It was not until she returned to Xu Fei's residence that Hu Shiqi breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thanking the Xu family for being so rich that each person could live alone in a house.

Oh, she was really exhausted after carrying such a large stone all the way.

""Butler, give me a set of medical examinations!"

Xu Fei shouted to the room as soon as he entered the room.

Back under normal lighting, his condition was even more terrifying, his face was as white as paper, his eyes were red, as if all the blood on his face had turned into red bloodshot, squeezed into his eyes.

"You call this okay?"

Kitsune Shichi couldn't bear to look at it.

However, three minutes later, Xu Fei's test report came out. All the data were within the normal range. According to this indicator, he was strong enough to kill a bear.

"You are worthy of being a dragon. Just by the contract, you can repay me to this extent?" Fox Seven couldn't believe it.

Xu Fei sat on the sofa, supporting himself with his arms, as if he was drunk."Of course not, this mainly depends on your own training. You can do it if you practice.……"

Kitsune Shichi refused to believe it,"Smart Butler! Test it for me too!"

A few minutes later,���The test results came out again, and several indicators were not good. The diagnosis was: malnutrition.

Kitsune Shichi:?

She held the report, speechless.

But there was nothing she could do. The original body had relied on nutrient solution to survive, and occasionally got snacks from schoolmates. Kitsune Shichi, after eating on Zhou's island for a few days, was thrown out of the secret realm again. For seven or eight days in a row, he relied on energy solution to survive.

Thinking about it this way, it is normal to be unhealthy.

"Since everything is fine, let's go back and rest, shall we? By the way, there is no camera in your guest room, right?"

Fox Seven picked up the Black Crystal Mineral Mother again. She couldn't wait to be alone and take a closer look at this big treasure.

"There are no cameras installed, don't worry."

Xu Fei nodded, his voice was relatively calm.

Hu Shiqi turned around and walked away, but stopped after two steps, turned back and added:

"If you really feel uncomfortable, you can come and call me, don't be embarrassed."

Yes, Hu Yaqi now suspects that Xu Fei is having a panic attack, which is a manifestation of anxiety disorder, so he repeatedly examined her but could not find any problems.

But at the moment, their relationship has not reached this point, and suddenly persuading her to see a psychiatrist...?

Ha, Hu Yaqi doesn't want to be thrown into the lower city.

So, she will just be a guest quietly.


Guest room.

Enter, close the door, turn on the light.

Once she entered, Kitsune Shichi could no longer control the smile on her face. She rushed to the desk, put down the black crystal ore mother lightly, threw down her schoolbag, and ran to the window sill to close the curtains.

As a result, it took only one second to complete this set of actions. Kitsune Shichi turned around and found that Perfect had returned to its original size. He was lowering his head and stroking the surface of the black crystal ore mother intoxicatedly... and his cold and fairy-like face also showed four words: salivating.

"Stop it, you bastard!!!"

Fox Seven almost spat out a mouthful of blood, lowered her voice and pounced over, snatching the food from the tiger's mouth. After a careful inspection, she was heartbroken to find that... the black crystal ore mother was missing a horn!


She quickly opened the system to check, fortunately, it was still [click to wake up], and there was no [serious injury].

Perfect was unhappy, and the tip of her tail"slapped" on the ground.

Fox Seven glanced at it and pouted.

How come a good mermaid is becoming more and more like a snake after being raised by her?... Oh, yes, she just bought more than 600 silver snake heart cores for it today, and almost forgot.

Thinking of this, Fox Seven's eyelids jumped again, walked up to touch Perfect's arm, opened the system and saw:

【[Evolution Degree]: 100%

""Okay, okay, don't be angry, this is Lao San, he will help you hunt and catch delicious food in the future."

Kitsune Yachi comforted Wanmei again.

She was not going to let Wanmei advance at 100% because the system had not yet shown"click to evolve". According to speculation,"click to evolve" was likely to mean the best evolutionary direction.

"Here, eat this for you!"

Foxy Seven rummaged through her schoolbag again. She also bought a bunch of jewelry in bits and pieces. They were all handmade by a certain master, beloved collection, and reluctantly parted with. They were made of all kinds of rare metals that Foxy Seven had never heard of or seen. They had no other uses, just looked good.

Among them, there was a particularly rustic shape... No, it was an open bracelet with a particularly old feel. There were two ends of the bracelet, one was a dragon and the other was a phoenix. The dragon's pupils were dark blue, and the phoenix's eyes were scarlet. The carving was exquisite, and it looked extremely luxurious under the lights of the auction house.

But it was just a machine-cast gold bracelet. The auctioneer didn't introduce its origin in detail, but only said that the four small gems that served as eyes were very rare.

The starting price was 650,000.

Foxy Seven had bid a lot before, so she also bid for this one because this bracelet reminded her of the past.

In the previous life, those gold shops in shopping malls would always display gold jewelry in the transparent cabinets at the door. No matter whether it looked good or not, Foxy Seven couldn't afford it anyway.

Now I can have a taste of it.

"Alas, this auction is really poisonous……"

Everyone is rushing to buy things, which makes people lose their minds and buy a lot of unnecessary things for no reason.……

"I'll give you this to eat, and let the third brother go.……"

Kitsune Shichi took out the dragon and phoenix bracelet and handed it to Wanmei. No one was fighting for this bracelet, so she only raised the price by 50,000 and she took it.

There were also some small pieces of jewelry, but as long as they didn't seem necessary and were not gifts for others, Kitsune Shichi took them all out and handed them to Wanmei.

Eating more jewelry will make it look better.

Wanmei took it happily and forgot the unpleasantness just now.

Kitsune Shichi didn't care at first, but a few seconds later, she heard the voice in her soul, and she suddenly looked up and looked over in disbelief.


The bracelet actually lost its gold color and turned into a transparent stream of light. The dragon head and phoenix head turned into a green snake and a kingfisher. The snake's pupils were sky blue, and the bird's eyes were pink. The four small gems were still firmly embedded in the illusory bracelet shadow, rolling in the slime's body and dancing with the white foam.

The last person who could withstand [Swallow] was the identity card of the alchemist Liu Yan and his space navel nail.


Fox Seven couldn't help but swear.

At this moment, she stared at the light, stretched out her hand tremblingly, passed through the water-colored body of the slime, and hooked the illusory light bracelet with her slender fingers.

Fox Seven subconsciously extended her mental power, and as soon as she touched the four small gems that had changed color, she was attracted to pour them in. Then, a large space of nearly 15 cubic meters appeared in front of her, with only one page of paper in it.

However, before she could see clearly what was written on the paper, she heard a rapid and urgent staggering sound from the corridor outside the door, stumbling, and faintly heard a low and hoarse roar of pain, as if someone was pinching the neck.

But that voice didn't sound like Xu Fei.

Fox Seven turned around and put the black crystal ore mother into the space

——She was used to emergencies.

The bridge of souls lit up, and a faint green flame lit up on her body. She rolled up her perfect tail and floated into the air. Without waiting for the thing to come and knock on the door, she took the initiative to reach out and twist the door open.

Then a bunch of empty clothes rushed in - no, not empty clothes.

Kitsune Shichi's eyes flashed, and he saw that the lower half of Xu Fei's pants were still lying outside the door, and only the upper half of the shirt was struggling with a small thing, round and chubby, jumping around in the clothes, first pressing against the waistband, and then drilling into the trouser leg, stuck, and couldn't get out no matter what.

Kitsune Shichi watched silently for a few seconds

""Xu Fei?" she asked tentatively.

The round thing paused.


It called out hesitantly, in a baby voice.


The flames went out, and Kitsune Shichi finally had time to gasp in pain.

She walked over, lifted her trouser legs, and shook them, only to see a gray, fluffy little ball of fur"plop" falling to the ground.

Kitsune Shichi squatted on the ground, staring at the freshly baked gray ball of fur.

"Xu Fei, your birthday was really too exciting.……"

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