Two days later, Kitsunechi returned to the Pet Registration Center. As luck would have it, the clerk who greeted her was still the beautiful lady with glasses, Yu Xin.

"Hey, little fox, it's you."

Yu Xin poured herself a cup of tea, pushed up her glasses, and smiled professionally at the girl outside the glass counter.

Humph, as a front-line clerk, she has seen the world, right? Even if the SSS genius in front of her upgraded the Sunshine Slime to a high-level pet in just two days, she can bear it!!!

"Come on, fill in the information first. You came early today. I just sat down."

Yu Xin opened the drawer, took out the advanced pet registration form and the new evolution registration form that she had prepared long ago, as well as a bunch of various materials, and pushed them out through the small gap in the window. At this moment, there were not many people in the pet registration center.

After yesterday's earth-shaking competition, when she returned to the street, Hu Shiqi found that she seemed to be famous. Everyone knew her. Even when she went to buy pancakes, the aunt gave her an extra egg and said that she would not let her pay for the egg.

Everyone was so enthusiastic...

Hu Shiqi vaguely understood why the Qilin Province The social welfare is the best. It is not unreasonable that the bigwigs of Qilin Province remember their hometown even when they go to the outer space and never forget the construction of their hometown...

If they start mining underground, struggling to make ends meet every day, a group of people above them will toast and sing and dance in peace and prosperity - wait for her to become a nine-star and send money?

It's so funny, I wonder if she won't turn the whole Jinwu Province upside down :)

In her mind, Kitsune Shichi turned into a little stickman, with a slime on his head and a floating island under his feet, raising his arms and shouting:"Are kings, princes, generals and ministers of different races?"

In reality, she looked through the materials and pushed them back to Yu Xin.

"Actually, my last name is Kitsuneya, and I'm not here to register the Sunshine Slime this time, but, um... I picked up a Karachi and it evolved into a new form.……"

Hmm? Yu Xin adjusted his expression.

Hmm? Yu Xin pushed his glasses again.

Hmm?!! Yu Xin had to take a big sip of water and turned on his phone to check the encyclopedia.

Karachi, Xiao Xiangyu's general-level evolution form, is extremely rare. Bloodthirsty, warlike, quiet, there is a certain chance of evolving into a king-level [Moon Kara], with combat power comparable to that of a dragon

"Oh... I picked up a Karachi."

This sounds normal. Yu Xin nodded in a daze. After all, she was a genius SSS. If she picked up a general-level pet and evolved it, it would only be a king-level... king-level??? Bloodthirsty and warlike????

Yu Xin slapped herself in the face - but she didn't really hit her. She controlled herself, changed her gestures, and gently pinched her face.

How could such a biological weapon appear in the city-level registration center? Or the registration point for junior and senior high school students???

This was not something she should see at all!!!

"Did you go the wrong way?"

Yu Xin smiled firmly. Her professional ethics as a government receptionist reached the highest level at this moment.

"You should go to the provincial animal pet registration center"

"No, I called, and the provincial animal pet registration center told me to go to the city to process it."

Hou Yaqi looked at her phone again. She had just made a call and wanted to take the opportunity to go to the provincial capital. I heard that there was a new animal pet amusement park there with many cute furry animals. Fuck the higher authorities, they bully the weak and fear the strong... Yu Xin kept a smile on the surface, cursing madly in her heart

"……All right, then you... take good care of it, I'll go get ready."

Yu Xin had no choice, she was just a clerk, she just got up and rummaged through the cabinet at the back - gifts from n retired seniors - and finally found the King-level Beast Pet Registration Guide.

That's right, a new business that has never been done before.

Yu Xin opened the manual and took a look. Due to nervousness, she subconsciously read out loud:"To confirm a new king-level form, we must first assess the danger level of the beast pet's general-level form.……"

System Assessment: Karachi, High Risk!!!

The red alert box was so red that it was almost black.

Yu Xin: Damn it!!! Shit boss!!!

A few seconds later, music for the end of work came from the loudspeaker in the registration center hall, and a beautiful voice was broadcasting simultaneously.——

"Dear beast masters, this registration center will stop serving the public in ten minutes. Please leave quickly. Please leave quickly.……"

There were only five or six people in the hall.

""What? It's my turn soon. I've been here since early this morning!"

Someone expressed his dissatisfaction loudly.

As soon as the words fell, a group of black-winged diamond beasts armed to the heels rushed down the stairs. Each of them was two meters tall, with broad shoulders and bodies, like black iron towers, and they forcibly and politely sent everyone out.……

"Hey, hey, hey...ah! What's going on? I want to complain to you.……"

"High-risk king-level beast pets need to be registered!"

So, there was no more noise at the scene.

One minute later, the scene was cleared.

Fox Seven was stunned the whole time. She had never seen such a scene before. It was just a registration... As for clearing the scene?

She coughed, a little unnatural.

Soon, the black-winged diamond beasts were on both sides, and a slim and sexy bunny-eared beauty walked down the stairs.

Ah! Bunny!! It's a bunny!!!

Fox Seven held his breath and saw the bunny-eared beauty walking towards him. Her slender thighs were wrapped in black stockings, her muscles stretched into a beautiful arc, and her explosive power was visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Fox Seven understood what"sexy but not borderline" meant, because this bunny-eared beauty had sharp eyes and was determined as if she wanted to join the party.

""General level snow bunny, ice cream."

The bunny-eared beauty introduced herself, twisting her slender waist, her long legs drawing an elegant arc, and standing still casually, it was like an advertisement blockbuster.

Fox Seven: Good, good, great, great……

"What is your primary form?"

Kitsuneya·Domineering President·Playboy·Seven: Within one minute, she needs all the information about this rabbit!!!

"……Short-haired rabbit."

Xue Gao Gao shuddered inexplicably, and felt a chill on her back, as if she was being stared at by countless predators at the same time, and the whole rabbit was not well.

Logically, she is a combat type, this shouldn't be the case...

Fox Seven solemnly took out his mobile phone and wrote the three words [Short-haired rabbit] on the mobile phone memo.

On the other hand, the miserable Yu Xin was also entrusted with an important task by his superiors.

——Although Karachi is dangerous and Yuekala is dangerous, they will not kill innocent people.

——The premise is, don't commit suicide, don't mess with it

——Oh yes, Karachi, Xijing.

For a while, the staff who were not related to this matter said"stomachache","children are sick","family emergencies", and ran away happily to the music of leaving work.

Although I didn't see where the king-level beast pet was, according to the energy detection, there was indeed a nuclear bomb-like energy reaction in the hall. Don't die at this time.

Yu Xin, holding the fresh blood that was urgently allocated, transformed into a waiter Xiaoyu, and said kindly:

"Dear Beast Tamer, please follow me to the conference room on the second floor. I have applied for assistance in the evaluation...Excuse me, are you the representative of the king-level beast pet?"

"I am its master."

Kitsuneya Nana took it for granted.

The future master is also the master, and this family must be revitalized. If there are no rules... She may have to get up at five o'clock in the future!!! This is absolutely impossible!!!

""Okay, Master... Oh no, sorry."

Yu Xin stumbled, but fortunately no one cared at the moment.

"Honorable beastmaster, please follow me. This drink is for your beast pet."

Kitsune Shichi shook his head at the cup of blood.

"It is now the new evolution of Karachi, not Yuekara, and does not drink blood anymore."

"What does it drink?"

"The dew before dawn"


"Right, it's better to drink blood, woo woo woo……"

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