"……She is the legendary 3s……"

"……What a pity. What a pity.……"

"Those guys in Shengxu are really up to no good... In order to destroy her, they actually forced her to sign a contract with Slime……"

"……It's good to be alive……"

"Yes, I didn't expect that this girl, at such a young age, would have such a strong temper... What a pity!……"

"God is jealous of talents, alas……"


With a splitting headache, Kitsune opened her eyes with difficulty. Her head was buzzing, and in front of her eyes were a patch of black and white snowflakes. She could feel herself lying on the bed, with the quilt covering only her abdomen, and her upper body was cold.

What were these people discussing?

Did they have to gossip in her ears?

"……ha……"Slowly, Kitsune Shichi exhaled and moved her neck stiffly. The sound in her ear became clearer. After a few seconds, her vision became clear: she was in the hospital - this was probably a hospital, although the instruments were strange and the walls were pink, which was nothing like the hospital in her memory.

There was no one in the room, but the voices were still ringing. Kitsune Shichi frowned, and slowly understood the whole story as she listened to the conversations of those people.

In short, that group of people believed that her qualifications were shocking, which aroused the covetousness of the dark forces, because the boss of the other party was also 3S level, and was a legendary terrifying god with nine beast pets. Seeing that she refused to obey, they forced her to contract a slime on the spot and completely destroyed her!

Kitsune Shichi:"……"

She rolled her eyes at the ceiling. How could these people be so good at making up stories?……?

"……It's horrible, to be humiliated like this……"

"……Better to die……"

"Yeah, it's better to kill her than this!"

Hey, hey, hey? Who is the villain? What's wrong with signing a contract with the slime? Haven't you heard that there is always a chance of failure? Whoever wants to die can go, but she doesn't want to die at all! The corner of Kitsune Yashi's mouth twitched, and her palm felt cold. A big round and crystal clear water ball jumped into her hand, twisting its body into a love heart, jumping around in her palm, very lively.

For a moment, joy, happiness, and hunger, all kinds of emotions poured into Kitsune Yashi's spiritual sea along the spiritual connection.

Super cute...!

Kitsune Yashi"slapped" it on her face, and it was cool as if she was applying a facial mask,"Super cute~ Don't listen to their nonsense, perfection is the best~!"

At this time, an equally round pink creature pushed the door open. It had big blue eyes and wore a snow-white nurse cap. It shouted to Kitsune Shichi:"Bang Bang!" Kitsune

Shichi turned her head to look, and then the creature's front paws emitted pink light waves, which instantly enveloped Kitsune Shichi on the bed. She blinked, and suddenly her head didn't hurt, her eyes were no longer blurry, and her arms and legs were strong.

She had a concussion the last second, and she's healed now?

Awesome, worthy of this fantasy world...

Kitsune Shichi finally felt a little better this time. She sat up, pulled the perfect thing off her face, and squeezed it hard.

The problem was, she had no money to pay for the medical expenses.

Kitsune Shichi pondered for two seconds, and the voice in her ear continued. This time, she clearly felt that her mental power was extending and penetrating in all directions.

The voices of those people came from next door.


The slime's skills popped up in her mind. Could it be that this is repaying the favor? But doesn't the Internet say that it is a low probability event to obtain the skills of a pet, and generally, the pet must be cultivated to a high level before there is a chance to receive the return of skills...

Oh, it must be because her perfection is too strong!

Thinking of this, Kitsune Yashichi was overjoyed and began to knead the big water ball in her hand. The soft touch really made her love it, and it was so clear that even under the death pink light of the hospital, it was as charming as a gem...

Profit! Profit big!

Who dares to say that the slime is weak? It can repay the beastmaster's skills at the primary level. Isn't it more powerful than a dragon!!!

"Bang bang!" The pink pet urged again, pointing its claws at the door behind it.

"You mean I can leave now, right?" Kitsune asked tentatively."……No need to pay?"

""Bang bang!" The pink pet looked at her strangely and nodded.

Ten minutes later, Fox Seven walked out of the hospital gate. After searching on the Internet, he found out that the social welfare of the Blue Star in this world is very good, especially those alien bosses, who have a lot of money and live long, basically regard supporting the construction of their hometown as their life career.

In addition, Qilin Province has many water-based pets, which have the richest healing skills in the entire Blue Star. Giving back to the society means that the cost of treatment is extremely low, especially for the citizens of Qilin Province. Minor injuries and pains do not cost money, and major diseases do not cost a few coins.

Fox Seven just learned about these.

【This is a planet without famine, war, where everyone can afford to read and everyone can afford to treat illness.

However, under the light, there must be a shadow.

Fox Seven turned two pages of comments and saw the word"Holy Ruins" under the video praising the greatness of Blue Star. She checked and found that this was... a very magical organization.

This organization believes that today's society is too good to the weak and seriously damages the interests of the strong. Those who have broken through to level 10 in their 20s are not worthy of becoming beastmasters, cannot participate in the sale of beast pets, and should be classified as second-class citizens. Even if powerful beast pets are contracted by humans, they should enjoy the same rights as human beastmasters.


It sounds like there is nothing wrong with it, but it is not the same in practice. You are strong and you are right. Blowing up a bus in the street, a centuries-old old man with an emperor-level pet, scaring a junior slime and an innocent girl who just turned fifteen... what does a human do?

Kitsune Shichi rolled her eyes silently.

So five minutes later, she got on the bus again.

According to common sense, most people would go home and rest after being attacked by terrorists, but Kitsune Shichi was as calm as if she was doing a game task, and seemed very calm.

Encountering an attack = encountering an emergency = receiving a new task of [making the slime evolve].

Isn't that great?

Twenty minutes later, she stood at the Liuheng City Intermediate Beast Taming Base. As the name suggests, the highest level of pets in this base are intermediate.

The pet base is open all year round, and there are people working 24 hours a day. After all, the habits of pets are different from those of humans. Some like to sleep during the day and be active at night, and some do not need to sleep all year round and are always energetic, such as undead creatures and ghosts.

"What kind of pet would you like to see?"

"No, I'm just looking around, I can't afford it." After saying this, Kitsune Shichi suddenly became quiet, and the salesperson let her go, but also symbolically gave her a booklet, which included a map of the base and the habits of the beasts and pets in each area.

"There are surveillance cameras in all areas, please do not irritate the pets, and if you are in danger please call for help immediately."

Fox Seven nodded, threw Perfection on top of his head, turned left and walked into the first area: water crabs.

This is a half-human-high cyan pet, with huge crab claws that have a gem-like texture and a gentle temperament.

She touched several of them in succession, and the information interfaces that popped up were all gray-green, with skills either [Jet] or [Rush]. Only one interface was purple, and it had three skills at the same time: [Rush], [Water Blade], and [Melt Water].

Fox Seven used the instrument given to her by the shopping guide to scan this crab with three skills. Wow, 680,000... and those cyan-green water crabs with single skills are generally priced around 200,000.……

""Sorry to bother you." She bowed and left, shedding tears of poverty. Suddenly, she thought of the big red shrimp teacher who taught her. Although she didn't know how much it was worth, she certainly couldn't afford it...

She actually coveted its body, shameless!

Going further in, Kitsune saw the electric light water crab again. It was a variant of the water crab. There was only one, occupying an entire area. It was also very gentle and allowed people to touch it.

The price was about 300,000, but it only had one skill.

The water crab could evolve to the general level at the highest. There were four forms in total. Most of them were the same evolutionary chain, and there were no question marks. Only the water crab with a purple interface had a fifth form, marked as"???", with the possibility of breaking through to the King level.

While checking, Kitsune Shichi was basically able to determine that the color of the information interface represents the qualifications of the beast pet. The better the qualifications, the more skills, and the longer the evolution chain."???"What is new is a new form that has never been seen before, because no one has ever cultivated a water crab to the king level.

If the same resources are consumed, people generally choose to cultivate the more rare species.

Going further in, there are all kinds of fish. Merchants always put the best things outside, so Kitsune Shichi even touched the white information board - why even the fish beast with zero skills���Can it be sold for 8,000 yuan?

At least the slime looks good, and at worst it has a [Sprint], so how did it end up like a garbage collector...

She checked online again, and she didn't expect there was a reason.

#Why doesn't anyone make a contract with a slime? ? ?

1L: [They are so cheap and beautiful, why doesn't anyone make a contract with them? They have such a short lifespan, they will die if they don't make a contract with them, isn't that a pity?]

2L: [Because slimes don't have brains... and they don't think they have a short lifespan...]

3L: [These creatures who only know how to eat are so happy, they don't want to evolve at all, they are happy as long as they have garbage to eat, no matter how much you persuade them...]

4L:[……Since you don't have the desire to become stronger, you just lie down, right? I'm actually a little envious.……]



Kitsune was startled and quickly took the dancing Perfection off his head. He pinched it, feeling the happiness and joy coming from it. Suddenly, he remembered: Although this guy has 4 skills, he only has proficiency in the Devour skill...

That means this guy has never sprinted! Even for a meal, he never tried to sprint, and he was even too lazy to grab food.

"If you can't reach the intermediate level, we will die together - die means death, but for you, one month is enough.

" Kitsune Yashichi pinched it again.

Although her words were terrible, the emotions conveyed in her heart were indifferent.

After she finished speaking, she calmed down and felt it.

Wanmei was wondering, it was really like what was said on the Internet, its thinking was very simple, simple to death, and it kept sending out emotional waves of"I like you","I like you","I don't want you to die","I don't want you to die".

"I don't know. I don't know how to level up. Should I just keep eating? Eat as much as you can, eat as hard as you can, eat while running, eat while sprinting, and expand your mental power like I did to sense if there is anything nearby that can be eaten.……"

Kitsune Shichi gave an example casually and pinched it lovingly,"Then you can become stronger, taller and stronger~"

Perfect jumped twice in her hand, twisted itself into a chubby heart shape, and then jumped into the fish tank opposite,"splashing" and splashing a big water!

Kitsune Shichi was stunned, and saw it clearly wrapped around the white fish pet, as if it had locked the fish beast in a transparent bubble. The next second, the fish beast's body began to melt rapidly... The speed was so fast that it caught people off guard.

"Ah!!! You can’t eat it alive, it’s too expensive! Stop and spit it out!!!"

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