
This was Kitsune Shichi's first feeling.


This was her second feeling.

Because at the moment when she touched the perfect soul, although nothing happened, her own consciousness rose, just like the two ends of a scale, one rising and one falling, one consciousness retreated, and she became the master, controlling an extremely cold and unfamiliar power. This rising and falling feeling was somewhat familiar - yes, it was the moment of the contract.

Kitsune Shichi's chest rose and fell slightly, and with each breath, a faint light penetrated into his body through his mouth and nose, warming his mental strength, rotating softly, and forming a cycle in an instant.

In the center of the ring, the perfect tail also drooped completely, no longer restless, as if taking a nap.

【Heart-Eroding Flame]?

As soon as this thought came up, it was as easy as using the levitation skill. Kitsune Shichi shuddered violently, and her head felt like it was hit hard by a whip. Her eyes were full of green. The flames were swaying.

Kitsune Shichi gritted her teeth and took a breath of cold air.

Fortunately, she was also a person who almost died, so she didn't scream out, even though her brain was numb from the pain. Waves of burning pain drilled straight into her head, and even the roots of her hair were like needles of fire, piercing her brain crazily.

【The range of perception has expanded, as if she has been superimposed with perfect mental power...

It hurts!

The sooner I die, the sooner I will be reborn!

The corners of her eyes twitched violently, and Kitsuneya Nana simply closed her eyes tightly.

Her left hand inadvertently crushed the guardrail in front of her, but she was in too much pain at the moment and had no time to care.

With her consciousness flowing, there was a loud"bang", and the mermaid in the center of the field suddenly jumped up, and her giant tail slammed heavily on the ring, turning into a bright blue light again.

Her slender figure grew larger in the air, leaving an extremely oppressive shadow on the ground.

""Crack, crack, crack!" A deep pit exploded in the hard ground, and it quickly cracked from the center, spreading outward like spider silk.

On the other side, Alice's mind was filled with alarm bells, and she almost wanted to shout surrender reflexively, but everything happened too fast. In the last second, she was still shocked that Fox Seven had successfully"co-tuned", but who knew that the madman would launch an attack in the next second!?

But she was stuck, because above the sky, the mermaid turned around and flipped down, as if she was gracefully leaping into the sea.

What is this? Is this a pose?

Alice was stunned for a moment, both her intuition and reason told her: It is impossible to hit Rose Bell.

So, the surrender that was about to come was not shouted out by her.

The mermaid fell at a high speed - thirty meters. Twenty meters. Fifteen meters.

Fox Seven seemed to have forgotten the pain, and his mental power was tightly locked on the extremely embarrassed Rose Bell. Seeing Perfection going up to the sky, it was almost swimming close to the ground at this moment, Hovering lightly on the left half of the ring.

Twelve meters, ten meters, eight meters.

Just as it was about to hit the ground head-on, a sudden change occurred!

Six thick water columns like tornadoes shot down with blazing flames. The target was obvious, almost covering the entire left half of the field, and the pink and tender rose also turned its head in an instant, swinging out a strange arc to hit the right half of the field!

Fox Seven's mouth curled up.

Eighteen pillars of fire rose from the ground, and in a blink of an eye they intersected with the left half, forming a green cage covering the entire venue!

This flame cage was too large, like a turquoise barrier, and the people who saw it were stunned. For a moment, the whole venue fell silent, watching the cage quickly tighten. In just half a breath, it shrank from a behemoth into a ball like a birdcage, and the trembling rose bell was locked in it, and it fell steadily in the palm of Fox Seven's hand.

Fox Seven... the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely in pain

"Game suspended——!"

"I surrender——!"

Two voices, almost overlapping, resounded through the sky.

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