Liuheng. City center.

After a week, Kitsune Shichi returned to the Pet Registration Center to register Wanmei for an upgrade.

In this world, people have ID cards, and pets also have ID cards. Since pets have a lot of changes in appearance after upgrading, they have to re-register and take new photos every time they upgrade.

Behind the counter, clerk Yu Xin took the documents, first looked at the young girl's face, then glanced at the documents, and read them again with uncertainty.

"Are you fifteen?"

"Yes." Kitsune Shichi took out a copy of his ID card.

"The pet is a slime?"

"Right." Kitsune Shichi simply formed a seal, and with a flash of white light, a flawless mermaid like flowing water appeared in the summoning array, and the hall suddenly fell silent.

"It looks pretty, so I put it in the beast control space." Kitsune Shichi explained

"is a bit……"Yu Xin quickly lowered her eyes and looked at the materials to cover up, only to find that she had just dropped her pen in shock. It was more than just a little good-looking... it was already good enough to be sent to a talent show!

"Wait a minute!" Yu Xin's eyes narrowed again, her expression froze, and she went back to the computer to check in disbelief. The result was correct.……"It's now an intermediate pet. You just registered the contract last week, and it's upgraded this week?"

The hall became even quieter.

It was a weekend, and the pet registration center was crowded. However, this window was only for students, so there were relatively few people, but only relatively.

High school and college students were on summer vacation, and they were the main force of the beastmasters. Now they were staring at Kitsune's face, which was obviously half a circle smaller than theirs.

Were they deaf just now? Signing a slime contract at the age of 15? Evolving to intermediate level in one week?

Those in the queue and those accompanying them were all silent.

"Yes." Kitsune Shichi answered. She had a strong mental power and her [Perception] was always on. Being stared at by so many people at the same time, she just wanted to make a quick decision.

"Slime, the more you eat, the faster you level up."

The group of people behind him were speechless when they heard this.

——What does this have to do with eating a lot?

Yu Xin had the same idea. However, as a window registrar, she thought she was well-informed and didn't want to show too much shock, as if she had never seen the world.

"Well, OK, then you can go to the second floor to measure the energy value later." She took out her seal and stamped it on the list, and entered it into the computer, but...

[Query error, no record].

Sunshine Slime... No record?

Yu Xin took another look. After all, slime is too unconventional. No one has made a contract for hundreds of years. There are seven or eight primary evolutionary types, but this one is not there.

"New evolution?" Yu Xin exited the system interface, took out a glasses cloth to wipe his glasses, re-read the materials submitted by Kitsune Shichi, and then looked at the mermaid-shaped slime."……Are you sure it's a new evolution?"

There was a commotion in the hall.

Many people were taking pictures, but most of them didn't believe it was a slime. Several people were secretly discussing"fairy" and"elf"."……Words like these

"Yes." Kitsune Shichi thought this was easy to understand - because there was a question mark in the beast control system! If there was a name, it would have been displayed long ago. Why would she have to rack her brains? Yu Xin was a little speechless. This child looked good, but why was he so cold? He asked a question and answered with a word.

"You restore it to its original shape."Yu Xin said

"This is its prototype."

Kitsune Shichi glanced over. She didn't believe it at first, but later found out that the [Transformation] didn't mean turning into a mermaid, but changing from a mermaid to something else, and it was"excellent".

As we all know, there are only three levels of passive status: extremely poor, average, and excellent.

So Kitsune Shichi didn't know how this excellent came about. She only knew that she had perfect control over her body. Whether it was turning into a net or a sofa, it was all in an instant. She could even learn from Karachi and divide her hair into thin strands.

Yu Xin had no choice. She checked in the system and found that slime did not have this form.

Forget it, it's just a slime. No one studies slime these days, so one more evolutionary form is better.

She thought to herself, quickly input the information and click Submit

"Are you sure you want to call it Sunshine Slime? Do you want to change it to Flowing Mermaid?"Yu Xin asked another question.

""Confirmed." Kitsune's eyes were subtle. Mermaid Slime also sounded good. Why didn't she think of it at the beginning? Unfortunately, the name has been decided in the system, so I won't change it.

"If the evolution conditions are disclosed, there will be special rewards. Do you want to disclose them?"

Yu Xin asked again, and at the same time stood up and walked to the cabinet at the back to pull out a piece of material. He coughed because of the dust. This drawer has not been opened for at least six years.

"If you choose to make it public, please fill in the information"

"Public." Kitsune Shichi picked up the slightly yellowed paper, and her movements paused imperceptibly.

Evolution conditions? Is there such a thing?

How to write it? Write"click to upgrade"?

No, you have to write something normal.

Anyway, no one was urging her, Kitsune Shichi thought for a few seconds, picked up the pen and wrote: Exercise in the sea water for 6 to 8 hours a day, get enough sunlight, communicate with the owner often, keep a happy mood, and must upgrade on the beach at night. After writing

, she picked it up and took a look, and felt that she wrote it very well and in detail.

Facing the burning gazes of a group of people, she handed the material up with both hands.

What does this have to do with sunlight? After reading it, Yu Xin couldn't help but complain in her heart, doesn't this have to be upgraded at night?

But she didn't ask, and put this part of the material aside, adjusted her glasses, and looked up at the outside of the glass

"You can go to the second floor now. Next"


Twenty minutes later, Kitsuneshichi walked out of the pet registration center with Wanmei and bought a popsicle first.

"This is strange." She glanced at Perfect, who was floating very obediently, just like a pet.

"The lady just now said that your energy peak exploded, but you clearly didn't awaken any elemental skills this time……"

Perfection can't speak, it just nods

"Right? And it's dark and water.……"

Kitsune continued to talk to himself."Without elemental attack skills, it will be very difficult to fight. Later... you still need to practice immunity. Otherwise, you will always get hurt, and I will be very sad... I won't be able to contract a second one in a short time.……"

Perfect continued to nod, it felt it made sense

"I don't know how Freddy is doing, let's go find him first."

So the master and pet flew to the competition announcement center together, completely unaware that a huge uproar was about to be set off on the Internet.


#Shocking news! A 15-year-old girl contracts a slime, evolves in a week, and awakens the ability to fly!

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