Freddy was also a man of action. Fox Seven was dragged out of the door by him and ran all the way. He was speechless when he turned a corner and saw a black car parked in front of him. There was a ticket on the rearview mirror of the car for illegal parking. However, the big brother tore it off and put it in his pocket.

"Let's go."

Freddy slammed open the car door and threw all the bags on the back seat. After a half-second pause, he stepped back, opened the passenger seat, and glanced at whether there was any garbage on the passenger seat.

But Fox Seven ignored him, rubbed his red wrist, and without hesitation, skipped the passenger seat and got into the back seat.

Although she didn't know what kind of car this was, she could tell at a glance that the interior of the car was spacious and clean. The backrests were made of genuine leather, but it was unclear what kind of animal's leather it was. The overall look was quite satisfactory. The most eye-catching thing was the ashtray next to the driver's seat. It was shaped like a skull, and there were some ashes scattered in the concave top of the head.

But there was no smell of smoke in this car, probably because the ventilation technology was better...

Fox Seven's thoughts diverged: It turns out that there is smoke in this world. I haven't seen it before, and I thought there was no smoke.

Freddy raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything. He closed the passenger door casually, walked around and got into the driver's seat.

"It's not good for you to get in the car with a man like this. We've only said a few words to each other."

He teased, fastened his seat belt, locked the car and started it in one go. He stepped on the accelerator and the car made a big turn, the tires rolling on the ground with a"hissing" sound.——"There was a sound, as if the tire was about to burst.

Then, the vehicle swung its tail and went on the road.

Is this guy driving a go-cart? Kitsune Shichi's face turned green, and she fumbled around, looking for the seat belt in the back seat. After finally finding it, she quickly put it on... huh, she was barely safe.

Then, after holding the armrest firmly, she said faintly:"I'm a beastmaster."

Freddy seemed to have heard something very funny, but he still remembered that he was driving, so he didn't look back casually, but just glanced in the mirror.

"What is the use of a one-star beastmaster?"

"Didn’t you also come from Yixing?"

"That was when I was in junior high school."

"You're just in high school now.……"

"I'm graduating this year."

As he spoke, Freddy began to doubt his life. Could it be that this little sister really didn't recognize him? Was it that miserable? After all, it was a national competition... Sure enough, everyone only remembered the first place.

Fox Seven nodded without saying anything, and thought to herself: But I, your sister, have already graduated from college...

Outside the car window, the buildings and roadside trees were rapidly receding. After watching for a long time, Fox Seven felt a little nauseous, but when she closed her eyes and used her mental power to perceive, it was extremely clear, far from the limit of being uncomfortable.

It felt like opening her third eye.

Gradually, Fox Seven's breathing calmed down, and she put down her hands, no longer tightly holding the handle above her head.

Fear comes from the unknown.

With the current speed and travel mode of the vehicle, even if there is an overtaking, sudden braking or sudden stop, there will be no accidents. Everything is under control.

The second half of the journey became quiet, and they soon arrived at the pier.

Fox Yaqi originally thought that he would have to take a boat.

Considering that he was going to the high seas, he thought that he would have to wait for at least half a day on a big boat.

As a result, he forgot that this was a magical world where everyone could control beasts.

A group of various magical creatures were parked on the dock.

Some of them even had no owners and held large signs with clear prices to attract customers.

Seeing a large bean-green caterpillar crawling towards him, Fox Yaqi slowly took a step back, stabilized his expression, and tried not to hurt the innocent beast pet's little heart. He pulled Freddy's arm sleeve and pointed to the big turtle not far away. Let alone other things, the broad turtle shell alone looked very safe. It was more suitable for riding across the sea than those soft-bodied insects and slippery fish.

Why can fish beast pets live in the air?

Can those large seagulls really be ridden? Do you have to ride on their necks? Similar to a throat lock? ? ?

……I don't understand. She really doesn't understand.

"Big Yao turtle?"

Freddy had no objection, and immediately walked over to negotiate with a sense of ownership.

Kitsune Shichi curiously watched him gesture with the khaki half-human-sized turtle, and a few minutes later he lifted his thigh and stepped on it, turning back and said:"Come on!

It's negotiated!

" Kitsune Shichi followed him, and she had to jump a little.

After she got up, she was about to find a safe place to sit down when she was grabbed by the arm by Freddy, who also noticed her red wrist with his sharp eyes, and the strength in his hand suddenly lightened.

"Everyone just stepped on it." He had to persuade them kindly,"If you want to sit, you can't sit on the sharp gull just now. It's not for you to sit on."

"You are kidding me, it is easier to fall if you stand."

Kitsune Shichi suspected that this guy had bad intentions. Why would two people sit on a tortoise shell that is less than one square meter?

"Isn't there another one? Why not rent two?" She finally asked, thinking that this young master couldn't have never seen a beautiful woman before, so he wouldn't be so considerate, right?

"You really are……"Freddy was speechless. He let go of her and even took a small step back to prove that he had no ill intentions."I was afraid that you would fall. Look, they were also two people together!"

Fox Seven glared at him. Those two were a couple. They just met. How could they be the same?

Just as they were talking, the big turtle under their feet slowly moved. Fox Seven also took a look at the information of this big turtle. It was a primary pet, with a white information board. It had only one skill: [Wave Walking]. It had been trained to the Ultimate Level, and its race level was [Excellent].

Hey, what does this mean...

The race level of the slime is [Ordinary].

Fox Seven fell into deep thought. This was the first time she encountered a pet whose race level was not [Ordinary]. Fortunately, she did not make a wrong choice. This big turtle was smooth and smooth. It was indeed a Ultimate Level [Wave Walking]. It was as if walking on flat ground. In two breaths, the coastline was almost gone, and the people and pets on the shore turned into colorful dots.

They were like standing on a conveyor belt. Dizzy? It is impossible for her to get dizzy in her life. Even if this word appears in her mind, it is disrespectful to this big turtle.

Kitsune Shichi suspected that she had picked the most expensive means of transportation with a random finger...

Everything is fine, except that the sea breeze is so strong that it hurts her face. This is a physical attack, and it doesn't work even if she closes her eyes. Fortunately, Kitsune Shichi prepared a lot of props. She took out a mask and put it on, and gave one to Freddy, but he put it in his pocket.

He stood on the turtle's back easily, and gave her the most stable and central position, and stepped on a slightly lower position."There are people managing the island, but they don't live on the island. I remember that the cleaning is done from ten in the morning to three in the afternoon. The chefs go to the island to prepare three meals. If there are no special requirements, breakfast is at 8 o'clock, lunch at 12 o'clock, and dinner at 6 o'clock."

"If there is a chance, I will definitely thank you."

Kitsune Shichi said solemnly. Before this, she had already checked and found that all the available islands had been occupied.

Freddy's pupils dilated a little when he heard this, but he remembered what his grandfather said, and the smile on his lips disappeared.

Whether she rejected the Holy Ruins or chose to join the Holy Ruins and go against the Doctrine of the Mean... I'm afraid... it would be difficult.

We can only hope that SSS will perform a miracle.

Freddy turned his head and held back a sigh, waving his hand indifferently."……What's this? Come on."

"Hey, my phone has no signal."However, Kitsune Shichi didn't notice the loss of composure of the person in front of her. She had been looking at her phone, and suddenly remembered that being near the high seas meant that the sea was very deep, and it was not easy to swim back.

Of course, her swimming skills were average, and she couldn't swim back even if it wasn't the high seas. At most, she could swim a few laps in the swimming pool.

The most important thing was that she was now heavily dependent on her phone! Compared to the beast control system full of question marks, the network was more reliable... How could there be no signal?

"It doesn't matter, there are Karachi on the island." Freddy said again, and seeing that Kitsune Shichi looked confused, he added:"Karaachi is a general-level pet, a water-type and psychic-type pet, and a friend of my father. He has been resting in Liuheng City for the past few years. He has a bad temper, but he won't attack people."

It sounds a bit... um...

Kitsune Shichi blinked. A general-level pet that can be described as"bad-tempered" by the grumpy young master……

""Yaoyao!" the big Yao turtle raised its head and shouted.

The two looked up at the same time, and saw the sunlight shining on the sea, sparkling. There were only waves surging around them and the colorful sky above their heads. Humans seemed to have lost their direction in it, and they were terribly small.

Another two breaths passed, and a green island appeared in the distance. At the highest point of the island stood a tower that looked like a ruby, flashing in the sun.

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