying Spider is one of the ten basic beast pets in the Imperial Nether Province, and the Poison Weaving Demon Spider is the most common evolutionary form. However, this demon spider does not have a beastmaster... It must be gifted to be able to evolve to this level on its own. '

The upgrade of wild beast pets is mostly destroyed at the first step from primary to intermediate level. In the initial stage, their evolution has almost nothing to do with talent, and the most important thing is luck. As long as they can survive and enter the advanced level, everything will go smoothly.


On the ground, the poisonous demon spider, unable to find its target, seemed to be going crazy. With a sharp and piercing roar, its abdomen suddenly swelled ten times, and at the same time, it sprayed poisonous webs from its abdominal glands and mouth, jumping around aimlessly.

"Jiejie! Jiejie! Jiejie!——!!"

This scene can only be described as magical. At first glance, I thought this poisonous spider was crazy, singing, dancing and spraying, and it was tap dancing. If you ignore its size and only see the flashing light effects on the ground, it is quite beautiful.


Does Karachi have the ability to make people possessed?

Kitsune Shichi touched his chin uncertainly, looking around, searching for Karachi's whereabouts.

So where is he? Where did he go?

……It can't be... Wait?!

Kitsune's expression suddenly changed, and her eyes stared at the swollen abdomen of the poisonous demon spider in horror. Then she recalled the video of Karachi's competition that she had watched before, and recalled a piece of knowledge that she had long forgotten.

Karachi likes to kill.

When he was still a bloodthirsty and violent vine, he liked to twist his opponent into a hemp rope and crush his opponent's bones into powder. He would heal his opponent on the spot without waiting for the judges to let out a sharp roar. As long as the opponent did not admit defeat, he would twist the hemp rope repeatedly.

Fortunately, the bloodthirsty and violent vine is a beautiful emerald green vine, and the audience is quite tolerant of it.

In other words, the vine can do it, but people can't. If Karachi dared to put on a human face and do this openly on the stage, he would definitely become a famous super pervert in the interstellar...

How could he forget such an important thing?

Well... uh... this... this... maybe Karachi has been... too successful in self-cultivation recently?

Sweat dripped down Kitsune's forehead. He silently raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face, and he deeply despised his own racial attributes.

【Three views follow the five senses】——This is definitely the biggest obstacle to human evolution, and it is also a bad habit engraved in human genes... Everyone is unavoidable.

So, this is not her fault.

Kitsune Shichi nodded, agreeing deeply.

At the same time, there was another scream on the ground - yes, at this moment Kitsune Shichi had already heard that the Poison Weaving Demon Spider was screaming, so this so-called dance was probably also a dying struggle - and after this howl, the Poison Weaving Demon Spider's body quickly flattened, and fell into the deep pit next to it like a pancake. It came with a deafening sound and left silently.

For a moment, there was only the"rumbling" tearing sound between heaven and earth, as if stepping into a bottomless abyss.

……Is that... gone?

Kitsune looked around. Karachi still hadn't come back, but some small spiders appeared on the ground again, some running away, some taking the opportunity to eat their own kind. However, they were small in size and difficult to be spotted in the dark.

……It looks like a primary night-crying spider.

Suddenly, Kitsune Shichi felt itchy, and recalling the hard training of [Dragon Boat Race], she felt as if something was missing in her hands. She suddenly wanted to shoot arrows left and right and also go down to play.

However, the idea was good. Kitsune Shichi fumbled in the space for a long time, but did not find any weapons. In addition to nail clippers, she only found an umbrella. It was useless.

Forget it, if there is no weapon, then just bear with it. You can't fight with a beast pet with bare hands. Xu Fei has already taught her a lesson. It's better not to compare physical fitness with beast pets.

Kitsune Shichi flew up again unwillingly. Just when she was still regretting, a perfect voice suddenly came from the depths of her soul:

‘We found the mother ore, should we take it with us? '

Kitsune Shichi unfolded the light screen and took a look.

Wow! It's only been ten minutes? Or fifteen minutes? It feels like just a blink of an eye, the perfect evolution has progressed from 53.7% to 89.1%?!

The data is refreshed too fast! Is this the strength of [Disaster]? Why does it feel a little scary?

Kitsune Shichi suddenly got goose bumps on his back.

‘Have you already dug up the mother ore?'

Kitsune realized it belatedly. She had just looked at the ore vein model a few minutes ago. The mother ore of the crystal ore was in the middle of the ore vein. If she wanted to dig it up, she would have to consume at least a quarter of the ore... The key point was that only a few minutes had passed.

‘Yes, I found it. 'Perfect answer.

I don't know if it's because I've absorbed enough energy, but even my voice has become more solid, no longer having that floating feeling.

‘Eat it, upgrade quickly, and try to reduce your size this time, I'm afraid someone will come to cause trouble. '

Fox Seven sighed.

No wonder they have to lock up [Darkness], with their eating speed, the planet will be destroyed in a hundred years.


The perfect answer ended with a happy ending.

The wind was strong at high altitude, but at this moment, the whistling sound seemed to have been far away from his ears. Kitsune Shichi stared at the golden screen and counted his heartbeats, one, two... the sixth, the seventh...

Suddenly, the [89.1%] on the golden screen jumped for a moment, and in an instant it became [98.1%】

Kitsune swallowed his saliva.

In other words, it only takes about seven seconds for Perfect to devour Susu completely, making the latter disappear from this world completely.

No wonder Crusoe has been avoiding Perfect like a monster.……

‘……What's wrong? '

Perfect noticed something was wrong and asked

‘This time, you must remember to make your main body smaller, and never make it bigger again. '

Kitsune Yashichi said firmly.

Karachi is one of us after all, and the fact that Perfect is Dark must be kept secret... If someone finds out, I'm afraid he will be expelled from the Blue Planet.

‘It would be best if it turned pink. Is it possible? '

No one has ever seen a pink [Darkness]?

Kitsuneya Nana agreed with his idea.

Below, the ground was shaking, matching the bright mood of Perfect at the moment, as if it was laughing.

‘I think……’It says, 'Become your color.'

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