Moonlit night, beach, midnight snack.

Kitsune Shichi clapped his hands, and in front of Freddy, the seven or eight meter high water net in the distance, which was definitely not inferior to Karachi in size, came in response, and opened a hole very skillfully and poured down - splash!

The lively fish, palm-sized shrimps, live crabs as big as human faces... all fell on the beach like a small mountain. Among them, an octopus jumped up and tried to escape. Seeing that it was dark and windy, its black body was extremely inconspicuous, but it was accurately locked by the fish tail that suddenly appeared in the air. With a"snap" sound, it hit the top of its head and could not move on the spot...

Freddy:... Slime...?

He moved his eyes upwards, and in just a short moment, the huge net had turned into a human-shaped fish tail, closed his eyes and nodded, and his face was not like the color of the human world, but like a cold god high above.

——Why is this different from the slime he knows? ? ?

Foxyachi said happily,"I was bored these two days and suddenly wanted to do it myself, so I caught some seafood... You came at the right time."

Freddy's eyes were dead, and he didn't know where to complain,"This crab is... This is a Haibo crab!"

"No, this is just an ordinary crab."

Hearing this, Fox Seven flew over, squatted at the bottom of the seafood mountain and poked the blue-black crabs that were showing their teeth and claws. If there was no information panel popping up, then they were not beast pets - this is how she distinguished them in the past two days.

Above her head, Wanmei also hooked the tip of her tail.

All beast pets have strong energy, and their owners don't eat that thing, so of course it went directly into its stomach... The things caught in the net are all pure food without any attack power.

So skilled... Freddy's mind flashed through all the information about the slime, and none of it matched. Looking at the mountain opposite, it was a wonder of the world: the slime can actually spit out the things that have entered its stomach. Oh, no, it is even willing to spend more time to turn it into a net, instead of swallowing the food directly into its stomach!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes a few days ago, the slime was jumping happily behind Fox Seven, he wouldn't believe it was a slime...

Not to mention anything else, just its huge size, it has obviously awakened [Gigantization】……It's enviable.

It's common sense that 90% of beast pets get bigger the higher their level. Under the guidance of this common sense, everyone pursues a large size, and regards bigness as beauty.

Fox Seven ran to drag the pot - there was a magnetic levitation intelligent cooking pot floating far away next to it, five meters wide and three meters deep, which can cook and shabu-shabu, and is essentially an automatic cooking robot.

At this time, Karachi in the sky also slowly approached, and the small mountain of seafood floated up.

Some of the poisonous ones, those with many thorns, those with hard meat that it didn't even want to eat, and those that were colorful and obviously not good things...

were rowed away separately.

It then used its mental power to roll them into a ball, and at the same time separated a vine that was five people thick. The vine swelled and expanded, just like the arms of humans gathering strength before uprooting a weeping willow...

It threw it hard!


A strong wind blew up!

The seafood balls instantly turned into stars in the sky.


——Wait, why throw it away? Why not feed it directly to the slime? It's impossible that even the slime is picky about food?

And the remaining seafood mountain, for Karachi's appetite... a full meal, just right.

Freddy began to feel that he was in the way...

For some reason, although he shouldn't, he really had the urge to call the police on his father.

——Dad! Take care of your Karachi! It's going to run away with a pretty young girl!!!

—— Living on your island, sleeping in your bed, using your karaage, this is more than just a green cloud covering the roof!!!

He completely forgot that he was the one who brought people to the island.

Over there, Kitsune Shichi decided to braise shrimp and crab in a pot, and then fry an octopus ring. In order to learn how to use this machine, she took great pains and studied it for two days.……

"If there were no island, Perfection would not have evolved so quickly. There are so many marine creatures around here."

She said with a bright smile, a little guilty, but with the cover of night and her diligent hands and feet, ordinary people would not notice it.

……It's a long story.

In a nutshell, her Perfect is too greedy. A few days ago, it suddenly didn't want to go into the water. When I asked it why, it actually replied,"It's empty."’……It looked very aggrieved and listless.

Then, Kitsune Shichi accompanied it for a walk far away. Since she could fly, she floated in the sky with an umbrella and watched the cached videos. Later, somehow, they couldn't find the way back. Looking left and right, there was only the endless sea. No matter how high they flew, they couldn't see where the island was...

Kitsune Shichi then remembered that she had just been fed back twice, and she was just an ordinary person with relatively strong body...

Fortunately, Karachi later found something wrong and came out to look for someone. Its true body almost merged with the night, but it didn't matter. It fired a [Blood Flash] directly at the sky. The red beam of light pierced through the clouds and dyed the sky blood-red...

Then, perhaps it finally found an excuse to use its ultimate move. One Blood Flash was far from satisfying its tyrannical desire. More than a dozen Blood Flashes rose into the air at the same time, like a mad machine gun at full firepower,"Bang!"——""boom——""Bang Bang Bang——"

Thunder and lightning, space shattered...

But in the end, the result was good.

Fox Seven and Perfect found their home. Karachi also looked very sunny, with a light smile on his face, and asked them:"Are you hungry?"

As soon as he asked, his stomach growled, and with that smiling face with curved eyebrows, it was more than terrifying.

Fox Seven took a step back instantly,"Uh... I'm hungry!"

Later, it was Perfect who learned to dangle a net under her command, and everyone worked together to study how to cook and make midnight snacks. Later

, Karachi also found that it was still better to be alive, and there was no point in cultivating a body or nurturing a sex, so he began to take Fox Seven and Perfect on"sea patrols", calling it a walk, anyway, he knew the way back to the island...

And as they went deeper and deeper, Fox Seven was not quite sure what Perfect had eaten in the sea, and he only saw the skill proficiency on the system interface rising non-stop...

So at a certain moment, she sat on Karachi's head with an umbrella, the sun was glaring above her head, and Perfect broke out of the water. She had an idea in her mind - she decided to name the new evolution of the slime:

【Sunshine Slime】!


"Sunny Slime?"

The moon was high in the sky. Master Freddy repeated the name and looked up at the beautiful mermaid hovering on the pink beach. Although she was naked and had messy hair, she did not look charming at all. She looked more like a drunken gentleman, with a collapsed jade mountain. Sunny

? Where is the sunshine?

It looked very indifferent and didn't want to pay attention to anyone.

He was powerless to complain and could only nod in agreement,"What a good name... But you can actually find the new evolution of slime. Take some time to register. There should be a reward of 100,000 yuan."

"One hundred thousand yuan?" Kitsuneya Qi was surprised

"It's OK, although it's not much, it's better than nothing, and the main thing is that winning an award can add points."

Freddy held his head and thought for two seconds. He had just seen someone's great record - she scored 100 points in eight subjects in the high school entrance examination, of which"Beast Pet Psychology" only scored 3 points, and"Water System Evolution History" was okay, scoring 26 points... This subject accounted for more than one-fifth of her total score.

With such a low score, even if she was a 3S, she would have to go back to school and be retrained.……

"It 's okay, I can just stop studying."

Kitsune Shichi was open-minded and was digging crabs without a care.

Yes, she had already thought about it.

There is no end to the suffering, and turning back is the shore. In her situation, she would not pass the exam even if she studied for another year, and even if she cheated and got in, she would not be able to keep up with the high school classes. Why waste time?

It would be better to open up the world and go directly to the next step: travel around the world!

"you……"Freddy's temples throbbed after hearing this,"Have you forgotten that you are still being watched by the Holy Ruins? What the hell are you doing?"

""Then agree to it first."

Kitsune Shichi didn't care,"Even if I agree, I'm only one star now, it's useless for them to want me, they won't just catch me as a one star beastmaster and feed me to the fish, I'll just say I'm going to travel around the world and grow slowly. There's no reason for them to stop me."


Freddy admits that he is not a top student. In fact, he is also a headache for the teacher. However, no matter how much of a headache he is, he has never been so bad...

Good fellow, people with B- mental power are working hard to strive for double first-class, and you, an SSS, are satisfied with just being a junior high school student? ? ?

The High School Beast Taming League, such an important event, you plan to stay at home and watch the live broadcast? ? ?

What a waste of talent!!!

Even he can't stand it!!!

"You might as well give me the SSS-level mental power!"

"If it could be given, Shengxu would have taken it long ago. How could it be your turn?"

Freddy was indignant. He was so angry that he bit the crab shell to pieces, and swallowed it with the shell and meat together. He was even less human than the pets in the room.

Karachi, who was sitting next to him, tilted his head and looked at Freddy's twisted face. He was suddenly relieved: It's great that someone can finally understand its pain.……

"Can the shell be eaten?" Kitsune Shichi's focus was a little different,"Won't it cause indigestion?"

Freddy was very sad, and finally understood why someone was like a curious baby, asking questions all the time.

8 subjects added up to only 100 points, how can he not be curious?

So he taught Kitsune Shichi about"repaying the debt".

When a pet is upgraded, it will repay the beastmaster.

He has two high-level pets and has experienced 6 times of repaying the debt.

Every time the Cretaceous Leopard evolves, it will provide high-intensity repayment to his physical fitness, and the Holy King Bird is a super energy type.

After upgrading, it is easier to bring an improvement in the spiritual power of the beastmaster.

Some beastmasters can even improve a small realm through multiple times of repayment, and the soul strength is from"B-"Change"B+", but I have never heard of anyone reaching a higher level

"B+"Even if you are fed back ten times, you still can't change"A-", it seems to be just one letter difference, but in fact it is very different, almost like the difference between gas, liquid and solid

"The Cretaceous Leopard is a pet that is good at fighting. Although it is a wind-type, it has almost no elemental attack skills. It currently only has one speed-up skill, [Wind Rush]."

Freddy gave another example.

Kitsune nodded, his mouth full of octopus rings, chewing until his cheeks hurt, but his eyes were shining.

……Cretaceous leopard, just by listening to the name, you can tell that it is white and furry, and it is wind-type, so it must be very light...

But she has learned to be smart. Animal pets are extraordinary creatures with wisdom and dignity. If you don't have enough affection for them, no one can touch them. I will kick you back home with one claw.

"Oh, right!" Freddy suddenly clapped his hands, he remembered,"Actually, your grades can still be saved!"

"Huh?" Kitsune Yashi was stunned for a moment,"Are you kidding? You only scored 100 out of 800. Are you sure there's still hope?"

"Bonus points."Freddy uttered two words, and under the moonlight, he curled his lips and snorted.

Anyway, he had nothing to do this summer vacation, so he might as well give it a challenge, which would also be considered a good thing for the benefit of society.

"Extra points?" Kitsune Shichi was puzzled.

"Bonus points for discovering a new evolution of a pet, bonus points for soul strength SSS, bonus points for advanced evolution of a pet... you just need to identify them one by one. Most importantly, bonus points for winning the Junior High School Beast Taming League - as long as you have registered for the competition, as long as you can win a prize, you can get bonus points!"


Kitsune Shichi opened his eyes wide, can it be like this?

"……But it's perfect……"

Thinking of Karachi... oh no, Yu Jin Teng's tragic and heroic fight, Kitsune Seven shuddered suddenly, and looked back at her pet... well, although it was a little bigger... it was really big.

Not to mention the distant ones, let's just talk about the near ones. She only played half a game in No. 3 Middle School. Among the four pets on the ring, there was a dragon and two intermediate ones... that burrowed into the ground and spit out electricity.

And her pet Perfect was only good at eating and fishing.

It was a pity that she didn't have any awakened combat skills, not even a tail flick, otherwise she could fight the beast master herself.……

"……It's just a sunshine slime……"

"It doesn't matter!"

Freddy waved his hand. At this moment, he finally stopped looking like a fool. He exuded the handsome golden light that made his grandfather cry with joy and was loved by everyone. He was extravagant and lustful!

"I'll arrange a competition for you! I guarantee you'll win!"

Spreading out this handful of gold coins not only invests in a future powerhouse, but also allows his grandparents to rest assured and never force him to go on blind dates again!

Freddy: Hahaha, killing two birds with one stone, great!

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