"Xu Fei, are we friends?"

Fox Seven squatted on the ground and extended his hand in a friendly manner. The light shone down from above, and the huge black shadow almost covered the fur ball on the ground.

The latter blinked and trembled faintly.

Everything was silent.

Then, the little fur ball moved its short legs, raised its paws, and quietly... retreated a little.

Fox Seven also quietly moved forward.

"Although we have only known each other for a short time, since we have met, it is fate... right?"

Kitsune asked softly, his slender eyebrows tilted downwards, his butterfly-like eyelashes fluttering, as if to cover up the loss in his eyes.

"But you are of noble birth, and I am just a commoner. This so-called friendship...maybe it is just my wishful thinking."

After saying this, she took a deep breath, sighed slowly, and her eyes drifted into the distance, with infinite melancholy.


The little fur ball immediately jumped twice and shook its head violently as if in denial.

However, when it moved a lot, people realized that it also had a neck and a body! It was just that the fur was too thick and fluffy like wool curls, creating a round visual effect.

"Then...Xu Fei, you mean, we are friends? Do you admit it?"

Hu Shiqi hesitated.

Her eyes flickered, because she suddenly found that there was a fluffy tail behind the little fur ball, which was pressed under its buttocks and stepped on it with its claws.


The little fur ball tried hard not to sound childish anymore, but its tiny mouth, even if opened as wide as possible, couldn't fit a finger in. Its snow-white teeth gleamed white like broken diamonds. Look closely, they were sharp. Look even more closely... kawaii.

"You admit it, right?"


"Oh, this is really touching.……"

Kitsuneshichi sighed, smiled faintly, and without hesitation, reached out and grabbed the little fur ball, with a wider smile on her face.

When she spoke again, her style changed drastically.——

"Now that we are all friends, and you have become so cute, shouldn't you let your brother have some fun?"

Little fur ball:?!!

However, it was too late at this moment, and could only be ravaged, with its front paws kicking wildly and its hind paws clamping its tail to cover its butt


"Xu Fei, your touch feels so good!"

Hu Yaqi rubbed it wildly. After traveling through time and space for so long, she finally got some fur! And it wouldn't bite, it was super safe!

"It even has ears!"

The small ears were covered by the fluff on the top of its head. They were thin, pointed, triangular, and soft.

Kitsune Shichi poked it twice, and the little fur ball's eyes were covered with tears. Its little head rubbed upwards and its tail swayed. But before it finished the action, it froze and retracted its head, continuing to clamp its tail tightly.


"Don’t worry, I’m determined to make you my brother!"


"Calm down, it's just a beast pet, it's no big deal."

Kitsune Shichi comforted, holding the little fur ball and standing up.

As soon as she touched it, she saw the system panel, the color was between red and purple, it looked like it had good qualifications.

【[Name]: Little Fox Ball [Mixed Blood]

【Attributes: Fire

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Level]: Ordinary

【Skills]: Charm (Low Level 0/200)

【Status]: Moon Alliance (Excellent)

【Evolution level]: 1%

【[Evolution Path]: Little Fox Ball - Two-tailed Little Moon Fox - Three-tailed (Fire/Poison) Moon Fox - Four-tailed (Fire/Poison) Moon Fox - Five-tailed (Fire/Poison) Moon Fox King

Not bad, it can evolve to the King level.

A fluffy fox pet, beautiful, smart and clever, and the most popular fire type in the market...

Fox Seven is now a worldly person. After a quick calculation, Xu Fei's current worth is more than tens of millions...

She took out her mobile phone and pretended to take some photos. Sure enough, she found the little fox ball, but the little fox balls on the Internet are all milky white without exception, and Xu Fei... gray, maybe the fur color is confused by the black hair color of humans?

"No wonder, I didn't understand it at first. Your brother Xu Jinbai, as the eldest, is 17 years old, and you are the fifth, 15 years old. How can a normal person have 5 children in two years?……"

Even if the third and fourth children are twins, this speed of birth is too fast.

Kitsune Shichi couldn't help but complain. She thought it was the almighty principle of filial piety that worked, but she didn't expect it was a beast pet. No wonder……

"I was wondering, your house is dark when I first arrived. So you put up a big curtain to avoid the awakening of your bloodline? You are a moon fox, you need to bask in the moonlight more often."

"Woo……"The fur ball curled up into a ball.

Kitsune Shichi decided to trust her instincts more in the future and stop looking for science in this broken world, because there is no science in this world.

Yes, she has figured it out. The eyes and hair color of Xu Fei's second brother... he is probably mixed-blood. When he saw him in the afternoon, his hair was still silver-gray, but it has just turned silver-white.

It seems that Xu Fei's brothers and sisters are all mixed-blood, including Xu Jinbai. After all, their human forms look similar...

They are indeed a big family, and they are really good at playing.

Kitsune Shichi was amazed in his heart, but he looked as steady as an old dog.

"Come on, I see you are in good health, I will send you back to your bedroom. Don't whine, you have to think positively, you are a little fox ball now, and you will be a little moon fox if you evolve again. The species has changed, and maybe with the upgrade, the strength of your soul will also increase? Isn't this your chance to soar into the sky?"

Fox Shiqi said casually, bending down to pick up the clothes on the ground, and took the little fox ball Xu Fei to the latter's bedroom. The little fox ball was stunned, blinked and froze, this time even forgetting to clamp its tail, allowing itself to be rubbed.

Pushing open the bedroom door, bright moonlight poured in from the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, the curtains were only half drawn, and the slippers were scattered here and there.

It was obvious that someone's body could not withstand the stimulation of the moonlight while drawing the curtains, and changes occurred.

Fox Shiqi threw the little fox ball onto his big bed.


The small ball of gray hair almost blended into the dark gray bed sheet.

It moved, raised its head in disappointment, and blinked unhappily. However, the girl in the distance did not receive the message it sent at all, and turned around and walked away.

……Is that all?

……What about your curiosity?

"You know what? Xu Fei, you remind me of a famous stalk now," Fox Seven walked over and opened the curtains, making a joke,"Every morning, the overbearing president wakes up from his 500-square-meter bed and crawls out of bed for 15 minutes.……"

After that, she waved her hand and said,"Goodbye." Anyway,

Xu Fei couldn't answer at the moment, so she could only squat in the middle of the bed. At first glance, she looked quite well-behaved and pitiful.

"Take a rest, and we'll talk about the rest tomorrow."

Before leaving, Kitsune Shichi glanced down at the new bracelet on her hand. This bracelet was like air, with no sense of existence. One had to look very closely to see the four small gems. They were attached to the inside of her wrist, and they would only flash when facing the light.

As for the paper...

Kitsune Shichi also took a quick look. It was full of names of medicinal herbs, a whole page, with no less than thirty or forty kinds.

【Soul-soothing Pills - Recipe].

Okay, another good thing that I don't need for the time being.

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