"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry... I'm a novice beastmaster, and I just signed a contract today.……"

At the checkout counter, Kitsune Shichi was dejected, and a certain slime that had made a big mistake was put into the beast control space by her and was being confined.

How did the old saying go,"We are of the same root, why are we so anxious to hurt each other?" We are all beast pets, how can you eat each other without saying a word? Not to mention, it was eaten very cleanly, not even a fish bone was left……

"……It's okay, just pay the extra money."

The cashier at the Beast Taming Center was also a little embarrassed. Such an accident happened in the middle of the night.……

"It jumped into the incubator for the young. Those bubble fish were just born, their mental strength was weak and they had no skills. We were planning to deal with them anyway. We had planned to euthanize them tomorrow. You don't need to feel too stressed.……"

Then she picked up the card machine, a professional smile appeared on her face, and she asked gently:

"How do you plan to pay? By card, bank transfer, or cash? Or should we ask your parents to come over for you?"

Kitsune Yachi really wanted to cover her face, she didn't have any of these.

But she quickly thought about it and grasped the key point,"Are these bubble fish going to be euthanized?"

"Yes, we will post the task in the task center to find a pet with the skill of Devour. Bubble fish reproduce too fast, and they are low-level species that are artificially bred. According to the Convention on the Law of the Sea, they cannot be released at will."

The cashier patiently explained, and her speech gradually slowed down, with an uncertain look on her face.

Devour is a rare skill, a high-level skill of the dark system, but the pet contracted by the girl in front of her is a slime...

Devour is the racial skill of the slime.

Wait, who would contract a slime?

Looking at the young girl's tender face, the cashier felt a lump in her throat for the first time. She became a beastmaster at such a young age, but why did she choose a slime? Unless...……

"Excuse me, how do I accept the mission? Can you give me this mission?" Kitsune Yaqi told the truth,"Because I am still a minor, my parents are dead, and I have been living on government relief. I only have two hundred left in my pocket. If possible, I want to use this mission to pay off my debts. I'm sorry, I will definitely control it in the future and not let it eat randomly."

Kitsune Yaqi bowed sincerely. Eight thousand yuan for a fish - the most expensive meal she had eaten with her rich second-generation friends in her previous life, with several dishes, cost about the same amount.

But at that time, it was someone else's treat. She never expected that after coming to a different world, she would become the payer.

The cashier paused. Sure enough... at such a young age, not yet an adult, her mental strength has reached level ten. Even if she was born in an ordinary family, she would sell everything she had to buy a pet that suits her, and would never let go of her contracted slime... Alas, what a pity.

The cashier sighed, moved with compassion, put down the cash register and picked up the phone,"Wait a minute, I'll apply"


Ten minutes later, the application was approved.

Kitsune Shichi followed the young man from the General Office to the bubble fish breeding area and was very surprised by her good luck - who would have thought that the supervisor that the cashier lady called to report on was exactly Fang Ling who had tested her in the morning!

What a coincidence!

She was thinking wildly, but she didn't expect that the clerk named Zhou Ye was so annoyed that he stopped and blocked the door with an unhappy look on his face.

You know, this kind of task without any danger has a commission, and the beastmaster who accepts the task will return a part of the commission to him. Who would have thought that this yellow-haired girl would intervene and directly cut off his way to wealth.

"There are very strict requirements for euthanasia."

He pulled his hat, maintaining a polite tone, thinking: How can I let you do what you want?

"In order to reduce the pain, it is required to complete the swallowing within 0.3 seconds. Can your [Slime] do it?"

Zhou Ye deliberately emphasized the three words [Slime].

Fox Shiqi was stunned when she heard this.

She really didn't know.

A white light flashed in the palm of her hand, and a six-pointed star summoning array emerged.

The blue slime jumped out from the center of the array and fell to the ground.

The swallowing skill has evolved from 17 points to 20 points.

That fish is worth 3 points of skill proficiency, and the degree of evolution has increased by 1%!

Is the slime upgraded so quickly? At this rate, it will take less than a month to finish this meal.

It will evolve in two or three days!

Fox Shiqi nodded and remembered the short videos he had seen: Dragons are a high-level race with a long evolutionary cycle and strong strength. Slimes are low-level races with a short evolutionary cycle and weak strength. At first glance, it seems fair... No problem.

It can only be said that online short videos are harmful to people.

"I can definitely do it." She said without thinking. Anyone who admits defeat at this time is a fool."Perfect, go and prove your strength and show him what perfect euthanasia is!"

Zhou also sneered:"Little girl, I think you are just bragging. An ordinary slime can also euthanize animal pets? If they have this ability, why do they need to be in the garbage dump? They have been snatched away by others a long time ago."

"Don't think that you can get around the rules just because you are related to Sister Fang."

He snorted again, took out the stopwatch he had prepared long ago, and secretly turned on the camera on his glasses.

As long as he got the evidence, even if Fang Ling was the person in charge, he would have nothing to say. This little girl was poor and had a slime with her. If she stayed at their base to get benefits, his way of making money would be completely cut off!

"How about this," Zhou Ye said with a hypocritical smile, he pointed to the water tank,"I'll go and catch one for you to try. After all, they are pet animals with thoughts, we can't just watch them being tortured to death."

Perfect was jumping on the ground. Although it was a ball of water, it could easily jump two or three meters high. If its race was not a slime, its flexibility alone would be enough to make people fearful.

Zhou Ye glanced over and sneered.

Slime, this thing is a joke, and I don't know how it has survived from thousands of years ago to today. Ordinary ants in human society have their own society and racial rules, but slimes, they only know how to eat, their brains are empty, and they will turn into a pool of water after seven days, which is not much better than mayflies.

"No problem, let's give it a try."

Kitsune Yachi replied. She also noticed the man's unfriendly attitude, but she did not back down.

Are you kidding me? How could I back down?

""Perfect," she commanded. In the spiritual sea, the bridge across the soul lit up at this moment. The blue slime also flashed white light, and quickly jumped up, turning into a blue light, and activated the skill along with the command:"【Perception】Bubble Fish! 【Sprint】!【Devour】!"

What?! Zhou Ye's pupils shrank. The scene before him shattered his worldview. He saw the blue light rushing left and right. The huge water tank was like a swimming lightning. Wherever it passed, it stirred up a piece of snow-white foam. In just two seconds, the bubble fish in the tank were devoured!

Although they were just newborn fry, even if they had no skills, the bubble fish were genuine primary pets!

How could they be easily devoured by slimes?!

There were at least thirty or forty of them! How could it be possible...?!

He looked at the water tank in despair. The blue slime turned into a round shape again, as if it was just an ordinary bubble, floating in the clear sea water, slowly moving towards the water plants at the bottom of the fish tank.……

"you……"He turned around and asked stutteringly, only then he realized that his palms were sweaty, and before he could press the stopwatch,"Is it really an ordinary slime?"

This is really not a novel... like a super pet called [Lightning Swift Water Ball]???

"Of course not." Kitsune Shichi had no idea of the shock of others. She had a serious lack of common sense about this world, and she didn't know that her actions just now were equivalent to commanding a battle.

A novice beastmaster and a newborn slime, on the day of the mutual contract, fought a one-on-many battle without any running-in, and won in a crushing manner...

No matter which point, it was jaw-dropping.

However, the parties involved were unaware

"It is certainly not an ordinary slime."

Kitsuneya Nana was very proud, because the slime's information interface had reached 100% of its evolution!

In other words, her life was saved!

"——It's mine, perfect slime!"

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