Regarding the matter of alchemists, there is no information on the Internet. A hard search can only bring up novels and TV dramas, not to mention the Soul-Cleansing Pill.

Back in the guest room, Kitsune Shichi studied the Black Crystal Ore Mother again.

In the system interface, the four big words"Click to Wake Up" kept flashing.

She just looked at it and was not tempted.

Are you kidding? This is someone else's territory.

Her mental strength is not up to standard now, so she can't make a contract.

If the noise is too loud, let alone an eight-star beastmaster, even if a three-star beastmaster comes, she will have to hand over the Black Crystal Ore Mother on the spot, unless she doesn't want to live.

The man is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure.

Kitsune Shichi does not intend to test human nature. She has no relatives in this world, so she has to be careful in everything.

If she died alone, it would be fine, but if she also implicated Perfection, under the current situation, it would only perish together with the enemy.

‘……Can't die...Kill them……’

On the other side of the bed, the tall mermaid obediently bent down and gently placed her face on the palm of Fox Seven's hand, her eyebrows slightly raised, and her smile bloomed like a short-lived flower.

That smile, accompanied by rubbing and caressing, was even more intoxicating.

‘……Want to evolve...……’

After the evolution reaches 100%, the perfect mood becomes richer. Although there is only a slight change, Kitsune Yashi is close to its soul, and any change cannot escape her perception.

‘I will go back tomorrow and I won't be in a hurry to evolve.'

Kitsune Shichi also answered it in the depths of her soul.

She now suspected that the rumors on the Internet were all false. Her slime... was too ambitious. It swallowed materials worth more than 20 million, and it was as bland as drinking a glass of boiled water. Now it is even more coquettish and cute, asking for evolution...

Is there something wrong?

Kitsune Shichi's instincts shouted, but she stuck to the perfect soul for a few minutes and found that it was in a stable mood, calm and happy, and there was no other thought in its mind except sticking to it.

‘Wait for the best evolution direction'

So Kitsune Shichi was heartless.

Moreover, compared to the Xu family, she hoped to return to the island to let Perfection evolve. In case of special circumstances, there was also Karachi...

Hey, strange, they have only known each other for a few days, why would she be so confident in other people's pets?

Kitsune Shichi was stunned, frowned, thought for a long time, and could only sigh that Karachi's image as a"female elder" was deeply rooted in people's hearts. She looked like a hot-tempered beauty, she was honest and caring...

After a few times, she let down her guard.


There is no use thinking too much.

Fox Seven turned off the light with a click, and got into the quilt with her fishtail in her arms.

The world is big, but sleeping is the most important thing.

Let all the mess go with the wind~

That night, Fox Seven slept soundly. When she opened her eyes, the sun was already high in the sky, and she was nestled in the perfect arms.

If it were in the past, she would definitely be awkward and pretentious, but after experiencing the Blue Eclipse Secret Realm, all of this is not a problem.

"Yawn~ Perfect, lift your tail."

Kushiya Qi sat up while rubbing her eyes, moving her shoulders, and pushed the warm fish tail off her body with a skillful push.

After a simple wash, she opened the door, her nose moved slightly, and she followed the smell of food to a room.

The door was half open, and Xu Fei obviously heard the movement. She stood up unnaturally, turned around and took a large plate from the cart behind.

Not seeing the little fox ball, Hu Shiqi was a little disappointed, and secretly glanced at Xu Fei's head, but didn't see the fox ears either.

……This brotherhood faded in an instant

"Good morning~" Fox Seven said weakly

"Good morning." Xu Fei replied, pretending not to understand what Hu Shiqi meant by aiming at his head.

He hadn't slept all night. After becoming a pet, the beast control space disappeared. He couldn't call out A'long, so he could only study the method of absorbing energy by himself facing the moon.……

"It's already noon. Sorry, I scared you last night. Did you sleep well?"

Xu Fei brought the plate over. When he stretched out his arms, a section of black leather belt wrapped in layers was vaguely revealed. The red crystal pendant fell from his cuffs. As it swayed, energy flowed.

When Fox Seven saw the bright red in his peripheral vision, his eyes instantly fell on Xu Fei's wrist.……

"Aaron's collar?"

Suddenly, her expression became strange.

Xu Fei's eyes followed and he sat back, calmly putting his hands in his trouser pockets.

He turned his head and explained casually:"I am also a fire type. Aaron, I will buy him another one."

The atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became weird.

"Did it work?" Kitsune Shichi asked awkwardly, poking the fried egg with chopsticks and stuffing it into his mouth reluctantly. Thinking of how he had ruthlessly abused the little fox ball last night, he lost his appetite. He felt so good at the time, but he was burned to death afterwards.……

"It's OK." Xu Fei really answered, and he raised his eyes again,"The only problem is……"

"I will keep it a secret!"Hu Yaqi said immediately.

Xu Fei was stunned for a moment and couldn't help laughing.

"No, that's not what I meant to say... But this matter does need to be kept secret, so as not to be picked on by others."

He actually made a joke

"Um……"Kitsune Shichi glanced away immediately. She was not that violent."It's not my problem. You are a fox, and it's weird to have curly hair.……"

Xu Fei suddenly started to cough,"Ahem, no, okay," he was a little annoyed,"I just wanted to say... forget it, or you can eat first, and we'll talk later."

Brother, who can still eat after you say that?

As soon as Hu Yaqi's chopsticks stopped, he quickly took two mouthfuls of rice.

Mainly because she was also very curious, because Xu Fei's buffs were too full!

Half-orc, a useless young master of a big family, a dragon egg that she picked up at the beginning, and blood awakening when she grew up...

Of course, she herself is not bad, and her buffs are also full!

Hu Yaqi's second-rate soul was burning, and while eating quickly, she counted in her heart: damaged mental strength, broken engagement, soul talent SSS, awakening system next to the trash can...

She took a tissue to wipe her mouth, and looked up at Xu Fei

"Brother, how about we join forces to dominate the world?"

"……Since you call me brother, Hu Ya, we are friends, right?"

Xu Fei did not refuse, his eyes flickered for a moment.

Hu Yaqi's eyelids suddenly jumped, and he felt something was wrong. There was a trick!

"And... although we have only known each other for a short time, since we have met, it must be fate, right?"

Xu Fei continued to ask.

Hearing this, Kitsune Shichi broke out in a cold sweat. Mainly because Xu Fei's words sounded a little familiar to her...

Seeing that she didn't answer, Xu Fei sighed,"Alas, I am presumptuous. It is true that with my... B- qualifications, it is impossible for me to make friends with a genius like you. Only a genius like big brother can...……"

"This, in fact, is not the case.……"

Kitsune could only deny it, as if a mouthful of blood was stuck in his throat.

"That's good!" Xu Fei smiled, the sadness on her face instantly disappeared, and she stood up and walked towards Hu Yaqi.——

"I just awakened a skill, and it seems that it can only be used on the opposite sex. Can you help me try it... Hey? Friend! Don't run! Friend!"

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