Study hard and make progress every day.

After breakfast, Kitsune Shichi started studying consciously. She sat upright at the study table and opened an online course, which was the most basic classification of beast pets... She also turned on [Perception], which was a skill that truly belonged to her. Although I don’t know if she has proficiency, it will definitely not hurt to practice more...

In her mind, her mental power stretched and relaxed, like a gurgling stream running freely. To use an inappropriate metaphor, it was like a broken faucet, gushing out, continuously, and could not be stopped...



Kitsune Shichi suddenly let out a strange cry. Although he didn't move at all, his body suddenly tilted and he slowly floated up like a controlled doll... rising... rising... moving left and right... very steadily.……

"Karachi! Karachi! Karachi!"

She couldn't help but scream, and when she looked down, her feet were off the ground. Because she was so shocked, the decibels suddenly increased, echoing throughout the villa.——

"Oh my god!!! I'm flying!!!"

Why is it not called Perfect? Because she threw it into the sea to eat, and let it practice new skills. Although it doesn't matter if it doesn't practice...

After all, this island is too delicate, and it can't withstand its big body's tail swing and strangulation... It can't afford to pay. Then again, it hasn't compensated for the lamp posts and stone pillars it chewed that year, which is next week... And the midterm exam results will be released next week, with a total of eight subjects, but her total score... is likely to be no more than 100...

Kitsuneya Nana paused, and suddenly she was not so excited.

"Oh, you've awakened."

Karachi floated in slowly, not too surprised. Although this was a bit bizarre, it was not a big problem compared to other things that Kitsune Shichi had done.

Humans can also evolve, and the direction of evolution depends on the contract object. Although the probability is extremely low, some are accompanied by physical alienation, such as growing ears and tails of animals.

"You are not flying, you are soaring."

He observed carefully, watching Kitsune Shichi going up and down with great pleasure, and suddenly found it funny, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"【Flying is a low-level basic skill of the water system, which allows water creatures to fly and survive in the air. Although slimes are elements and do not need to breathe, it can awaken you, which is a pleasant surprise."

Kitsune Yashichi tried to cross her legs in the air and succeeded. In fact, she felt strange yesterday. She felt very weak when she walked, especially when she didn't want to move. She felt floating all over. She didn't expect that it was because she could fly.……

"Easier than I thought……"

Afraid of heights? Why not?

She looked down and suspected that it was because there was no wind. She didn't feel anything special in her heart, nor was she afraid of falling, because her mental strength was very abundant and the consumption was almost unnoticeable.

Karachi also nodded and said,"This is a basic skill, of course it's simple."

If you can't even use [Flying], you might as well just hang yourself. This basic skill can be used even for newly born pets. After two days of training, they can fly around the world.

Kitsune Shichi suddenly realized,"Flying is common?"

Karachi nodded,"Yes, everyone has it. Are you a citizen of Kirin Province? You don't even know this."

——If a psychic can't fly, then he's useless.

——It's understandable that water systems can't fly.……

"You can fly a little longer on the island, wait for the slime to come back from eating, and let it catch you below. It will be a good opportunity for it to practice flying, so that it can go to farther seas to hunt, and don't eat up all the food in this area." It said again.

Kitsune nodded and felt relieved.

Although it is said on the Internet that it is difficult to awaken superpowers, and some beastmasters may not be able to awaken superpowers even after reaching four stars, there is no need for Karachi to lie to her, let alone pour cold water on her.

Maybe it's because of the different environment...

That's right, with Karachi's talent and the strength of its master, there are so many geniuses around him, of course everyone has awakened superpowers, because they are not in the same circle as ordinary people.

"Then I need to buy some pants."

So Kitsune Shichi didn't take it seriously and just tucked her skirt in, feeling a little sad.

Before going to the island, she only bought two skirts and a swimsuit, and the rest was just a school uniform. She didn't expect that after all the twists and turns, she still had to buy pants.……

"Just go, no one is locking you up."

Karachi was speechless. The chef went to the island three times a day, and it only took more than ten minutes to go back and forth. Was he really that lazy?

"I'm afraid perfection won't find me……"

"It's time to wean it!"

"No, let's wait for it to come back.……"



So, Karachi was also very angry today and ordered another serving of blood for lunch and double servings for dinner!


Just like that, more than a week had passed until Freddy finally remembered that Kitsune Nana was still on the island.

During this period, he was forced by his grandfather to go on five blind dates, and there were constant banquets. He had to smile and drink, and had to let the other party perform their talents. He was almost dying.

He was naive, and actually thought that putting on a skirt could stop the blind date... It couldn't!

So when he saw another invitation coming in...


He... He...

He, a man, doesn't cry easily.……

"I brought the person to the island. There is Karachi on the island. If I kill him, my father will go to jail.

He must find a way to get rid of this kind of life.

"Stop talking nonsense and find a wife and have a baby! After you have a baby, you can do whatever you want!"

"My dad was able to marry and have children later! Why is he so anxious for me! He’s urging me to have a baby before I’m even 20!!!"

Freddy was instantly anxious.

His grandfather Zhou Xuanhong is 92 this year, his biological father Zhou Yuye is 68 this year, and he’s only 18!!! In the capital, it’s fine that his biological mother is urging him to get married, but now that he’s finally back home, his grandfather is urging him to get married too! Is there any justice in the world?!

"Do you think I want to control you?"

Zhou Xuanhong yelled back at the top of his voice. Anyway, there was no one around at home, so it didn't matter how loud he yelled.

"Look at your father, he is a beast tamer, and his mind is full of beast taming! He is over fifty and he just wants to find a wife! Good fellow, if he finds a beast tamer who is over fifty, it will be fine, but damn it! He actually hooked up with the granddaughter of my old comrade! I will be the one to take the beating for him in the underworld! Unfilial son!"

"The couple is very sweet to each other!"

"Haha, honey and oil... Rather than waiting for you to be a hundred years old to harm other people's teenage girls, I might as well beat you to death now!!!"

Seeing that his grandfather was about to kill his own relatives for the sake of justice, Freddy was speechless and looked at the sky. Seeing that the window next to him was open, he jumped out from the third floor - there was no other way, he couldn't stay in this house anymore!

"Don't ignore my advice!" Zhou Xuanhong was still shouting,"Do you know how your father pursued your mother? Do you know how humble he was? Do you think it's fun to have an old house on fire? Your grandpa is doing this for your own good! Fall in love while you're still young! Anyway, there will be plenty of time for you to study beast taming in the future, and youth only comes once!"

Freddy didn't want to quarrel anymore, because his grandfather was old, and the life span of a two-star beast tamer was only a hundred years or so. Since his grandmother passed away, she couldn't stand any more stimulation... I guess he just wanted to see him get married and have a family...

But this matter can't be rushed at all!

He didn't understand, in this day and age, there are still elders who do such perverse things... Other families are urging their children to make progress, what's wrong with his family... Falling in love is not as fun as winning the first place, and having children... God damn, having children... Otherwise, find a special system for the third beast pet, and find a way to split itself into a child.……

"Must have a brother or sister……"

Freddy decided to turn around and induce his biological mother to give birth. He walked on the street while thinking about countermeasures. There was no place for him in the whole Liuheng. He might as well hide in a classmate's house...

Thinking of this, he called his good friend Xu Jinbai, but the other party didn't answer. He called again, but the other party still didn't answer.

The moon was high in the sky, and it was surprisingly round.

Nearing nine o'clock, it was late at night and everyone was asleep. Freddy decided to be self-reliant. He bought a teleportation ticket and was about to reach the teleportation point. Suddenly, he remembered... the girl was still on the island!

Since they only met once, they didn't add each other's contact information at that time, and he didn't know how she was doing...

Thinking of the brutal Karachi, Freddy's mouth twitched, and he took out his mobile phone and called his grandfather's housekeeper.

That's right, he just asked

——He is now insensitive to women, men, and anything that might end his bachelorhood.

"Oh, you ask Lord Karachi……"The housekeeper paused strangely,"Nothing's wrong, it's just that he has started eating blood these past few days, and the amount is getting bigger and bigger, and his appetite is very good.……"

Freddy's hands trembled,"Where are the people on the island?"

The butler thought about it and was not sure,"Are they all good?"

The key point is that he will not go to the island. At most, he will pay attention to Karachi. It is still very scary for a general-level beast pet to go crazy. If no one is watching, it is more than enough to wipe out a place. However, no matter how scary Karachi is, it will not kill people, let alone eat people.

The butler was about to say,"Otherwise, I will go to the chef on the island to ask about the situation," but Freddy hung up the phone.

——He was the one who brought the person to the island. Never mind what the Holy Lord was like. Not to mention that the nine-star boss was a legendary existence who had not left his house for hundreds of years. Even if the Holy Lord showed up, he couldn’t just throw her on the island and run away...

At least explain it clearly...

The most important thing was that he knew very well how scary Karachi was. It was simply his nightmare when he was a child! He would never contract something that looked like a flower, grass, or vine in his life!

So, Freddy rushed all the way to Yuye Island. He originally thought that he would see the poor girl huddled in the corner and shivering under the power of Karachi, but he didn’t expect...

Even if he stood on the edge of the island, he could see the giant rattan ball hanging high in the air in the direction of the beach - that was Karachi’s true form! The vines were as thick as century-old trees, covered with hideous long thorns. Those thorns were shiny black, densely packed, and shaped like inverted hooks. If it was whipped, it would be considered a blessing to die on the spot... and there was a little white on its head.


Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible.

Freddy looked over and found that the white was actually the girl's fair skin... It was eye-catching in the night sky.

He was silent immediately, and for a moment he felt as if he was in a dream. Even though staring at the girl's butt was not elegant enough, he couldn't help but take a second and third look, back and forth to confirm... She really sat on it! And she sat on it in a swimsuit, so she was sitting close to it! The sitting posture was very casual, and she even kicked Karachi's head with her bare feet!


How did this work?

Freddy was a little confused, and recalled a string of information in his mind: Karachi can only evolve when its health is low in battle, its glory is built by the fear of its opponent, and its food is boiling blood and living organisms that have not yet stiffened...

For various reasons, it gave up evolving decades ago and has been wandering around the Zhou family's various industries. Especially after it turned into a human form, it looks much gentler...

His father, as Karachi's owner, didn't dare to think of riding it, unless the situation was urgent and he would die if he didn't ride it, then... then Karachi would choose to stay behind to cover the retreat, and it is unlikely to be the one to be ridden away.

He is worthy of being a martyr who fought the Holy Lord.

If you think so... since you dare to say"no" to the Nine-Star Beastmaster, it is normal to ride Karachi, anyway, you will die.

Freddy suddenly felt that he had realized the truth.

At this time, Kitsune Shichi also noticed that someone was visiting.

Her [Perception] only covered the island and did not extend into the sea-and the physical feedback had not yet reached the standard. In the middle of the night when you couldn't see your hand in front of your face, it was too dark, and her eyes couldn't see so clearly.

The mental power"saw" a person, but the eyes... maybe it was a psychological effect, it seemed that there was a figure in the dark harbor, but I definitely couldn't tell who it was.

"Who is it?" she asked

"Friday."Karachi, who had transformed into his original form, replied with a rumbling sound. Master


���She gracefully got off Karachi and flew towards the young master lightly and quickly. She pointed at the huge net behind her and said happily:

"Brother, you came just in time! My family caught a crab, let's eat it together!"

Freddy: ?

Wait, why are you suddenly...flying?

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