The sun was blazing.

The whole place was silent, as silent as death.

Everyone was looking at the ring in shock, the expressions on their faces were extremely interesting.

It was over?

It was locked up now?

A mid-level slime, not a race known for intelligence, and it hadn't heard the beastmaster's command, so how could it think of such a method of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west, catching the turtle in the jar?

It was fine to have the heart-eating flame, but it also made such a big fire cage... Do you think you are a flame baby? ?

Thinking back to the girl on the stage just now, her whole body was covered with green flames, and her slender figure was completely engulfed - even the dumbest person would now react:

That was definitely intentional!

There was no way the beast pet burned its owner by mistake!


At this moment, only the 720-degree panoramic recorders floating in the sky were the calmest.

According to the big algorithm, they constantly collect the focus of the audience's attention, and they play what the audience wants to see.

So, on the eight high-definition electronic screens surrounding the main arena of the Fuchuan Arena, the black-haired girl's heroic figure of victory was played at the same time. She raised her hand leisurely, her almond eyes were round, her mouth was slightly pursed, and she was carefully looking at the rose bell in the fire ball, as if she was very curious.

There was no excitement after winning.

That innocent and elegant look, like an ignorant forest elf, made many people's throats choke, and for a moment they suspected that they were shallow in knowledge...

Could it be that the Heart-Eroding Flame is not so vicious? Didn't you see that the girl was hit by a trick herself, but she was fine?

After all, it is a legendary skill...

The last time it appeared on Blue Star was six hundred years ago.

"It seems that there is still hope for the high school league this year."

Some people are eager to try.

"Kitsune Shichi, right? Junior high school girl, I'll remember you!"

Some people also have very special concerns.

"That T-shirt looks good, hurry up and find it, I want to buy one as a battle suit."

At the same time, the price of the heart-eating mushroom in the market has soared, even a small mushroom as big as a little finger has increased from 2400 to 8000 yuan.……



On the field, the game is suspended

""Let go of Rose Bell!" Alice yelled.

Fox Seven turned a deaf ear to her.

The girl's previous attitude towards Xu Fei was nothing more than relying on her own strength. So it was normal for her to suffer a little grievance when she met someone stronger and more unreasonable.

You asked me to let go, so I let go?

It's so embarrassing.

Moreover, as long as the skills are not released repeatedly and the flame is simply maintained, the pain seems to be slowly weakening...

So, Fox Seven carefully observed Rose Bell in rotation. The serious and curious look looked particularly terrifying through the green flame, scaring the rose buds in the cage to shrink the heart of the flower, and even glistening water droplets appeared on the delicate petals, and she couldn't help sobbing softly.

It's a pity that Rose Bell has no language function. Even if she cries, it's just the petals shaking. The drops of tears actually intensify her beauty, which makes Fox Seven stare at her.

Rose fairy is a kind of natural elf, and its rarity can only be described as"unavailable".

Most of this kind of pets cannot reproduce, and they are treasures with no market. Ordinary people have only seen them in pictures.

……It was indeed beautiful.

I didn't know when Perfect landed in the command area. His tall body was covered with a layer of light gray shadow. His mental power swept back and forth, and his whole body exuded a manic and hungry aura, like a huge shark that was about to go crazy with hunger.

""I'm sorry for making you hungry."

Kitsune Shichi looked up at it.

She was really sorry, because it was her first time to tune, and she was not very familiar with the technique, so she used up most of the energy it stored.

Hungry, hungry? Rose Bell was stiff.

The next moment, a white light flashed, and it disappeared.

Kitsune Shichi also retracted the fire in his palm, and turned his head to look at the other side of the ring.

Alice was still making a seal, obviously forcibly recalling Rose Bell. At this moment, her cheeks were abnormally red, and she bit her lips tightly, as if she was about to cry.

The two medical teams dared to rush up, but the team that rushed towards Kitsune Shichi was extremely hesitant and moved abnormally slowly, as if someone had pressed 0.5 times the speed.

Kitsune Shichi was stunned: Good guy! Didn't they go on stage to follow the procedure just now because they were afraid of being attacked?

……Is she that scary?

But in this world where the strong prey on the weak, it's good to look scary, it can save some trouble...

Kitsune thought about it and felt that he was right, he didn't kill her, if Alice couldn't even stand this little setback, and went home to cry to her father after being defeated in the ring, then what kind of beastmaster is she, it's better to go home and suckle, hiding in her father's arms is the safest

""Hurry up, hurry up."

Fox Seven waved to the medical team in the distance. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the other side's speed instantly doubled, carrying equipment boxes and rushing over, then slowly bypassing Perfect, taking out a lot of instruments and various straps...

Fox Seven: ?

So many cameras on the head? Tie them up?

What kind of game is this? It's a bit too much……

"I'm fine."

She immediately took a step back.

"We need to test your mental strength to see if your mental strength is stable."

The captain of the leading medical team said.

Minor injuries and pains can be cured by the skills of the pets, but large-scale competitions always have various complex situations.

Therefore, any professional competition must be equipped with more than two professional medical personnel. They will be on standby near the arena at any time. Their task is to detect and diagnose, and then assign the corresponding pets to release appropriate treatment skills.

……But it's usually useless.


Since this was a normal procedure, Kitsune Shichi had no choice but to let himself be tied up and several heavy instruments were put on his head one after another.……

"Your mental power is level 13, not very stable. In the near future... within two or three weeks, you should be able to break through to level 14."

The results came out quickly. The captain of the medical team read the data and wondered in his heart:

Could it be that the Heart-Erosion Flame is not that scary? This girl's mental power looks completely unharmed...

Only one person lowered his head, carrying a large box of instruments on his shoulders, and slowly moved towards Perfect who was flapping his tail. It took him five minutes to move a short half-minute distance. Standing in front of Perfect who was more than four meters long, he looked even more... helpless.

There are still many ordinary people in this world.

Eighty percent of people will sign their first beast pet until they are in college, and they will never be able to sign a second beast pet in their entire lives.

"It's okay, it's really good."

Fox Seven hurried over, and to prove that what she said was true, she pinched it twice, and people saw that the big tail that could crack the ground was flattened by her pinch, like soft crystal mud, and it was deformed like jelly.

However, the medical team still didn't dare to move.

——What a joke, you are the master, of course you dare.

There was no other way, Hu Shiqi simply cooperated with the medical team to help Wanmei check the body, and finally proved that her Wanmei just consumed too much energy, and there was no other problem.

Soon, the medical team issued a sky-high price medicine list: six large bottles of intermediate energy recovery agent.

Hu Shiqi took it and tried to stabilize her mentality.

Intermediate energy recovery agent, the online quotation is 12,000/bottle, one game uses six bottles... a hundred thousand is gone.

At this moment, a raging war burned in her heart: she must find a way to make money! Originally thought that six million was enough for their retirement, but unexpectedly it was only enough for eighty games. If they didn't make money, the mother and daughter would starve to death...

Taming beasts, spending money like water.

It is the most expensive continuous consumption, no one else!

The strategy seen on the Internet and the actual experience of oneself are completely not at the same level!

The sun was still shining in the sky, and there was a cold wind blowing in the stadium, and there was hot wind above the head, one after another.

Hu Shiqi's eyebrows moved slightly, raised his head and glanced at the top screen, and began to pass the number at a cliff.

Xu Fei is the next one, why didn't he come up?

Forget it.

Kitsune Shichi didn't get too entangled. Everyone has their own destiny. Thoughts are their own. Others can't change them.

Just like that, she stood on the stage waiting for someone. Because she was really bored, she closed her eyes and studied the soul. The mental power in her mind condensed into a cyclone, running slowly along a somewhat strange path. As she became more and more skilled, the speed of the operation gradually increased. After five laps, it was like a mad run.


This was the sudden realization that Kitsune Yashichi had when she was in close contact with the perfect soul. It was the perfect way of digesting energy... Her mental power had increased slightly.

Not much, but it was indeed an improvement.

So Kitsune Yashichi relaxed even more. She was idle anyway, so she might as well continue to practice...

She had no idea that her calm attitude when she exhaled in public had frightened many onlookers.


"I remember that I need to concentrate when exhaling, otherwise I will have a splitting headache……"

"Yes, you remembered it correctly."

"I remember that you should sit down before exhaling, and it is best to take a shower and relax your body beforehand?"

"In theory, this is true."

"……What a ruthless person……"

After sighing, a group of people left on the spot

"……It’s so annoying to watch a game, please give way to me, I want to go back too, I want to continue rolling!!!"


Thirty minutes later, still no one came on stage, and the registration backstage had already stopped.

Are you kidding? Whoever goes on stage is stupid. Why bother to be bullied?

"The winner of this game is Kitsune Shichi!"

The host was enthusiastic. The beautiful lady dressed in gorgeous clothes, riding a cloud-stepping deer, presented the final grand prize.

And the champion himself...

Kitsune Shichi smiled in agony, cooperated with the photo taking, waited and waited, and finally waited until everything was over. As soon as she arrived at the stage, she stuffed the water bell bead into Perfect's pocket as a snack.

Then she turned on her phone and exhaled devoutly... May all gods and Buddhas bless her!

Then she opened her eyes and saw: the final odds, 22 times!

3 million, turned into 66 million!

She calmly clicked to withdraw - after all, this was the casino chosen by Young Master Zhou, it should be reliable

【Your check and income certificate will be delivered within half an hour. Please check them and pay the tax in time. 】

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