The tool for getting to the island is a turtle, and the welcoming animal at the entrance of the island is a mechanical beast. The most amazing thing is that the whole island is covered with wifi. Anyway,

Fox Seven couldn't see such a miracle in the original world.

The waves pressed down layer by layer, gradually changing from ink-like black to blue-green with white foam, washing the light pink artificial beach. The green plants not far away were lush and green, and occasionally mechanical butterflies and birds flew up and down. What a man-made wonderland.

In this scene, the beach, the sea, and the beauty (?) are by the side. Although the first one is man-made, the second one is a little dangerous because of the deep water, and the third one has a buff that can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be played with...

Fox Seven looked at this dreamy scene and suddenly felt that this was not a hellish start for her. It seemed that she had finally gotten a good result after suffering.

This benefit is a bit too big... She was terrified.

She stared at a mechanical butterfly that was floating away. It was a simulated electronic beast with slender wings that were shining.

She had seen the pictures, because they were sold online, 38,000 each, they were artificial life, using some very complicated principles that she couldn't understand, and they could also add various modules, such as attack protection, cooking and tea...

Mechanical pets were something that even the average rich person couldn't afford, only those worth over a million had a contract value, and 10 million was just the entry threshold, they could evolve and upgrade like ordinary pets, they were completely tailor-made, loyal, and could even be passed down to future generations... There was no such thing as disobedience.

Kitsune Shichi: I don't know what level the nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs of my previous life would be in this world.……

" Well, OK, I have added your identity information to the system."

Freddy turned his head and found that Kitsune's eyes were fixed on the mechanical butterfly more than two meters away, with an expression of shock and fascination. When she heard him, she looked up at him, her dark eyelashes fluttering, her short hair was blown by the wind, her little face was bright, and she was extremely beautiful in the sun. At that moment, he suddenly felt that he had finally become a man in her eyes...

Bah, what do you mean by becoming a man?

He was originally!

"……You can call it over."

Freddy looked away and waved at the mechanical butterfly not far away. The ordinary little thing flew over and landed on the back of his hand. Fox Seven followed suit. The mechanical butterfly that received the command rose into the air again, gently changed its footing, and its tentacles trembled, as if it were alive.

Fox Seven really wanted to ask: What is the principle behind this?

He had no idea that Freddy was struggling - whether to leave or not. Logically, he should leave. It didn't make sense for him to stay.

But... he always felt that if he stayed a little longer, took people around the island and introduced them, he would be able to wash away the embarrassment caused by his brain being flooded this afternoon.……

""It's summer again, are you guys on summer vacation?"

A clear greeting spread from an unknown place, like a spring hitting jade, the sound arrived before the person arrived.

There was a slight fluctuation in the space, and a slender beauty appeared out of thin air, with golden hair piled high, a few strands falling on her face, and green eyes like the finest gems.

"Bringing friends for vacation?"

The man asked again, looking at Kitsune Shichi, his expression unchanged, and then he fell from the sky, wearing only a simple white shirt and ultra-short jeans, revealing half of his slender waist, and stepped barefoot on the sand, leaving shallow marks.

Kitsune Shichi was conquered by the other world again. Let alone the elf-like face of this man, just look at those long legs... to use an inappropriate word: 'legs for years'.

This is not some dirty desire, but a simple love of beauty. Such long and beautiful legs, white and smooth, actually exist in reality... It's incredible.

There is a saying that goes, extreme beauty is a weapon.

Facing the strange beauty, Kitsune Shichi suddenly became as quiet as a quail, Common sense of this world was circling in her mind: every evolution of a contracted beast pet will feed back to its master, mostly by strengthening the physique, which includes skin, bones, etc., etc. In other words, it will improve the appearance.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that the middle-aged man called the Holy Lord was a nine-star beastmaster, nine beast pets evolved together, and there was more than one emperor-level beast, so how many times would he feed back...

So... such an arrogant person, feared by everyone, is likely to be so beautiful that people will fall in love with him at first sight?

In an instant, a small drama started in Kitsune's mind:

Holy Lord: [You are unforgivable, die!]

Enemy: [I want to have fun with you even if I die.♡]

——Well, there is no deterrent effect at all.

No wonder there is no way to find the appearance of super high star beast masters on the Internet, the highest is seven stars, eight stars and nine stars have all disappeared


On the other side, the beauty who suddenly appeared was also talking to Freddy, her tone was very casual, and it was obvious that she was treating a junior like that. As for Freddy, his answer was much more cautious.

"I thought you couldn't stand it anymore and finally got a girlfriend to deal with those two old men."

"No, we just met. She wants to stay on the island for a while and wait for someone."

"Then I don't have to leave, right?"

"How can I let you go? I won't say anything even if you drive her away."

"As long as she's quiet, I don't care."

"Her pet is a slime, which doesn't make any sound."

"That's great"


Anyway, after some negotiations, Freddy was kicked out of the island. The beauty stood in front of him and had no intention of letting him go forward from the beginning...

This should be an elder... Kitsuneya Nana thought about it, and suddenly felt like she was going to the palace to meet the queen mother, and she didn't dare to say a word.

In fact, she still couldn't tell whether this person was a man or a woman. She was dressed more like a woman, but there was no Adam's apple on her throat, her chest was flat, her legs were very long, and she was about the same height as Freddy - can a normal girl be 1.9 meters tall? Or is it special in the other world? But her classmates were all quite normal.

"Come with me."The beautiful woman held out her hand, her attitude was natural, and she didn't seem to care about the difference between men and women.

It was probably a woman, a female elder, so great.

Kitsune Shichi held out her hand and let it go. Although the other party's fingers were a little long, they were very slender, without a sense of strength, and cold. Just looking at them made her feel very fragile.

Then, her eyes blurred, and she felt that her whole body was grabbed by something, as if she was wrapped and crushed by a quilt from all directions. Before she could react, her body became lighter and fell into a room as big as a stadium.

It was snow-white, empty, and surrounded by glass on three sides, overlooking the entire island, from the beach to the sea and sky, everything was in sight.

It was just too empty, which made her confused.

"You live here." The beauty clapped her hands, and the next second, like a movie special effect, countless walls and furniture grew out of the ground, occupying half of the house. The other half was still empty, without even a bed.

"Very high-end." Fox Seven exclaimed

"Very ordinary." The beauty glanced at her and said,"The decoration style of decades ago, there is no need to exaggerate."

"What about this side?"

"that's all"


Seeing that the beauty had already walked to the next house, Kitsune Shichi suspected that she was being bullied, but she was here to stay after all, and even Freddy, the owner, was driven away, so she, as a guest, could not say much.

Anyway... at worst she wouldn't get wet in the rain, and there must be a way to go to the toilet, she couldn't just pee and poop anywhere.

Fortunately, she had prepared...

Kitsune Shichi smiled slightly, and took out from the largest package - ding ding ding, a portable travel tent!

Then she quickly took out a sleeping bag and other things, and even a solar charger.

Just when she was about to set up the tent, the beauty came back, stared at the tent and tilted her head, her emerald eyes shining, and the whole person was like a cold glass statue.

"Little girl, are you going to live with me?" She folded her arms and looked at the pile of things, her whole body shrouded in the sun, as if she were a fairy."How did Xiao Zhouwu tell you about me? Did he say that I would throw you out?"

Kitsune Shichi realized it belatedly and took another look at the brand new room. Could that be her room?

"Sorry." She said immediately, and instantly realized that she was guilty of empiricism. Think about it, in such a high-tech house, furniture can appear by clapping your hands, put it out when needed and put it down when not needed, and it is also convenient to clean.

Fortunately, the things were not unfolded and the tidying was fast. It took less than half a minute to finish tidying up. Anyway, everything was stuffed into the bag first.

Kitsune Yashichi tried not to be embarrassed and walked into her room with the things, but the beauty blocked her again. Not only blocked her, but also approached her, bent down, and observed her eyes

——Those green eyes had no pupils!

Kitsune was startled, and felt as if a basin of cold water was poured over his head. His whole body seemed to be swept by something, and even the overflowing mental power was suppressed.……

"Xiao Friday should have told you about it." The beautiful lady smiled, as if she had seen something very interesting.

"——I am not a person, I am Karachi."

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