After hearing what Freddy said, Fox Seven's first reaction was: If you are too attentive to someone, you are either a traitor or a thief!

The second reaction was: What do you want, brother?

She only had a little spare money, she was not as beautiful as Karachi, and she had basically no knowledge...

The cool breeze was blowing, Fox Seven looked at Freddy's shining face, not knowing what he was thinking, but...

Honey, your grandfather repeatedly told you to send me away and keep me away from the city, and it's only been a few days?

She looked at Freddy with pity, but she didn't say a word, just quietly listening to Freddy outline the plan with confidence——

"……As long as he can make a name for himself and earn about 200 points, he can find a high school with a school team to join! Anyway, the team competition is just so-so, and everyone only plays individual competitions."As expected of a young master, he is so arrogant.

Kitsune Yaqi held back a sigh. Isn't this just throwing money at the road? Even if he is willing, she can't use his money...

But she can also see that Freddy is in high spirits, as if he is very interested in the"SSS Rescue Plan". The midnight snack is not even delicious. He wiped his hands and picked up the phone, and no one knew who he was sending a message to.

Forget it, he wants to help her after all, there is no need to pour cold water on her. She thought to herself, and then pretended to play with her phone, opened the Beast Taming System, and glanced at the perfect message panel.

【Name: Sunshine Slime

【Attributes: Dark, Water

【Level: Intermediate

【[Racial level]: Unknown

【Skills: Devour (Intermediate 999/1000), Sprint (Advanced 502/2000), Immunity (Low Level 122/200), Perception (Intermediate 811/1000), Flying (Low Level 16/200), Strangling (Intermediate 66/1000), Tail Drift (Low Level 23/200)

【Status]: Giant (normal), Transformed (excellent)

【Evolution level]: 16%

【[Evolution Path]: Slime - Sunshine Slime——???——???——???——???——???

Foxy Seven stared at the '999/1000' for a long time. She wanted to hold it back, but her obsessive-compulsive disorder kicked in. She could only wave her hand to the side,"Perfect!"

A certain slime immediately jumped over, moving as fast as a rabbit, which was completely inconsistent with the face, and scared Freddy.

Then Foxy Seven flew towards the disaster, stirring the long spoon that was twice as tall as her, and tried hard to scoop it out...

A few minutes later, she brought out a large bowl of weird decapitated fish and shrimps, and placed it in front of Perfect affectionately,"Eat more."

Perfect stretched out her hand, and her fingertips touched the edge of the porcelain bowl. In the blink of an eye, the whole bowl of mixture was gone, leaving only a clean empty bowl.

Devour +1

Foxy Seven opened the system again. Great, finally there was an advanced skill. Now there were two advanced skills, although the tail flick... well, it was just low-level.

She found that Perfect really loved strangulation.

In addition, Kitsune Shichi didn't know why, before, Perfect's [Devouring] proficiency increased very quickly, but after the evolution, it has become slower and slower. It has only increased by more than 300 in the past five or six days. She and Karachi even accompanied it to a very far place...

Could it be that it had eaten enough seafood?


Kitsune Shichi was stunned, and suddenly realized that at the beginning, Perfect often activated Devouring, but now it only activates Devouring once no matter what it eats!

Does it have nothing to do with the amount, but depends entirely on the number of times? Then, eating a bubble fish would increase by three points, because it was divided into three devourings... So that's it?

Thinking of this, she flew up again, picked up the big spoon in the pot, and scooped in the soup.……

"Come on, Perfect, eat slowly, eat little by little, don't choke, eat elegant."

Perfect didn't understand, so she obediently stretched out her hand and slowly tapped the small fishes one by one. After a while, she felt her master's spirits lifted and she was very happy.

She was also very happy.

Then, on the glittering system panel, the numbers began to jump continuously: Devour +1+1+1+1+1+1...

Kitsuneya Qi was relieved, this is right, there are Ultimate, Grandmaster, and Secret above the Advanced level, fortunately she discovered it early.

Great, in this case, as long as Perfect's foodie attribute is still there, sooner or later she will have a secret skill!

As long as she is not bottlenecked by her comprehension, then everything will be fine.

"It should be like this from now on, perfect," Kitsune Yashichi added, his tone very loving (?),"Eating slowly helps digestion, you see how I usually eat, chewing slowly, one meal takes an hour"



Karachi's forehead was bulging with veins, and he took a deep breath.

It was scary to say that he had gradually gotten used to the way Kitsune Shichi and the slime got along in the past two days, but he still didn't understand why she would contract the slime?

Beast pets are combat power, not pets!

Moreover, this slime is stupid, dumb, and silly, but she doesn't dislike it, and she especially dotes on it, even afraid that it will choke on its food!

Why? For a moment, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He recalled that he ate voraciously in the past, either taking energy pills or drinking nutrient solution, with a schedule posted on the wall, changing it once a week, and there was 360-degree surveillance in the training ground, so he couldn't be lazy for a second...

And this slime stayed under the sea for a whole day, and would never go ashore until it was dark, and no one knew what it did...

Sunshine Slime?

Bah, it's dark. Karachi didn't accept it!

"If you go to the game, I want to watch it too."

Karachi said coldly, his long arms resting on his knees, his messy hair falling on the side of his face, casting a shadow.

——It's time to make this woman and Slime realize their mistakes! Without hard work, there is no future!

"You want to go too?" Fox Seven was shocked. It was just a one-star beastmaster competition. Was it that dangerous?

Freddy's eyes moved, and he stroked his chin with his fingers. He wanted to refuse Karachi, but he couldn't say it.

He was not very worried about Fox Seven. After all, she was SSS-level. She had a talent for beast control. Even if she didn't like to study, she had rich practical experience. It took only a few days for her to evolve the slime from elementary to intermediate. If it was a normal pet, this upgrade speed would make the headlines.

But it took him six months to evolve the young wind leopard into a big wind leopard, and he was surrounded by a group of people and called him a genius.

No matter how weak the slime is, it is still an intermediate pet. With level suppression, it is difficult to lose in a 1V1.

Plus Karachi is there to keep the place together...

This is really a bit of bullying.

Thinking of this, Freddy smiled secretly.

——Good job! He just likes to bully people!

"That’s settled then!"

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