Entering a boy's bedroom for the first time in his life...

Kitsune Shichi stood at the door and looked around: a single iron bed with only a thin blanket on it; a brand new trash can with no trash in it; a book and an ordinary signing pen on the bookshelf.

The only thing that had a bit of life was the calendar on the table, with a lot of scribbled"X", and there are still many days missing.

Overall, it is extremely concise.

Fox Seven nodded, thinking this is very academic.

""Shall we go now?"

Xu Fei asked, while pulling out a drawer and taking out an energy stone. Because of the long distance from Liuheng to Jinwu Xu's house, a whole energy stone was needed for each round trip.


Fox Seven looked at it curiously. The yellow stone was emitting fluorescence, with a few strands of black turbidity inside, like a piece of not very transparent yellow crystal.

"This is the lowest grade of golden energy ore."

Xu Fei saw that she was staring at it, so he took another piece and stuffed it into her hand, explaining casually

"The highest grade of golden ore is a rare gemstone. When you look at it in the sun, a phoenix shadow will appear inside it."

Kitsune Shichi took the ore and wanted to take a closer look, but as soon as his fingers touched it, his pupils shrank suddenly.

A dim light screen suddenly unfolded!

【[Name]: Jinguang Mine (severely injured)

【Attributes: Holy Light

【Level: Primary

【[Racial level]: General

【Skills: Hardness (Primary 2/200)

【Status: Depravity, dormancy

【Evolution level]: 12%

【Evolutionary Path】:/

……This stone is actually alive?!

Seriously injured? Was it caused by being cut?

At that moment, Kitsune's throat tightened, but she pursed her lips and didn't ask, just watching Xu Fei insert another piece of gold ore into the groove on the floor.


The wooden floor slowly pulled away, revealing the triangular teleportation array below. After a few seconds, the teleportation array lit up, and the space above was slightly volatile, as if there was an extra layer of transparent film.

"Perfect! Let's go!"

Fox Seven turned her head and shouted to the living room, and then she heard a"bang", and a small blue thing jumped out in a beautiful arc, aiming at her accurately.


Fox Seven subconsciously reached out her hand, and just as she caught it, her fingers were rolled up by the small fish tail and entangled tightly.

Perfect: I'm rubbing wildly!

Fox Seven was immediately shocked and exclaimed"Huh"

"This works... can it become smaller?"

Kitsune Yachi was really shocked this time, and quickly showed Xu Fei the little mermaid in his palm - it turned out to be a palm pet!

"Well, this is the characteristic of slime."

Xu Fei glanced at it, but didn't react much.

Mainly because he thought of someone's achievements, he really didn't need to ask her why she didn't read the thesis of a certain doctor named Wang in the last century, in which there was a chapter specifically studying slime.

——How about going back and looking for it for her?

Xu Fei was silent. This idea came to him suddenly, but he rejected it two seconds later.

Because, maybe she doesn't need it. Since she has cultivated the slime so well, it doesn't matter whether she reads the paper or not. Doing so rashly may cause misunderstanding.

So Xu Fei took a step back,"Stand closer, this teleportation array is a bit small."

Kitsune Shichi obeyed and did as he was told.

To be honest, she is a little traumatized by teleportation now.

Fortunately, this time, the whole teleportation process was safe and sound, without dizziness or any discomfort. Xu Fei just kicked the center of the teleportation array, and the surrounding scenery changed from the empty minimalist style to a dark mass.

……So dull?

Reflecting the light under his feet, Kitsune looked around

""Open the curtains."

Xu Fei instructed the intelligent robot. The curtains in the distance were pulled open with a"swish". The orange sunlight fell into the room through the French windows, but for some reason it seemed even darker.

Perhaps the stone forest outside was too strange?

Kitsune Shichi stood where he was and subconsciously squeezed the little mermaid in his hand. Unexpectedly,"pop", it burst!

Soft liquid leaked out from between his fingers. Kitsune Shichi lowered his head in surprise. Huh?!!!

Perfect: *罒▽罒*~♡

Her heart almost stopped in shock. Fox Seven rolled her eyes coldly. Oh, it's still rippling... You really think your master has a good heart, right?

So she simply threw Perfection on top of her head and stuffed the piece of golden ore into it. I guess Master Xu wouldn't need such a piece of stone.

"You sit down wherever you want, I'll go change my clothes."

Xu Fei took off his coat while walking, turned around and smiled.

In the shadows, his smile seemed particularly distant.

Hu Shiqi nodded, not caring too much.

The whole room was dark, even the walls were black, and the curtains were drawn in broad daylight... It seemed that the Xu family was really as depressing as the rumors said.

Hu Shiqi walked around twice, without touching anything, and finally stopped next to Xu Fei's bookcase. On the bottom layer, there was a pile of textbooks with folded corners on the covers, which looked very familiar.

She was stunned for a moment. That was...……

——The original textbook?!

At this moment, even with the sun shining brightly, Kitsune Shichi felt cold all over, as if he was surrounded by a poisonous snake. He could even hear his heartbeat getting louder and louder, and even the blood vessels in his neck were beating wildly along with his heart.


So she squatted down, opened the bookcase, took out a book, flipped through it, and took a look.

"Why are you squatting on the ground?……"

Xu Fei just came back. He changed into more casual clothes and saw this scene. He paused.

It was those books!


Xu Fei's tone trembled, and he became flustered. Seeing that Hu Shiqi was about to raise his head in his direction, a thousand thoughts flashed through his mind, but in the end……

"I don't……"He wanted to explain, but he didn't know what to explain."I just……"

"Explain, what's going on?"

Kitsune Shichi was quite calm, flipping through two pages of the book in his hand, looking up at Xu Fei, his brows full of coldness.

As I said before, it's inevitable. She is still too weak now and doesn't have much say.

Xu Fei closed his eyes and turned his head to look at the window.

"……I'm sorry, after the news of your SSS spiritual power leaked out, some things were... leaked out and auctioned. I happened to be there at the time, so I bought your textbook to see if it would help me.……"

Kitsune Shichi suddenly looked up,"Auction?!"

"I'm sorry, I was obsessed."

Xu Fei took a half step back and looked out the window more intently. The sun was shining brightly, and he suddenly wanted to crash his head against the biggest rock and die.

At this moment, Kitsune's heart was raging, but her heartbeat gradually slowed down. For some reason, she felt that what Xu Fei said was true.

But isn't this too outrageous???

"How much did you buy it for?" Fox Seven asked sharply.

"Less than 60,000." Xu Fei's tone was weak.

What the hell?!

She only sold it for 25!! Ahhhh!!!

Kitsune Yachi punched him in the heart, it hurts...

The capitalists have no conscience! It's all bullshit!!!

"Aren't you the top student in the class? How can reading my book help? Don't you even need to think about it?"

Kitsune Yachi was in so much pain that she almost cried, because her predecessor liked to draw in class, and her textbooks were full of little people, and all kinds of cat heads and Q-versions of beasts... But the top student in the class bought it back for reference. Just imagine the expression on his face when he opened the book, and in the end it was stuffed at the bottom of the bookcase...

This was all her fault!

She almost dug out two castles with her toes!

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth, I just want to get some good luck."This time, Xu Fei gave up completely.

""Where are the test papers?" Kitsune Shichi burst into tears.

His original body's grades weren't that good either. There were so many red crosses on those wrong questions. If he had known, he would have torn them up and flushed them down the toilet instead of selling his dignity for a mere 25 yuan...

What if someone framed them and hung them up at home?!

"Next to it."Xu Fei took a deep breath.

Since he wanted it, of course he... bought the whole set.

Hearing this, Hu Shiqi didn't care that this was someone else's house. She opened Xu Fei's cabinet and rummaged through it. She found all her textbooks and papers in bits and pieces, and spread them all over the floor.

She looked at them with hatred and raised the corners of her lips.


Blue light leaped down.

Kitsune Shichi: Haha, all that dark history, go to hell with me - go to hell!!!

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