The most important thing in life is to face reality.

During the meal, Kitsune Shichi had a smile on his face from beginning to end. After the meal, he calmly chose a guest room, as if he had never gone crazy. He just secretly decided to raise the price of Master Xu's gift.

……After all, she destroyed someone's"collection" worth tens of thousands.

That's right, Hu Shiqi is going to stay the night today.

Because the hotels in Jinwu Upper City are fully booked, probably because students are on vacation recently.

The security in the middle city and the underground city is poor.

Hu Shiqi checked on the Internet and heard that there were burglaries... so she gave up immediately.

The auction starts at 7 o'clock. The first half is a special session for 1~2 star beast masters, auctioning various young beasts. Hu Shiqi also wants to take advantage of the money in her hand to pick a beast pet that suits her, so she borrowed the computer in the guest room to check the information.

However, she looked through the Blue Star beast pet rankings, and looked at the auction manual given to her by Xu Fei. She looked up the strategy and studied it for a long time, but she didn't like any of them...

In fact, they were not particularly bad, but they just couldn't compare with Perfect... This is not conducive to family building.

Or should I choose a healing system?

Hu Shiqi touched his chin and hesitated.

She picked up Perfect because she had no money. Now that she has money, she must buy the best within her ability.

You get what you pay for, this is an eternal truth, you can't just hope to get a bargain... Moreover, good things will not be circulated in the market. She had searched all the pets in the pet breeding base in Liuheng City, but couldn't find a single golden one.

Because she couldn't make up her mind, Kitsune Shichi simply logged into the official website of Tagor College and submitted the information, including: proof of mental level, proof of soul strength, ID card, high school entrance examination results (……)

The information is all on the phone.

Kitsune Shichi glanced at his high school entrance exam results and calmly... clicked Submit

""Dong dong dong", there was a knock on the door.

Kitsune Yachi subconsciously closed the webpage

"Come in"

""Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you."

Xu Fei pushed the door open and walked in, holding a few pages of printed paper in his hand.

He was restless... After a long struggle, he finally took Dr. Wang's paper to apologize.

"I found this by accident and thought you might be interested."

Xu Fei said, and couldn't help but sneak a peek at the computer screen, but saw nothing.

"Elemental Life Slime……?"

Kitsune Shichi took the papers and read them quickly.

The gist was: Slime is suitable for practicing both magic and martial arts, has strong mental power, is proficient in all elements, and has a strong pseudo-flesh. This kind of creature is favored by God. If it has an extremely long lifespan, other species in the world will become extinct.

Kitsune Shichi: What a beautiful rainbow fart!

"Thank you so much!"

Fox Seven read it again and decided to cut out the entire paper and print it into a handbag. She would carry the bag to school in the future - assuming that Tagor College would accept her.

Seeing this, Xu Fei felt relieved and the smile on her face became normal. She finally felt much better.

"When are we leaving?" Fox Seven asked.

Xu Fei looked at his watch and said,"Let's go. It's now."


The Silver Moon Auction House, one of the three largest auction houses on Blue Star, is affiliated with the Yin Family of Nine-Tailed Province.

According to legend, the Yin Family once bred a god-level pet beast, the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox. However, in recent years, the Yin Family has been short of talent, but it is still very rich, and the family's wealth ranks among the top three in the entire galaxy.

It was hot and dry outside, but it was freezing cold inside, and there was a faint fragrance that made people feel refreshed.

Kitsune Shichi followed Xu Fei into the extraordinarily spacious venue. In front of them was a young couple, who were holding each other's arms and whispering about the upcoming auction.

"Is there anything you want?" the man asked

"I want a crystal blue robin."The woman said

"But after it evolves, it will lose the ability to fly."

"Aren't there other directions for evolution?"


At this time, a boy in a black leather jacket came towards them. He had silver-gray half-long hair tied in a braid at the back of his head and a pair of big sunglasses on his face. When

Xu Fei saw him, he couldn't help but slow down his pace.

However, the man just glanced at him and walked past him without stopping from beginning to end.

Kitsune Shichi also noticed something was wrong and looked back. He only saw that the boy's eyes were light gray, but the whites of his eyes - the whites of his eyes were black?!

"Your brother?" Fox Seven asked in a low voice.

She had heard that there were five children in this generation of the Xu family. The third and fourth were twin girls, and Xu Fei was the youngest.

Xu Fei nodded,"He's my second brother."

Fox Seven understood. No wonder she felt that Xu Fei's eye color was wrong before. It turned out to be hereditary. In other words, he should have heterochromia, but he covered it up to avoid trouble.

""Everyone, please take out your invitations."

A beautiful maid came out and bowed to everyone. She had a curvy figure and was wearing a red off-shoulder cheongsam.

Xu Fei handed over the invitation, and the maid took it respectfully. Her charming eyes shot out a green light. After a moment, she finished checking it, smiled and stepped aside, revealing the door behind her.

Kitsune Shichi realized that this was a bionic man.

Then, she followed Xu Fei into the venue. The lights were dim, with only one light in the center. Small private rooms had their doors open and were arranged in a circle around the auction table in the center. Some were suspended in the air, and some were slowly adjusting their angles in the air.

They walked directly into the nearest private room. After they sat down, the private room rose, and the wall in front of them also faded in color, becoming as transparent as glass, but reflecting a strange black light. , as if telling the people inside: People outside can't see you.

Fox Seven quietly flipped through the auction brochure.

She paused just after reading the first page, because on the first page, the opening item was a huge black crystal ore mother, 56*37*28, and the item was classified as a gem ornament. There was a turbid shadow inside that was darker than black.

Starting price: 1.8 million.

Compared with the rare beast pets with starting prices of tens of millions, this price is really affordable.

Fox Seven rubbed her chin and thought of the seriously injured ore beast pet. Because she later checked on the Internet, it seemed that no one knew that those ores were also beast pets.

So, although you get what you pay for, maybe... this time, she can still try to pick up a bargain?

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! I am the auctioneer Mittel. Without further ado, I will now present the first auction item to you - the legendary super-grade gemstone, the hardest treasure, a miracle that cannot be cut: Black Crystal Mother Ore!"

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