Although he took the slime away, Kitsune Shichi did not make up his mind to sign a contract with it directly. Instead, he spent two yuan to take a bus to the pet base in Liuheng City.

During this time, someone called her, but she didn't answer because it was an unfamiliar number. She was studying the golden light screen in the car.

Because she had just used her mind to control the back and found that there was another [Evolution Route】

【[Name]: Slime [Contractable]

【Attributes: Dark

【Level: Primary

【[Racial Level]: Ordinary

【Skills: Devour (low level 17/200), Sprint (low level 0/200), Immunity (0/200), Perception (2/200)

【Evolution level]: 60%

【[Evolution Path]: Slime - Elemental Slime of (Light/Dark/Water/Fire/Rock/Wind) - Elf Slime of (Light/Dark/Water/Fire/Rock/Wind)——???——???——???——???

Because it had just eaten, the Devouring skill of this slime increased by 2 points. This progress bar should refer to the skill proficiency.

Kitsuneya Nana pressed the evolution route and counted. There were three forms with names, plus those question marks. Does it mean that the slime can evolve to the god level?

"God-level pet……"

Pie in the sky, looks beautiful, but actually scary, how can slime evolve to god level?

Fox Seven scratched her hair and decided to go to the pet base first. This golden finger appeared too suddenly. It started bombarding her this morning, which made her seriously lack the sense of reality.

"The road ahead is under attack by the enemy. The vehicle is about to turn around. Please hold on to the handrails and be careful not to fall."

At this time, the alarm sounded in the car. Kitsune Shichi grabbed the armrest of the seat in front and looked out the window. He felt that the outside was peaceful and there was no disturbance.

""Enemy attack?"

She muttered quietly, not taking it too seriously. Although she heard that the nights on Blue Star were chaotic, she didn't take it seriously because the surrounding environment was too similar to her original world. In her original world, it was normal to go out and play in the middle of the night.


A cat's cry came from behind her.

She quickly looked back and found that there was a forty-year-old uncle sitting behind her.

He had short black hair and dark red eyes.

He was wearing a neat suit, and a black kitten was squatting on his knees.

He had an extraordinary aura and was obviously a high-level beastmaster.

The kitten's pupils were also dark red, and two red halos were suspended on its pointed ears.

There were two red circles on each of its front paws.

It was wagging its tail and staring at Kitsune Shichi.

Its pupils shrank into a dot in the early morning.

So cute. Kitsune Shichi stared at the unknown kitten, and his brain twitched, and he opened his mouth and uttered:"Meow~"


Middle-aged black-haired man:"……"

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. Kitsune Shichi felt a little uneasy for some reason. She suddenly realized that there were only two passengers on the bus, her and the middle-aged man. No, there were quite a few people there 10 minutes ago. How come there are only two of them left now?

Her instinct was telling her to run.

But it seemed that she couldn't run. She couldn't jump out of the window. Kitsune Shichi blinked and greeted the middle-aged man,"Hello... No, hello."

The man didn't smile. Looking closely, his face was blurry. Although she could see his facial features clearly, she couldn't remember what he looked like. Instead, the more she looked at him, the more terrified she became.

Kitsune Shichi knew she was right, because the slime with perception skills in her hand was shaking. Its soft body was trembling like water waves, as if its hair had exploded.

""Excuse me, is there anything I can help you with?"

Fox Shichi asked again, not sure that the other party was coming for him. Level 11 mental strength is very common, and it is considered a bit of talent. There are a lot of them in a province. Level 3s soul strength is relatively rare, but there are many. After all, the higher the level, the longer you live, and there will always be more and more.

The middle-aged man really thought about it and said,"No."

But after saying this, he smiled, stood up a little and sat up straight, and the solemn and suffocating aura disappeared instantly.

Fox Shichi watched silently as the middle-aged man changed his posture, his legs folded together leisurely, the fabric rubbed, making an obscure"rustling" sound, as if sentencing someone to death.

"Can I pet your cat?" she asked

"Is this your last wish, 3S level?"The middle-aged man laughed, but there was no warmth in that smile. We were all going to die anyway. Fox Seven nodded. Who would have thought that he would encounter such a thing when he came out to play? He finally traveled to this different world, the cheat code was activated, and he even adopted a pet... and gave the pet a name...

Fox Seven lowered his eyes and looked at the slime in his palm. It was trembling.

Did it know that it could become a god?

It only had a lifespan of seven days, but it had four skills. It evolved to 60% by eating garbage, and it met her who happened to have the cheat code activated.……

"You can touch it." The man said, and as soon as he finished speaking, the pitch-black cat turned around and looked at him in disbelief, its long tail bristling with fur. It wailed and turned its head back, looking at Kitsune Shichi with an unfriendly look.

"It doesn't want me to touch it." Kitsune Yashichi said that she didn't force her hand, for no other reason than that she hadn't lived long enough.

"Then you can change your last wish." The man did not force it, and was still leisurely, as if killing someone was just like drinking a cup of tea to him, and if the tea was a little hot, he didn't mind waiting a little longer.

"……"Does this mean that she must die?

Kitsune Shichi was a little confused. She just came out to play, why did she encounter such a pervert? It was too sudden, and she had no power to fight back. Even despair was pale.

Could this be the law of the jungle?

The strong can treat the weak as they please, treat other people's lives as a joke, kill whenever they want, as they please.

So this is what it means to respect the strong. This is a completely unprovoked disaster for the weak.……

"Then can you help me take care of this slime?"

Fox Seven said, and pinched the slime in his hand again. The soft touch was really great. Maybe after death, she would go back. Maybe she couldn't go back, but she didn't feel particularly unwilling. Maybe it was because everything in this world was too strange to her, as if she was playing a game.

"Slime?" the man asked

"It can become a god-level~" replied Kitsune Yashichi.

And the slime seemed to understand her words, flattened, exploded, and twisted into a ball in her palm to express her shock.

This time, the man opposite Kitsune Yashichi laughed"Hahaha". It was a very scary scene. He only saw his mouth curved to laugh, but his eyes and eyebrows did not move at all.

"Do you know what God-level is?"He asked

"I don't know." Kitsune Yachi replied. She was no longer afraid at all because she was not even afraid of death.

"Then you still say it can reach the god level?" The man asked again,"A slime that is everywhere?"

"I think so," Kitsune continued to answer, and suddenly she felt that she had hope to live again, because this man was a madman, killing at will, which was completely confusing - no, this man - he seemed to think that she was ignorant, but he also thought she was very interesting.

"How about we make a bet?" Kitsune Yachi sat back and said to him, not knowing where she got the courage from.

She looked out the window and saw that the bus was still running on the road, but maybe it was a trick and she couldn't tell

"Give me a month, I'll upgrade it to the intermediate level and show you its potential. If you want it then, it won't be too late to kill me and take it away."

"It's interesting, but I don't want to take it away."The man laughed."What do you want? I have to place a bet, too. Participation is important."

"Don't kill me yet." Kitsune Yachi said immediately

"You misunderstood. I don't want to kill you." The man shook his head and reached out to touch the cat on his knee. His palm was broad and thick, and there was a wide black ring on his index finger.

Just like his face, the pattern on the ring was unclear, and it was hazy and crumpled into a ball.

"So what do you want to do?" Kitsune asked

"I want to recruit you." He answered.

Kitsuneya Nana:...

Is this recruiting? How big is the grudge?

"That's not necessary," Fox Seven's mouth twitched, and he replied,"If I have to say it, I'm just short of money now. After all, I have no power or influence. Even if you kill me, no one will seek justice for me, and no one will even know. So you just need to not kill me."

The middle-aged man laughed again after hearing this, and the space shook. Fox Seven vaguely heard the sound of hitting, and everything in her vision began to distort, and the temperature seemed to rise.

Is someone attacking? She looked around, and a sense of powerlessness surged in her heart, but at the same time she also felt unwilling - or, a desire.

She also wanted to - she also wanted to become strong, to become a strong man who could turn the clouds and rain with a flip of her hand!!!

At that moment, an invisible connection was built, like a bridge, suddenly piercing through the two souls, making Fox Seven feel another fragile life, and the balance of the contract also sank infinitely in an instant.——

"Got it."The man didn't take the outside interference to heart. He looked at the girl who had contracted the slime on the spot, and the corners of his mouth lifted up, revealing a real, happy and wanton smile this time. Of course, he could see that this girl was not just trying to get by, but was seriously betting with him!

She was very confident that she could cultivate the slime to the intermediate level within a month!

"Since you are betting on the future, then my bet should be a little bigger."

He said, and waved his left hand. A small purple dot appeared beside him. It grew from the size of a soybean to a giant vortex with a diameter of one meter in half a second. For a moment, the earth shook and Kitsune Shichi could not stand steadily. Even if she grabbed the handrail, she was thrown straight out!

Before she fell into a coma, she felt someone grabbing her. In addition, the voice of the mysterious man pierced her brain like a steel needle, laughing:

"See you in a month, hahahaha……"

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